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June 04, 2009 - Image 67

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2009-06-04

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Services: Friday 6:15 p.m., following
dinner. Jewish Roots with Interfaith
Wings holds bi-monthly Shabbat
dinner, services, kids' programs,
family school and Hebrew school
for all ages.

Kehillat Hatzhav Hagadol

Fort Street on Mackinac Island,
(906) 847-0963. President,
Bob Spitzer. Vice president, Ann
Silverman. Services Friday 7:30
p.m. during summer. (Call to verify

Or Tzafon

P.O. Box 441, Suttons Bay 49682,
(231) 357-0309. Rabbi: Chava
Bahle. Retreats, educational
programs, holiday preparation,
lifecycle celebrations. Ortzafon@
aol.com .

Shalva Minyan — U of M

The Shalva minyan is a tradi-
tional, pluralistic, Carlebach-style
Kabbalat Shabbat with separate
seating and participation by
women. Services: Fridays at sun-
down. Co-chairs: Rachel Jacobson
(rijacob@umich.edu ); Adam Baruch
(abaruch®umich.edu). Check Hillel
Web site for details (www.umhillel.


Agudas Yisroel Mogen Abraham

15751 W. Lincoln, Southfield,
48075, (248) 552-1971. Rabbis:
Dov Loketch, Asher Eisenberger.
President: Irwin Cohen.

Ann Arbor Chabad House

715 Hill St., Ann Arbor, 48104,
(734) 995-3276. Rabbi: Aharon
Goldstein. Services: Friday, Shabbat
evening at candlelighting time;
Saturday, Shabbat morning 9:45
a.m.; Saturday afternoon/evening
40 minutes before sundown.
Sunday 9 a.m.; Monday-Wednesday
7:30 a.m. at Hillel; Thursday, Friday
7:30 a.m. at Chabad. Weekday min-
yan is only during academic year;
Sunday minyan all year round.

Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan

1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor, 48014.
Rabbi: Rod Glogower. Services:
Friday at sundown; Saturday
9:30 a.m. and 20 minutes before
sundown; weekdays during the
academic year 7:30 a.m.; Sunday
9 a.m.

Bais Chabad of Farmington Hills

32000 Middlebelt, Farmington
Hills, 48334, (248) 855-2910.
Rabbi: Chaim Bergstein. Services:
Friday sundown. Carlebach-style
minyan. Saturday 9:30 a.m.;
Sunday 8:30 a.m.; weekdays 6:50

Bais Chabad of North Oak Park

Kollel Institute

15401 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 872-8878. Rabbi: Shea

15230 W. Lincoln, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 968-0109. Rabbis: Moshe
Schwab, Shmuel Irons. Services:
Saturday 8:30 a.m.; weekdays 7:30
a.m., 2:30 p.m., 10 p.m.

Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah

24225 Greenfield, Southfield,
48075, (248) 559-5022. Rabbi:
Yisroel Menachem Levin.

Birmingham-Bloomfield Chai

P.0 Box 1894, Birmingham, 48012,
(248) 203-6721. Rabbi: Boruch
Cohen. Shabbat services 10 a.m. at
37357 Woodward, Bloomfield Hills.
Creative programming and classes;
private learning available; no mem-
bership required. Information at

B'nai Israel-Beth Yehudah

15400 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 967-3969. Rabbi: Yoel

B'nai Zion

15250 W. Nine Mile, Oak Park,
48237, (248) 968-2414. Rabbi:
Meyer Menashe Feibusch.
President: Stuart Newman.
Services: Saturday 8:45 a.m.;
weekdays Shacharit at sunrise,
Minchah at sunset.

Chabad House-Lubavitch of
Eastern Michigan

5385 Calkins Rd., Flint, (810) 230-
0770. Rabbi: Yisroel Weingarten.
Services: Saturday 9:30 a.m.

Chabad Jewish Center of
Commerce-Walled Lake

4718 Half Penny Ct., Commerce
Twp., 48382, (248) 363-3644.
Rabbi: Schneor Greenberg. Shabbat
services 10 a.m. Jewish studies,
holiday programming.

