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January 07, 2016 - Image 42

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2016-01-07

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Marisa (Rothstein) and Gary LaKind of Bloomfield
Hills are delighted to announce the birth of their son,
Masada Lyric (Masada Shir). Masada was welcomed
home by big brother Shyah, 6. Sharing in their joy are
proud grandparents Lawrence and Susan Rothstein.
Masada is named in loving memory of his maternal
great-grandmother Lee Rothstein.

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Camryn Elexis
Brown will be called
to the Torah as a bat
mitzvah on Saturday,
Jan. 9, at Temple
Beth El in
Township. She is the
loving daughter of
Julie and Steven
Brown and the sister
of Donovan Brown. She will be joined
in celebration by her proud grandpar-
ents Shirley Bernstein, and Helen and
Fred Brown. Camie is also the grand-
daughter of the late Newton Bernstein.
Camie is a student at West Hills
Middle School in Bloomfield Hills.
Among her many mitzvah experiences,
her most meaningful was volunteering
her time at Temple Beth El nursery
school this past summer, and she con-
tinues volunteering her time through-
out the school year.

Ryan Michael
(Mordecai Reuven)
of West Bloomfield
will become a bar
mitzvah on Saturday,
Jan. 9, at Temple
Beth El in
Township. He is the
son of Kimberly and
Gary Goodman, the brother of Sam
and the grandson of Ron Steinberg,
Barbi and Ed Krass, and Peter
Goodman. He is also the grandson of
the late Debra Steinberg.
Ryan is a seventh-grader at
Berkshire Middle School in Beverly
Hills. For his mitzvah project, he vol-
unteered at the Temple Beth El day





42 January 7 • 2016


Romy Lena Kennet
will read from the
Torah on the occa-
sion of her bat mitz-
vah at Temple Israel
in West Bloomfield
on Saturday, Jan. 9.
She is the loving
daughter of Orly and
Dr. Zvi Kennet and

grandchild of Ruth and Dov
Kantorowitz. Romy is also the grand-
child of the late Iris and the late Frank
She is a student at Detroit Country
Day in Beverly Hills. As part of her
mitzvah project, Romy volunteered
at the Friendship Circle in West
Bloomfield with individuals who have
special needs. She has found this expe-
rience to be very meaningful and she
continues to volunteer weekly.

Cole Layton
Seyburn, son of
Alisa and Marc
Seyburn, will lead
the congregation in
prayer on the occa-
sion of his bar mitz-
vah at Temple Israel
in West Bloomfield
on Friday, Jan. 8. He
will be joined in cel-
ebration by his siblings Shelby, Grant
and Stone. Cole is the loving grand-
child of Cynthia Dore, Ernest Fred
Dore, Bruce and Denise Seyburn, and
Joyce Golden Seyburn.
Cole is a student at Walnut Creek
Middle School in Walled Lake. As part
of his mitzvah experience, he worked
to combat hunger in the community
through holding a food drive to benefit
Hospitality House as well as volunteer-
ing at the facility.

Lev Joseph Sklar,
son of Julie Edgar
and David Sklar, will
read from the Torah
as a bar mitzvah on
Saturday, Jan. 9, at
Young Israel of Oak
Park. Joining in the
simchah will be his
brother, Daniel Sklar,
and proud grandpar-
ents, Richard and Myrna Edgar, and
Manuel Sklar. Lev will greatly miss the
presence of his grandmother, the late
Harriet Sklar.
Lev is a student at Hillel Day School
of Metropolitan Detroit in Farmington
Hills. His mitzvah project was deliver-
ing food for Berkley-based Yad Ezra.

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