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The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-05-11

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Shabbat Shalom

As a reminder to be considerate
of others, on Shabbat, the chal-
lah is covered during Kiddush, to

symbolically show that it is not
"embarrassed" that the Kiddush

precedes it.

Presented by Lubavitch Women's Organization.

For information on keeping kosher or lighting

Shabbat candles, contact Miriam Amzalak,

(248) 548-6771, amzalak@sbcglobal.net .


Adat Shalom Synagogue

29901 Middlebelt, Farmington Hills,
48334, (248) 851-5100. Rabbis:
Daniel Nevins, Herbert Yoskowitz,
Rachel Lawson Shere. Rabbi emeri-
tus: Efry Spectre. Cantor: Yevsey
Gutman. Cantor emeritus: Larry
Vieder. Services: Friday 6 p.m.;
Saturday 9 a.m., 8:30 p.m.; week -
days 7:30 a.m., 6 p.m.; Sunday 8:30
a.m. Confirmation will be observed.

Ahavas Israel (Grand Rapids)

2727 Michigan St. SE, Grand
Rapids, 49506-1297, (616) 949-
2840. Rabbi: David J.B. Krishef.
Cantor: Stuart R. Rapaport.
Services: Wednesday, Thursday,
7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

Beit Kodesh

31840 W. Seven Mile, Livonia, (248)
477-8974. Cantor emeritus: David
A. Gutman. Rabbinic adviser: Jason
Miller. President: Martin Diskin. Vice
presidents: Aaron Engel, Jeffrey
Kirsch. Services: Friday. 8 p.m.;
Saturday 9 a.m.

Congregation Beth Ahm

5075 W. Maple, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 851-6880. Rabbi:
Steven Rubenstein. Ritual director:
Joseph Mermelstein. Rabbi emeri
tus: A. Irving Schnipper. Cantor
emeritus: Shabtai Ackerman. Ba'al
tefillah: Dr. Howard Lupovitch.
Services: Friday 6 p.m.; Saturday
9:30 a.m., 8:15 p.m.; weekdays 7
a.m., 7 p.m.; Sundays and civic holi-
days: 8:15 a.m., 5 p.m.

Beth Israel (Flint)

G-5240 Calkins Road, Flint, 48532,
(810) 732-6310. Cantor emeritus:
Sholom Kalib. President: Dr. Harold
Steinman. Services: Saturday 9:30
a.m., 6 p.m.; weekdays 7:30 a.m., 6
p.m.; Sunday and legal holidays 8
a.m., 6 p.m. lvriah religious school
(810) 732-6312.

Beth Israel Cong. (Ann Arbor)

2000 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor,
48104, (734) 665-9897. Rabbi:

Robert Dobrusin. Services: Friday 6
p.m.; Saturday 9:30 a.m.; weekdays
7:30 p.m.; Sunday 5 p.m.

Congregation Beth Shalom

14601 \N. Lincoln, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 547-7970. Rabbi: David
A. Nelson. Cantor: Samuel L.
Greenbaum. Ritual director: Rev.
Samuel Semp. Services: Friday 6
p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m., 6:30 p.m.;
Sunday 9 a.m., 5 p.m.; weekdays 7
a.m., 6:30 p.m. Youth Shabbat.

Beth Tephilath Moses

146 South Ave., Mt. Clemens,
48043, (586) 465-0641. Services:
weekdays 7:15 a.m.; Saturday 10
a.m.; Sunday 8 a.m.

Congregation B'nai Moshe

6800 Drake, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 788-0600. Rabbi:
Elliot Pachter. Cantor: Earl Berris.
Services: Saturday 9 a.m., 7:30
p.m.; weekdays 7 a.m., 6 p.m.;
Fridays, Sundays and legal holidays
9 a.m., 6 p.m.

The Gan Shalom Parenting Center at
Congregation Beth Shalom is under
the direction of Susan Gartenberg of
Bloomfield Hills. She brings her world
travels to the children and teaches
"It's a Small World," an enrichment
class. Shown is Rachael Gaft, 2 1 /2,
of Huntington Woods, playing on the
playground at Beth Shalom.

