Sponsored by Hadassah
Sept. 23
Jennifer and Simon Richards of
Wixom announce with much love the
birth of their daughter,
Mia Gabrielle.
Sharing their happi-
ness are grandparents
Barbara and Joel
Letzer and Lois and
Malcolm Richards of
Melbourne, Australia.
Also sharing their joy
are proud great-grandparents Belle
Letzer and Frances and Gerald
Sept. 13
Fawn (Alekman) and Adam Chayet of
West Bloomfield announce with great
love the birth of their daughter, Abby
Lauren (Avigaiyil Channah).
Welcoming Abby home is excited big
brother Matthew, 4. Proud grandpar-
ents are Paul Alekman of West
Bloomfield, Adele and Jack Weisman
of Bloomfield Hills and Harvey
Chayet of Orchard Lake. Also sharing
in their happiness are great-grandpar-
ents Sophie Alekman, Bertha and Sam
Chayet, and Marion and Sidney Leib.
Abby is named in loving memory of
her maternal grandmother Ann
Goldstein Alekman.
Sept. 10
Nancy (Berman) and Nate Kleinfeldt
of Southfield welcome with much
love and happiness the birth of their
son, Caleb Joseph. Big brother Adin,
2, lovingly welcomes Caleb home.
Proud grandparents are Ronald and
Ronnie Berman, Leah Ann and
Gerald Kirzner of Southfield, Ronald
and Barbara Kleinfeldt of Silver
Spring, Md. Also shar-
ing in their joy are
Lillian Berman of
West Bloomfield;
Sonya Lamensdorf of
Memphis, Tenn.;
M.C. Kleinfeldt of Memphis, Tenn.;
and great-grandmother Sarah Kirzner
of Windsor, Ontario. Caleb is named
in loving memory of maternal grand-
father Joseph Goldsmith and paternal
great-grandfather Joe Shankman.
Lola home is big brother Ari Ben, 2.
Delighted grandparents are Nira and
Bob Slutsky of West Bloomfield and
Dr. Jack and Marilyn Belchinsky of
Melbourne, Fla. Also sharing in their
happiness are great-grandparents Berta
and Lee Gegner of New Jersey. Lola
Kate is named in memory of her
maternal great-grandmother Nomi
Lion and her paternal great-grand-
mother Evelyn Belchinsky.
April 6
Tracy (Sherman) and Allan Weitzman
of Farmington Hills announce with
much love the birth of their daughter,
Abbey Nicole (Rachel Teibel).
Welcoming Abbey home is excited big
brother, Jacob, 3. Sharing in their joy
are grandparents Linda Sherman of
North Branch, Larry Sherman of
Farmington Hills and Becky and Cary
Weitzman of West Bloomfield. Proud
great-grandparents are Leo and
Virginia Jacobs, Abe Sherman and
Debbie Clinton. Abbey is named in
loving memory of her maternal great-
grandmother Rose Sherman and
paternal great-great-aunt Teddy
Mitchell Benjamin Barnett will be
called to the Torah
as he becomes a bar
mitzvah Saturday,
Oct. 9, at Temple
Israel. His parents
are Lisa and
William Barnett
and he is the broth-
er of Jason. His
grandparents are
Marlene and
Ronald Waronoff, Barbara and Herbert
Zimmerman. He is also the grandchild
of the late Jacqueline Zimmerman and
the late Evelyn and Marvin Barnett.
Mitchell is a student at Warner
Middle School in Farmington Hills. As
part of his mitzvah projects, he volun-
teered at Yad Ezra in Berkley, at
Farmington Hills-based JARC and
helped with a baseball team with spe-
cial needs through the FAR
Aug. 19
Lauren Slutsky and Jeremy Belchinsky
announce with much love the birth of
their beautiful daughter, Lola Kate
(Nomi Chena Rivkah). Welcoming
Nathan Eli Cykiert will become a bar
mitzvah on Saturday, Oct. 9, at
Congregation Beth Ahm. His proud
parents are Julie Cykiert and Alisa and
Stuart Cykiert. His excited siblings are
Josh Cykiert and Josh and Danielle
We welcome baby pictures!
B'NAI MITZVAH on page 78
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Session 2
"Mini-Session 1
*Mini-Session 2
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