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November 01, 2012 - Image 87

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2012-11-01

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Sidrah Belle Kovan,
daughter of Carrie
and Dr. Eric Kovan
and sister of Brett
and Nolen, will cele-
brate her bat mitzvah
Friday, Nov. 2, at
Temple Israel in
West Bloomfield. Her
very proud grandpar-
ents are Marlene and Ed Malkin, and
Barbara and Dr. Thomas Kovan; her
great-grandmother is Lottie Malkin.
Sidrah is a student at Walnut Creek
Middle School in Walled Lake. Her
most meaningful mitzvah project was
collecting hats and gloves for Variety
— the Children's Charity.

Henry Maxwell
Schwartz, son of
Annabelle and Jay
Schwartz, will read
from the Torah on
the occasion of his
bar mitzvah at
Temple Israel in
West Bloomfield
Saturday, Nov. 3. He
is the brother of Saffron and Quentin.
His proud grandparents are Constance
Locks, Paul Locks, and Mary and
Burton Schwartz.
Henry is a student at Hillside Middle
School in Northville. He helped chil-
dren at his school who are physically
and mentally challenged and feels this
is an important mitzvah project.


Kevin William
Traute, grandson of
Glorya Traute, will
be called to the
Torah as a bar mitz-
vah on Saturday,
Nov. 3, at Temple
Emanu-El in Oak

Park. With Kevin, in spirit and memo-
ry, will be his parents, Andrea and
Kevin, and his zaydie Donald Traute.
Kevin is a student at Norup
International School in Oak Park,
where he is in the eighth grade.

Avery Oran Wolf
was called to the
Torah on the occa-
sion of his bar mitz-
vah on Saturday, Oct.
27, at Congregation
Beth Ahm in West
Bloomfield. He is the
son of Mark and
Faye Wolf. Proud sis-
ters are Sarah and Arielle; he is the
adored grandson of Irene Wolf.
Avery attends West Hills Middle
School in West Bloomfield. For his
mitzvah project, he is performing 100

George Rogers
Victor, son of Kelly
and David Victor,
will be called to the
Torah as a bar mitz-
vah at Congregation
Shaarey Zedek in
Southfield on
Saturday, Nov. 3.
George is the big
brother of Robert, Adin, and Jack, and
the grandson of Frances and Ronald
Rogers, Marilyn and the late Steven
Victor, and the late Arlene Victor.
George is a seventh-grader at Hillel
Day School of Metropolitan Detroit in
Farmington Hills.

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ndrea and Thomas Lynn
Solomon of West Bloomfield are
thrilled to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Michelle Nicole to
Spencer Harlan Pack, son of Harriet and
Brian Pack of Glendale, Wis.
Michelle earned her bachelor of science
in chemistry from Michigan State University
and her doctor of pharmacy from the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. She works
as a managing pharmacist with Walmart in
Milwaukee, Wis.
Spencer earned his bachelor of science in
both chemistry and chemical engineering
from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is a formulator in an industrial
coating company.
A fall wedding is planned in Michigan.





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November 1 2012


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