Temple Israel

2300 Center Ave., Bay City, 48708;
(989) 893-7811. Presidents: Dc
Jonathan Abramson, Judith
Kerman, Mark Duvall. A liberal,
egalitarian congregation serving the
tri-cities area. Religious and Hebrew
education programs for children
and adults.


Ahavat Shalom

413 N. Division St., Traverse City,
49684, (231) 929-4330. Rabbi:
Chava (Stacie) Bahle. Weekly
Shabbat celebrations, holidays, year
round programming, children's edu-
cation. Summer programming for
downstate visitors.

down; weekdays during the academ-
ic year 7:30 a.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.

Bais Chabad of Farmington Hills

32000 Middlebelt, Farmington Hills,
48334, (248) 855-2910. Rabbi:
Chaim Bergstein. Services: Friday
sundown Carlebach-style minyan;
Saturday 9:30 a.m.; Sunday 8:30
a.m.; weekdays 6:50 a.m.

Bais Chabad of North Oak Park

15401 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 872-8878. Rabbi: Shea

Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah

24225 Greenfield, Southfield,
48075, (248) 559-5022. Rabbi:
Yisroel Menachem Levin.

Dor Chadash — U. of Mich.

U-M Hillel; 1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor
48104, (734) 769-0500. Rabbi:
Jason A. Miller. Co-chairs: Benjamin
Hamburger and Shana Supowit.
Egalitarian Carlebach-style service
at candlelighting time Fridays.
Monthly Shabbat morning service.
Monthly Shabbat Minchah-Seudah
Shlishit. Check Web site for times
www.umhillel.org .

Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue

1457 Griswold, Detroit, 48226, (313)
961-9328. Chazan: Cantor Usher
Adler. Baal Kriah: Howard Marcus.
Cantorial soloist: Neil Barris.
Ritual director: Dr. Martin Herman.
President: Louis Antonino. Services:
Saturday 8:30 a.m.

Congregation Shaarey Zedek

Rabbis: Joseph H. Krakoff, Jonathan
E. Berkun, Eric S. Yanoff. Rabbi
emeritus: Irwin Groner. Cantors:
Meir Finkelstein, Chaim Najman.
Ritual director: Leonard Gutman.
Southfield: 27375 Bell Road,
Southfield, 48034, (248) 357-5544.
Services: Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday 7:30 a.m.; Monday, Thursday
7:15 a.m.; daily 6 p.m.; Friday 6 p.m.;
Saturday 9 a.m., 8:15 p.m.; Sunday
8:30 a.m.

West Bloomfield, B'nai Israel
Center: 4200 Walnut Lake Road,

West Bloomfield, 48323-2772,
(248) 357-5544. Services: Tuesday,
Wednesday, Friday 7:15 a.m.;
Monday, Thursday 7 a.m.; daily 6
p.m.; Friday 6 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.,
8:15 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.

Grosse Pointe Jewish Council

P.O. Box 25031, Detroit 48225, (313)
882-6700. Rabbi: Ernst J. Conrad.
Cantorial soloist: Bryant Frank.
Monthly Shabbat services, High
Holiday services, year-round pro-
gramming and religious education.
E-mail: thegpjc@comcast.net.

P.O. Box 130014, Ann Arbor, 48103,
(734) 996-3524 or 995-1963. Rev.
Lauren Zinn. Services: Friday 6:15,
following dinner. Jewish Roots with
Interfaith Wings holds bi-monthly
Shabbat dinner, services, kids' pro-
grams, family school and Hebrew
school for all ages.



