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August 28, 2014 - Image 69

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-08-28

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arts & entertainment >> the best of everything

A Family Tradition Jewel!

For three decades, Pepino's has been a prominent dining favorite.


hat constitutes a stand-out
with rice, and many others of
restaurant whose longevity con- the food formulas or techniques
tains an auspicious record of
by Joe and Pepino's.
welcomed goodness among its customers?
As favorites of Pepino's cus-
Throughout the years, there may have
tomers, rainbow trout is closely
been many ... but even fewer in neighbor-
followed by lamb chops, filets,
hood prominence.
New York sirloin, boneless
Now in its 30th year, Pepino's restaurant
breast of chicken, veal dishes,
on Walled Lake Drive and Pontiac Trail,
baby back ribs, spaghetti dishes,
Walled Lake, certainly must be added to
tournedos of beef and so much
that prestigious list ... combining unceas-
beyond ... Under appetizers
ing high quality with continued consisten-
on the menu, the side dish of
cy, dollar-for-dollar value, menu excellence, angel hair pasta with slivered
superb service, etc.
almonds is absolutely delicious.
Neighborhood restaurants with a 30-year
Plenty of food to choose from, also ...
record such as Pepino's are not in heavy
fresh specials of the day that might include
numbers ... In fact, they are quite small.
items like whitefish Siciliano, calves' liver
Originally founded and owned by the
with onions and bacon, lake perch, pick-
late Joe and Helma Bernardi, Pepino's (his
erel, smelt, swordfish, yellow fin tuna,
mom used to call Joe
halibut, beef brisket,
her little Pepino) is
chicken pot pie, prime
presently owned and
rib, Long Island duck
operated by their
and, when in season,
daughters, Kathy
soft-shell crabs, jumbo
Kwiecinski and Carol
stone crabs, etc.
Carson, along with
Many people back
third partner, Dr. Chris
from out-of-town vaca-
Hutchinson, Kathy's
tions or elsewhere have
son-in-law and Carol's
heard about Pepino's
now having dancing ...
They still serve the
Carol Carson, Dr. Chris Hutchinson
"It was originally just
old-fashioned style of and Kathy Kwiecinski
a one-time event:' says
dining that is so much
Kathy. "But it was such
appreciated by hungry people and before-
a hit, and our customers loved the dancing,
dinner noshers ... Bowls of on-the-house
we book now every three or four weeks,
marinated navy beans and baskets of hot
mostly Saturdays but sometimes on Friday,
and fresh garlic toast, pumpernickel bread,
8 to 11. Many calls come in asking when
breadsticks, etc. ... It is nothing to see folks music night is."
gulp up those beans and garlic bread and
Same great service staff ... and behind
ask for more.
the well-stocked bar still personable Rick
The name "Pepino's" or the "Bernardi"
Sinkevics, who also works together with
of Joe and Helma, may signal the title of
Laurie Massey on the weekends when
an Italian restaurant, but it is by far much
Pepino's needs two bartenders.
more than that ... Biggest seller on the
Pepino's is one of those types of restau-
Pepino's menu is the beautiful rainbow
rants where waiting to be seated, rarely a
trout, a wonderful recipe by Joe Bernardi,
pleasure, is tolerated because of so much
as is the excellent Cuban black bean soup
wonderful anticipation.

.44,5Ar4E' L l




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Michael and Dr. Julie 's Birmingham home
... a live petting farm with llamas, sheep,
duck, rabbits, chickens and a pony for the
young kids to ride on the front lawn.
But Dr. Waldmann had a piece of birth-
day cake ... Even though it was for the
occasion of another attendee.
REUNION DEPT. ... 65th by Central
High School class of 1949, will be a lun-
cheon, Sunday, Sept. 7, at Glen Oaks
Golf Course Clubhouse, 13 Mile Road,
Farmington Hills ... For more info, contact
Bernice (Alper) Golde, (248) 683-3351
55th by Oak Park High class of 1959
is Saturday, Sept. 13, at Big Tommy's
Parthenon, Grand River, Novi ... Call Fran
(Golden) Uzansky, (248) 723-4448.
sixth day, God turned to the angel Gabriel
and said, "Today I am going to create a land
called Israel. It will be a land of outstanding
natural beauty. It will have rolling hills and
mountains full of goats and eagles, a spar-
kling, clear ocean full of sea life and high
cliffs overlooking white sandy beaches:'
God continued, "And I shall make the
land rich in oil to allow the inhabitants
to prosper. I shall call those inhabitants
`Jews' and they shall be known as the most
friendly people on earth:'
"But:' asked Gabriel, "Don't you think
you're being too generous to these Jews?"
"Not really:' replied God, "just wait and
see the neighbors I am going to give them:'
CONGRATS ... To Madeline "Maddie"
Forbes on her birthday ... To Dr. Harvey
Saperstein on his 81st birthday ... To
Monni Must on her birthday ... To Dr.
Robert "Bob" Waldmann on his birthday ...
To Bradford "Brad" Smith on his birthday
... To Bert Adelstein on his 89th birthday
... To Glen Goldstrom on his 85th birthday
... To Kristen Pricco on her birthday ...
To Glen and Iris Goldstrom on their 62nd

10% OFF

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and price of special combina-
tion plates at Golden Phoenix,
Orchard Lake Road, north of
15 Mile, in West Bloomfield's
Sugar Tree Plaza ... $11.95 for
complete meals, include egg
roll, choice of wonton, egg drop
or hot and sour soups, chicken
fried rice and hot tea ...
Selection from 18 dishes like
almond chicken, pepper steak,
moo goo gai kow, mongolian
beef, sweet and sour shrimp, etc.
12-ounce fresh Lake Superior broiled
whitefish ... $8.95 ... Includes soup or
salad, vegetable, potatoes or rice, bread
basket ... One week only, Thursday, Aug.
28, through Wednesday, Sept. 3 ... No cou-
pons ... Georges restaurant, Northwestern
Highway, West Bloomfield.
MENU MEMORIES ... From the
Piccadilly restaurant at the former Raleigh
House ... "If you try to rip off one of our table
menus, it will activate our electronic menu-
stealing machine, which will unlock a cage
filled with 124 gossiping women programmed
to talk your ear off for one whole year:'
IT COULD HAVE been a party for Dr.
Robert Waldmann honoring his birth-
day the next day, by the son-in-law and
daughter of Dr. Waldmann's good friend,
Dr. Michael Sherbin ... However the more
than 250 people who attended the shindig
in the large backyard of Michael and Dr.
Julie Sher were feted to their annual Dream
Cruise party with wide smiles for another
lovely evening ... as told-of-coming rain
stayed away.
All-you-can-eat food galore, wine, soft
drinks, etc. by caterers who knew their
business, six-piece live orchestra, complete-
ly covered tent surrounding colored string
lights and tables adorned with miniature
vintage cars ... and an opening hit with
children and adults on the front lawn of

Excludes tax, tip and beverages. With this ad. Banquet Services not included.

Dine in or Carry out. Expires 9/10/14

Consists of 50-minute session and time for
consultation and dressing. First time customers
only. Normal rate $89. Valid at participating
locations. See spa for details. Expires 9/15/14.


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24234 Orchard Lake Rd., N.E. corner of 10 Mile •


ek for lunch dinner




August 28 • 2014


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