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February 06, 2014 - Image 73

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2014-02-06

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daughter-in-law, Stephen and Ellen Frank-
Miller of Evanston, Ill.; grandchildren,
Alexander and Danny; sister and brother-
in-law, Joyce and Gerald Weiss of West
Bloomfield; many other loving family
members and friends.
Contributions may be made to the
Birmingham Temple, to Children's
Hospital of Michigan Foundation or to a
charity of one's choice. Arrangements by
Dorfman Chapel.

of Southfield, died Feb.
1, 2014.
He was a highly
decorated World War II
Army veteran.
Mr. Morof is survived
by his wife of 65 years,
Helen Morof; son and
daughter-in-law, Jeffrey and Frances Morof
of Highland Park, Ill.; grandchildren,
Teddy Morof, Alexis Morof, Nicholas
Morof, Harrison Morof; numerous loving
nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-neph-
ews, other relatives and friends.
Mr. Morof was the loving father of the
late Richard Morof; dear brother and
brother-in-law of the late Jean and the late
Max Milan.
Contributions may be made to

American Cancer Society, 20450 Civic
Center Drive, Southfield, MI 48076.
Interment was held at Mezeritcher
Cemetery in Roseville. Arrangements by
Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

PATRICK, 60, of West
Bloomfield, died Jan. 25,
He was a comptroller
for Honey Baked Ham
for more than 30 years.
Mr. Patrick is sur-
vived by his father,
Harold Patrick of West
Bloomfield; aunts, Rosalyn Winer, Alyce
Diamond and Rose Patrick; companion,
Debi Jasgur; cousins, friends and his fam-
ily at Honey Baked Ham.
He was the cherished son of the late
Eileen Strauss; the dear nephew of the late
Bernard Winer, the late Lee Diamond, the
late Morey Patrick, the late Sadie and the
late Moe Lahr, and the late Bertha and the
late Julius Allen.
Interment was at Beth Ahm Cemetery.
Contributions may be made to JARC,
30301 Northwestern Highway, Suite
100, Farmington Hills, MI 48334, www.
jarc.org; or to a charity of one's choice.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

CAROL PERLISS, 89, of Farmington
Hills, died Jan. 31, 2014.
She is survived by her daughter and
son-in-law, Randi and Philip Sack of
Farmington Hills; son and daughter-in-
law, Mitchell and Elaine Perliss; sister,
Dottie Schwartz of Palm Springs, Calif.;
sister-in-law, Shirley Keller; grandchildren,
Lauren, Michael and Kevin Sack, Joshua
Perliss; many loving nieces, nephews,
other loving family members and friends.
Mrs. Perliss was the beloved wife of the
late Donald Perliss; sister of the late Irving
Keller; daughter of the late Louis and the
late Sophie Keller; sister-in-law of the late
George Schwartz.
Contributions may be made to a charity
of one's choice. Arrangements by Dorfman

MURRAY SHAPIRO, 89, of Oak Park,
died Feb. 2, 2014.
He is survived by his beloved wife,
Annie Shapiro of Oak Park; son, Marc
Shapiro of Oak Park; daughter and son-
in-law, Linda and Ron Jedwab of West
Bloomfield; brother and sister-in-law,
Leonard and Ruth Shapiro of Toronto,
Canada; sister-in-law, Lil Magalnick;
grandchildren, Michael and Jessica
Jedwab; many loving nieces, nephews,
other family members and friends.

Mr. Shapiro was the brother-in-law of
the late Lou Magalnick.
Contributions may be made to the
American Diabetes Association, Na'amat or
a charity of one's choice. Interment was at
Hebrew Memorial Park in Clinton Township.
Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel.

Southfield, died Jan. 28, 2014.
She is survived by her sons and daugh-
ters-in-law, Tzvi and Vera Silverstein of
Southfield, Chayim and Goldi Silverstein
of Southfield; daughters and sons-in-law,
Rochelle and Shlomie Holcdorf of Staten
Island, N.Y., Golda and Rabbi Avi Cohen of
Southfield, Miriam and Yossi Bodenstein
of Los Angeles, Calif.; brothers and sisters-
in-law, Michoel and D'vora Cohen, David
and Judy Cohen; sister and brother-in-law,
Beth and Lee Appelbaum; many loving
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Silverstein was the beloved wife of
the late Abe Silverstein.
Contributions may be made to Kollel
Institute, 15230 W Lincoln, Oak Park, MI
48237; or Yeshiva Beth Yehudah, P.O. Box
2044, Southfield, MI 48037. Interment
was held at Har Hamnuchos in Israel.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

Obituaries on page 74

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February 6 • 2014


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