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July 10, 2014 - Image 36

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-07-10

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Midwest professionals convene to ignite
programs and ideas for young Jewish adults.



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.1y 10 • 2014

rofessionals from around
the Midwest gathered
June 24 to learn how to
ignite young Jewish adults'
interest in local Jewish life.
The conference, hosted by NEXT: A
Division of Birthright Israel Foundation,
convened a local contingent of the
NEXTwork, the only national network
of engagement professionals and
leaders who work directly with
Birthright Israel alumni and young
Jewish adults across the country.
"It was incredibly exciting to host
this convention in Detroit, a city that is
a model for vibrant rebirth and activity
both in the Jewish and non-Jewish
worlds," says Morlie Levin, CEO of
NEXT. "NEXTGen Detroit shows how
a city can connect to and engage
young Jewish adults and tap into the
excitement created by the Birthright
Israel experience."
Attendees came from Michigan,
Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio,
Missouri and Kentucky to learn
engagement strategies that will shape
the Jewish journeys of thousands of
Birthright Israel alumni and their peers.
NEXT identified a challenge: Many
engagers don't have the resources
to work with young Jewish adults
to co-create programs that will
attract them to Jewish life. Attendees
learned strategies that will empower
the Birthright Israel generation to
generate authentic, meaningful Jewish
experiences for themselves and their
"We understand that truly engaging
young Jewish adults is about building
a relationship with each individual,
understanding and activating that
person's interests, and leveraging
that individual's network," says Yoni
Sarason, senior director of NEXT's
Midwest region. "We help each
professional working with young
adults to benefit from an expanded
network, new and deeper knowledge,
and tools they can take back to their
work. We've seen the impact of these
in-person gatherings and are excited
to energize the field of engagement
across the Midwest."
NEXT offers professionals the
opportunity to gain expertise from
leaders in the field and from fellow
professionals who have already
demonstrated successful models. These
models were presented in a round of
case studies, enabling professionals

Conference attendees discuss
engagement strategies.

to speak openly about the challenges
and successes they encountered along
the way.
"Hosting the convening in Detroit
certainly was an opportunity to
showcase what we've created here
— a thriving young adult Jewish
community," says Tara Forman,
outreach and engagement associate
of NEXTGen at the Jewish Federation
of Metropolitan Detroit. "Of course,
every city is different, but we think
that some of the strategies that have
worked here certainly translate to
other communities. The benefit of the
NEXTwork is the opportunity to come
together, share what we know across
the region and think creatively about
what else can be done."
The Midwest convening is part
of NEXT's strategy to consult with
communities and leaders to create
more and relevant opportunities
for Birthright Israel alumni and
young Jewish adults. This includes
sharing information about national
young adult engagement trends;
best practices for creating programs
and do-it-yourself opportunities for
Birthrighters; teaching the principles
that undergird the successful Taglit-
Birthright Israel educational platform;
and census-like data about young
Jewish adults in communities. Over
the past two years, The NEXTwork has
grown to more than 250 individuals
across the country, representing 160
diverse organizations.
"It will take numerous
organizations working together
strategically to engage the nearly
265,000 U.S. Birthrighters," adds Levin.
"If we do this effectively, we have the
opportunity to help create dynamic
Jewish communities across the country,
infused with the creativity and passion
of young adults."

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