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September 04, 2004 - Image 54

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2004-09-04

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throughout the Detroit Metropolitan communi-
ty through services and programs in an envi-
ronment which emphasizes and respects tradi-
tional Jewish values. These Aging Services also
include the LeVine Institute on Aging and
Preferred Providers: Danto Family Health Care
Center and Menorah House.

Senior Adult Workshop
Please see JVS

Senior Service Corps
Please see JVS

Cultural & Social

Beth Elders
Please see Temple Beth El
Please see Adat Shalom Synagogue
Please see Temple Emanu-El
Institute for Retired Professionals - IRP
Please see JCC
Older Adult Program
Please see JCC - AA
Senior Adult Camping Program
Please see JCC

Temple Israel
Please see Temple Israel

Temple Israel Treasures
Please see Temple Israel

Up and Out
Please see NCJW


Dorothy and Peter Brown Memory Care
Please see JHAS

Fleischman Residence/Blumberg Plaza
Please see JHAS
Jewish Apartments & Services
Marketing & Development Office
15000 N/V. Ten Mile
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: (248) 661-1500
Fax: (248) 661-4630
Website: www.jasmi.org
JAS provides market rate and subsidized hous-
ing and support services for senior adults 62
and over. Studio, one and two-bedroom
units. Set in a Jewish communal environment,
JAS also offers a kosher meal program, daily
activities, support care, case work and trans-

Mit Mazel Shidduch Network
5595 W. Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: (248) 855-6170
E-mail: staff@mitmazel.com
Website: www.mitmazel.com
Traditional Jewish matchmaking using state-
of-the-art technology. For all Jewish singles
interested in marriage. Members must have
sponsor to ensure confidentiality.

E-mail: aa2690@wayne.edu
Website: www.judaicstudies.wayne.edu
The Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies
and Judaica Resource Center sponsors confer-
ences, lectures, and cultural events on campus
and in the community. Its Judaica Resource
Center, open daily during the week, houses
reference materials and the latest videos and
software in the field of Jewish studies.

Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies
Wayne State University
2311 Faculty Admin. Bldg.; 656 W. Kirby
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: (313) 577-2679
Fax: (313) 577-8136


■ 2004-2005 Community Directory

portation services. For wait list information:
248-592-1102. Includes: Margo & Warren
Coville Assisted Living; Lillian & Samuel
Hechtman, Norma Jean & Ed Meer; David &
Miriam Mondry; Anna & Meyer Prentiss
Harriet & Ben Teitel Apartments.

Marvin & Betty Danto Family Health Care
6800 W. Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: (248) 788-5300
Fax: (248) 788-0145
A skilled nursing facility serving the needs of
the Jewish community with Kosher food, two
rabbis, a beautiful synagogue. Located on the
Jewish Community Center, West Bloomfield
Menorah House
26715 Greenfigld Road
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: (248) 557-0050


Escorted Transportation
Please see JFS

Single Jewish Parents Network
Please see JFMD'S AJE

Singles Extension Group
P.O. Box 771
Southfield, MI 48037-0771
Phone: (248) 683-8272
Social group for single Jewish adults ages 50
plus. Gin rummy, discussion, movie review,
travel, theatre, and Yiddish groups. Yearly pic-
nic and racetrack evening.

Jewish Students Organization
Dept. of Geography
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
Phone: (517) 774-3032
Web: wwW. rso.cmich.edu/jso/temp_index.htm
The JSO meets periodically for program plan-
ning and occasional Shabbat dinners. The
University provides funding to ensure the suc-
cess of the JSO programs.

Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
University of Michigan
3032 Frieze Bldg., 105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Phone: (734) 763-9047
Fax: (734) 936-2186.
E-mail: judstaff@umich.edu
Website: www.umich.edu/-judstud
Offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study
of Jewish civilization and thought. Sponsors
courses, public lectures and other events, includ-
ing the annual Belin lecture in American Jewish

Eastern Michigan University Hillel
965 Washtenaw
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: (734) 482-0456
Fax: (734) 482-0440
E-mail: hillel@.emich.edu
Website: http:/Avww.hillel-emu.org
The connection for Jewish life at Eastern
Michigan University. Offers a variety of stu-
dent groups and student-driven programs and
services on campus and in the Detroit metro-
politan area.


Hillel of Metropolitan Detroit
667 Student Center Bldg.

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