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September 04, 2004 - Image 55

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2004-09-04

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Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: (313) 577-3459
Fax: (313) 577-3461
E-mail: hillel@wayne.edu
Website: www.hillel-detroit.org
Year-round social and cultural programs for
young adults ages 18-30. HMD, serving
Wayne State, Oakland University, OCC,
Lawrence Tech, & University of Detroit Mercy
as the Jewish presence on campus offers
opportunities to Jewish college students &
young adults to further their Jewish identity
and become active participants in the Jewish
Hillel Jewish Student Center at Michigan
State University
360 Charles St.
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: (517) 332-1916
Fax: (517) 332-4142
E-mail: director@msuhillel.com
Website: www.msuhillel.com
Social, educational, holiday, Shabbat and com-
munity service programs for students at MSU,
Cooley Law School & other Lansing-area colleges.

U of M Hillel
1429 Hill St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: (734) 769-0500

Fax: (734) 769-1934
E-mail: umhillel@umich.edu
Website: xvww.umhillel.org
Hillel is the second largest student organiza-
tion at U-M and houses over 25 student
groups. Hillel sponsors top-flight cinema and
theater, major speakers and entertainers, serv-
ices and classes, publications, theater troupes,
meals and counseling, a social action group,
several Israel affairs groups and more.

Western Michigan University Hillel
1304 Faunce Student Bldg.
WMU Box 191
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Phone: (269) 657-8782
E-mail: kazoohillel@aol.com
Services for students attending both WMU
and Kalamazoo College. Activities include
social and religious programs, monthly
Shabbat dinners.

Jewish Law Students Association
Hillel of Metropolitan Detroit
Wayne State University
667 Student Center Bldg.
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: (313) 577-3459
Fax: (313) 577-3461
Website: www.hillel-detroit.org
Offers professional development, cultural and
social opportunities for law students.

Lazaroff - Schaver Student Center
Please see Ann Arbor Chabad House
Michigan Jewish Institute
25401 Coolidge Hwy.
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: (248) 414-6900
Fax: (248) 414-6907
E-mail: info@mji.edu
Website: www.mji.edu
The community's higher education resource
with innovative undergraduate degree pro-
grams in business and computer information
systems and Judaic studies in a welcoming
Jewish setting. ACICS accredited.
Sol Drachler Program in Jewish
Communal Leadership
University of Michigan School
of Social Work
1080 S. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: (734) 764-5392
Fax: (734) 763-3372
E-mail: Drachler.program@umich.edu
Website: www.ssw.umich/drachler
A graduate program that prepares students for
professional leadership positions in the Jewish
community. Students earn an MSW and cer-
tificate in Jewish Communal Service and
Judaic Studies.

Pottee4 /reek /Pcipthoi 4eettlee

Central Region United Synagogue Youth
3645 Warrensville Center Road, #220
Shaker Heights, OH 44122
Phone: (216) 751-0606
Fax: (216) 751-0607
E-mail: bochnek@uscj.org
Website: WVVIV. uscj.o rg/u sy/
Through its USY (9-12) and Kadima (6-8) pro-
grams, CRUSY provides religious, educational,
cultural, Israel and social action programming
to affiliated youth and resources to chapters
affiliated with The United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism Congregations.

Alaskan Adventure Trip
Please see Tamarack Camps

AZA Basketball/Flag Football
Please see BBYO

BBG Volleyball
Please see BBYO
Birthday Parties - JCC
Please see JCC
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
6600 W. Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: (248) 788-0700
Fax: (248) 788-0704
E-mail: mibbyo@juno.com
Website: bbyo.jnonline.com
World's largest Jewish youth-led organization.
Teen Connection for grades 7 and 8 and
AZA/BBG for grades 9-12. AZA/BBG chapters
are democratically run with adult advisor to
oversee, guide, support. Membership accepted
throughout the year.

Grads and Professionals/GAP
U of M Hillel
1429 Hill St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: (734) 769-0500
Fax: (734) 769-1934
E-mail: umhillel@umich.edu
Website: www.umhilleLorg
Provides an inviting and inclusive environ-
ment for Jewish graduate students and young
professionals of all backgrounds and beliefs.
Provides enriching and exciting social, cultural
and religious programming.

Habonim Dror
25900 Greenfield Road, Suite 205D
Oak Park, MI 48237-1267
Phone: (248) 967-4994
Fax: (248) 851-3190
Website: www.habonimdror.org
A Labor Zionist Youth Movement.

IMPACT Michigan
Please see B'nai Brith Great Lakes Region
National Conference of Synagogue Youth
15919 W. 10 Mile Road, Suite 100
Southfield, MI 48075

Phone: (248) 557-6279
Fax: (248) 432-5552
Website: www.ou.org/NCSY
Provides teens informal, social and educational
programs to increase their awareness and inter-
est in Jewish life and opportunities for them to
develop leadership abilities. Suitable for young
adults from a variety of backgrounds.

NFTY Michigan
P.O. Box 250554
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0554
Phone: 248-342-2701
Fax: 248-553-3056
Email: mchekan@urj.org
website: www.nfty.org/mi
Travel and learn; study and grow with teens
from all over Michigan. Instills Jewish identity,
fosters commitment to the ideals and values of
Reform Judaism; increases participation by
high school youth. Youth-led.

School Break Days
Please see JCC
Workmen's Circic/Arbeter Ring, The
Please see Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring
Young Adult Shabbat Services-YAPS
Please see Adat Shalom Synagogue
Young Judaea Regional
990 Grove Street #202
Evanston, IL 60201-6512
Phone: (847) 328-4942
Fax: (847) 492-9797
E-mail: director@cyjmid.org
Website: www.youngjudaea.org
Regional office for largest Zionist Youth
Movement in America. Services the Midwest.
Activities include clubs, camps and Israel pro-
grams for children in grades 3-12. Sponsored
by Hadassah.

2004-2005 Community Directory ■


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