Chabad Jewish Center of Novi-

42142 Loganberry Ridge North,
Novi, (248) 790-6075. Rabbi:
Avrohom Susskind. For information
on services, activities, programs,
call Rabbi Susskind or e-mail rab-
biasusskind@sbcglobal.net .

Dovid Ben Nuchim - Aish

14800 W. Lincoln, Oak Park,
48237, (248) 569-0192. Rabbi: Ari
Kostelitz; rabbi emeritus: Chaskel
Grubner. Services: Monday-Friday,
6:55 a.m.; Sundays and civic holi-
days, 7:30 a.m.; Sunday-Friday, 10
minutes before sundown; Saturday,
9 a.m., Kiddush following services,
and 30 minutes before sundown.
Call for Shabbat hospitality.

First Hebrew Congregation

249 Broadway, South Haven,
49090, (269) 637-1603. Services
during July and August Saturday
10 a.m. For information, call (773)

Machon L'Torah

15221 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 967-0888. Rabbi: Avraham
Jacobovitz. Gabbais: Dr. Edward
Hurvitz, Mayer Sherman. Services:
Friday 15 minutes before sundown;
Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.

Mishkan Israel, Nusach Hari,
Lubavitcher Center

14000 W. Nine Mile, Oak Park,
48237, (248) 543-6611. Services:
Friday at sundown; Saturday 10
a.m.; weekdays 7 a.m., 8 a.m., sun-
down; Sunday 7 a.m., 8 a.m.

Ohel Moed Shomrey Emunah

6191 Farmington, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 737-2756, 737-
2626, 557-2580. Rabbi: Eli
Jundef. Services: Weekdays 7 a.m..
Saturday 9 a.m. Sunday and legal
holidays 8 a.m. Rosh Chodesh 6:50
a.m. See Web site, ohelmoed.org .,
for daily minchah/maariv and yom
tov schedules. West Bloomfield
Community Eruv, (248) 788-6782,
updated 15 minutes before candle-
lighting each Friday.

Or Chadash of Oak Park/
Huntington Woods

23161 Gardner, Oak Park, (248)
543-0372. Rabbi Eliezer Cohen.
Gabbai: Charles Silow. Services:
Friday, 7 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m.,
8:25 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m.

Orthodox Minyan—U-M

1429 Hill Street. Rabbi: Rod
Glogower. Student leaders: Steve
Miller, Ariel Warren. Services:
Friday at sundown; Saturday 9:30
a.m. and 20 minutes before sun-
down. Weekdays during the aca-
demic year at 7:30 a.m.; Sunday 9
a.m. See Web site for information,
ominyan®umich.edu .

Sara & Morris Tugman Bais
Chabad Torah Center of West

5595 W. Maple, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 855-6170. Rabbi:
Elimelech Silberberg. Services:
Friday one and one-half hours
before sundown; Saturday 9:30
a.m.; weekdays 6:50 a.m. and one
and one-half hours before sun-

Shaar Hashomayim

115 Giles Boulevard East, Windsor,
Ontario, N9A 4C1, (519) 256-
3123. Rabbi (non-resident): Eric
Grossman. Cantor: David Neumark.
President: Lorraine Victor .
Services: Sunday 8:30 a.m. at the

shul. Sunday Minchah to Friday
Schacharit at the I.L. Peretz House,
1561 Ouellette Ave. Shabbat and
holidays at the shul 9 a.m. (no
Minchah or Maariv on Shabbat).
Holiday Minchah/Maariv 15 minutes
before sundown.

(734) 913-9705. Lay-led ser-
vices with occasional guest rabbi.
Services: 6:30 p.m. the last Friday
of every month; Saturday 10 a.m.
the first and third Saturday of
every month. Services held at 2935
Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor.