Agudas Yisroel Mogen Abraham

15751 W. Lincoln, Southfield, 48075,
(248) 552-1971. Rabbis: Dov Loketch,
Asher Eisenberger. President: Irwin

Ann Arbor Chabad House

715 Hill St., Ann Arbor, 48104, (734)
995-3276. Rabbi: Aharon Goldstein.
Services: Friday at sundown; Sunday
9 a.m.; Monday-Wednesday 7:30
a.m. at Hillel; Thursday, Friday 7:30
a.m. at Chabad. Weekday minyan is
only during academic year; Sunday
minyan all year around.

Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan

1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor, 48014.
Rabbi: Rod Glogower. Services:
Friday at sundown; Saturday 9:30
a.m. and 20 minutes before sun-

Birmingham Bloomfield Chai

37357 N. Woodward, Bloomfield
Hills, 48304, (248) 203-6721. Rabbi:
Boruch Cohen. Services: Saturday
10 a.m.

Dovid Ben Nuchim

14800 W. Lincoln, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 398-1017. Rabbi: Chaskel
Grubner. Services 6:30 a.m.; 7
a.m.; 15 minutes before sundown;
Saturday 9 a.m.

Kollel Institute

15230 W. Lincoln, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 968-0109. Rabbis: Moshe
Schwab, Shmuel Irons. Services:
Saturday 8:30 a.m.; weekdays 7:30
a.m., 2:30 p.m., 10 p.m.

Machon L'Torah

15221 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 967-0888. Rabbi: Avraham
Jacobovitz. Gabbais: Dr. Edward
Hurvitz, Mayer Sherman. Services:
Friday 15 minutes before sundown;
Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.;
Monday-Thursday 8 p.m. Maariv.

Mishkan Israel, Nusach Hari,
Lubavitcher Center

B'nai Israel-Beth Yehudah

14000 W. Nine Mile, Oak Park,
48237, (248) 543-6611. Services:
Friday at sundown; Saturday 10 a.m.;
weekdays 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 'sundown;
Sunday 7 a.m., 8 a.m.

15400 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 967-3969. Rabbi: Yoel Sperka.

Ohel Moed Shomrey Emunah

15250 W. Nine Mile, Oak Park,
48237, (248) 968-2414. Rabbi:
Meyer Menashe Feibusch. President:
Stuart Newman. Services: Saturday
8:45 a.m.; weekdays Shacharit at
sunrise, Minchah at sunset.

6191 Farmington, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 737-2756, 737-2626,
557-2580. Rabbi: Eli Jundef.
Services: see Web: ohelmoed.org .
West Bloomfield Community Eruv,
(248) 788-6782, update information
will be completed 15 minutes before
candlelighting each Friday.

Chabad House-Lubavitch of
Eastern Michigan

Or Chadash of Oak Park/
Huntington Woods

5385 Calkins Rd., Flint, (810) 230-
0770. Rabbi: Yisroel Weingarten.
Services: Saturday 9:30 a.m.

Rabbi Eliezer Cohen. President:
Elliott Shevin. For information, call
(248) 543-0372. Services: Friday
6:45 p.m. at Michigan Jewish
Institute, 25401 Coolidge, Oak Park.
Saturday 9 a.m., 8:05 p.m. at MJI.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. at MJI.

B'nai Zion

Chabad Jewish Center of

4718 Half Penny Ct., Commerce
Twp., 48382, (248) 363-3644.
Rabbi: Schneor Greenberg. Shabbat
hospitality, Jewish studies, holiday

Chabad Jewish Center of Novi-

42142 Loganberry Ridge North,
Novi, (248) 790-6075. Rabbi:
Avrohom Susskind. For information
on services, activities, programs,
call Rabbi Susskind or e-mail
rabbiasusskind@sbcglobal.net .

Sara Tugman Bais Chabad Torah

5595 W. Maple, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 855-6170. Rabbi:
Elimelech Silberberg. Services:
Friday 15 minutes before sundown;
Saturday 9:30 a.m.; weekdays 6:50
a.m. and 15 minutes before sun-

Shaar Hashomayim

115 Giles Boulevard East, Windsor,
Ontario, N9A 4C1, (519) 256-3123.

May 11 . 2006


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