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April 09, 2009 - Image 15

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2009-04-09

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Special Report


A new family portrait,

clockwise from top:

Evan Fischer, 13; Skyler

Tarnas, 14; Susie Tarnas;

Emily Fischer, 11; pet,

Sunshine; Dylan Tarnas, 10;

and Christopher Tarnas.


Family next door
provides loving home
for orphaned
brother and sister.


Keri Guten Cohen

Story Development Editor


or Nancy and Rob Fischer, life was good. Their children, Evan and Emily,
were happy and thriving. They loved their secure, secluded neighbor-
hood bordering Pleasant Lake in West Bloomfield, where their next-door
neighbors were more like family. And they had each other.
Then, tragedy struck five years ago when Nancy was diagnosed with Ewing's
sarcoma, a cancer typically seen in children. After a year of suffering, she died at
age 45, leaving Rob a grieving single father with two young children.
Guardian Angels on page A16
And then they were three.

April 9 • 2009


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