Shaarey Shomayim

Congregation Kehillat Israel

14131 Victoria, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 542-4444. Rabbi: Leo
Goldman. Gabbai: Michael Weiss.
Services on Shabbat and yom tov
only. 9:30 a.m.; evenings at sunset.

2014 Forest Road, Lansing, 48910,
(517) 882-0049. Rabbi: Michael
Zimmerman. Services: Friday 6:15
p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.

Shaarey Zedek

David and Miriam Mondry Bldg.,
15000 W.10 Mile, Oak Park 48237,
(248) 542-0900. Rabbi: Jason
Miller. President: Harold Gurewitz.
Services: Friday 7:45 p.m.

610 Giles Blvd., Windsor, Ontario,
(519) 252-1594. Rabbi: Joseph D.
Krupnik. Services: Friday evening;
Saturday 9 a.m.; and Jewish holi-

Shomer Israel

14261 Vernon, Oak Park, MI 48237.
Rabbi: Yissachar Wolf. Services:
Friday 7:15 p.m., 8:58 p.m. Saturday
9 a.m., 7:30 p.m., 10:04 p.m.

Shomrey Emunah

25451 Southfield Road, Southfield,
48075, (248) 559-1533, 557-9666.
Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash. Services:
Saturday 9 a.m.; weekdays 7:10
a.m.:10 minutes before sundown.

The Shul-Chabad Lubavitch

6890 W. Maple, West Bloomfield
48322, (248) 788-4000. Rabbi:
Kasriel Shemtov. Services:
Shacharit, Monday through Friday,
7a.m.; Friday 5:45 p.m.; Saturday
9:30 a.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Young Israel of Oak Park

15140 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 967-3655. Rabbi: Michael
Cohen. President: Gil Stebbins.
Gabbai: Ruvy Singal. Services:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 6:55
a.m.; Monday and Thursday 6:50
a.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. Sundays
and civic holidays 8 a.m. Evening
services daily 15 minutes before

Young Israel of Southfield

27705 Lahser, Southfield, 48034,
(248) 358-0154. Rabbi: Yechiel
Morris. Rabbi emeritus: Elimelech
Goldberg. President: Dr. Bruce
Newman. Gabbai: Evan Albert.
Services: Monday and Thursday
6:45 a.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday 6:55 a.m.; Sunday-Friday 15
minutes before sundown; Saturday
7:45 a.m., 9 a.m. and 30 minutes
before sunset; Sunday and civic
holidays 8 a.m.


Congregation T'chiyah

Reconstructionist Congregation
of Detroit

1300 E. Lafayette, Detroit, 48207,
(313) 417-1944. President: Carol
Weisfeld. Lay-led services 10 a.m.
first and third Saturday each


Anshe Knesset Israel

P.O. Box 165, Iron Mountain 49801;
(906) 779-2902. Caretaker: Donna
Minsky. Services: Friday 6:30 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. Services are the
last Friday of the month or the last
Saturday of the month.

Bet Chaverim

P.O. Box 871262 Canton, 48187-
6262; (734) 480-8880. Rabbi:
Peter Gluck. Cantorial soloist:
Robin Liberatore. Services the
third Friday of every month. High
Holiday services; religious school.

Temple Benjamin

502 North Brown Street, Mt.
Pleasant 48858, (989) 779-0945
or (989) 773-5086. Services:
Friday 8 p.m. each week. Central
Michigan University Hillel, (989)
774-2635; www.templebenjamin.


Congregation Beth El

311 Beth El Way, Traverse City
49684, (231) 946-1913. Rabbi:
Albert Lewis. Rabbi emeritus:
Jonathan V. Plaut. Shabbat ser-
vices 7:30 p.m. monthly.

Congregation Beth El

2525 Mark Ave., Windsor, (519)
969-2422. Rabbi: Jeffrey Ableser.
Cantor: Marci Shulman. Services:
5:45 p.m. the first and last Friday
of the month; 8 p.m. intermediate

Ann Arbor Reconstructionist

P.O. Box 7451, Ann Arbor, 48107,

Synagogues on page C6

June 4 • 2009


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