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June 29, 2001 - Image 113

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2001-06-29

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A personals service for the Jewish community brought to you by the Detroit Jewish News

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Place your ad or respond to other Jewish Connector ads online at: detroitjewishnews.com

Free print ad!

Women Seeking Men

"Crimes of the heart" will convey
my longing for loving. kind. consid-
erate Gentleman. 68-75, to share
life with attractive, humorous,
romantic, affectionate. huggable.
yourhful-looking Lady'. No hand-
cuffs required! e64753

35-year-old SJF, pretty•, petite, edu-
cated. professional, down-to-earth.
enjoys life. movies, theater, dining
CM. outdoor activities. Seeking pro-
fessional SJM, 32-44, caring. hon-
est, intelligent, N/S. N/Drugs.
Social drinker ok. Friends first.

53-year-old SJP, kindhearted soul.
H/W/P. looking for companion to
hang our with. Enjoys nature. walk-
ing and animals. .2.64223

53-year-old, petite WF, good sense
of humor, easygoing, enjoys life,
simple things, movies, concerts and
dining. Looking for a fian-loving,
Gentleman, 50-60. Tr64218

A simple call will prove rewarding
DJPF, 34. attractive, outgoing, fun,
with many interests, ISO SIDJPN,I,
33-45, for friendship, good times.
romance. etc. Let's enjoy the sum-
mer sun together. s64214

A Woman for all seasons, who has a
passion for music, politics. great
fun. adventure, travel, would love ro
meet an educated, worldly Man, 65-
70. to share life's beautiful
moments. e64559

Achieving distinction in a crowd
can be accomplished in a varier of
ways. I'm a N/S, pretty DJPF seek-
ing friendship of a likewise attrac-
tive, happy, comfortable Man, 47-
57. 564186

Act now! Limited time offer! Truly
splendid SJF, 42, curvaceous and
voluptuous, with no ex-husbands or
kids. Loves to laugh, kiss, snuggle,
go to concerts, sing and go dancing.
Seeking a SJM, 37-51, who's sin-
cere, honest, romantic, passionate
and loving, not afraid of monogamy'
or commitment and loves to live life
ro the fullest. s64263

Amiable, trim, blue-eyed blonde,
5'3", 130 lbs, educated, creative,
professional, likes the finer things in
life and travel, fine dining, concerts,
movies, theater and the arts. I am
down-to-earth, easy to talk to and
energetic. I enjoy bridge, dancing,
oil painting, cooking, the internee
and investing. Seeking Gentleman,
68-77, nonsmoker, honest, commu-
nicative, financially, stable, who
shares some of my interests.

Anne Margaret lookalike ISO pro-
fessional, fun-loving, spontaneous
Man, with a sense of humor. I'm
professional, early 50s, who loves to
laugh. Let's meet for coffee. 564194

Are you a healthy, financially, secure,
wonderful Gentleman around 70: I
am a healthy, financially secure,
slim, beautiful Widow, 65. Let's
have fun! e64235

Are you out there: A sincere. honest,
independent Man who is looking for
friendship and companionship first.
an thing else is a plus. I like travel.
concerts, movies. theater, dining H
and our and good conversation. I
like to play games if they involve a
board or deck of cards but nor dat-
ing games. Communication is
important in any relationship. I am a
51-year-old DJPF. s64198

ree tries

Our all-new Profile Page! Now with photos!

Are you ready? Let's play, "Who
Wants to Meet the Girl of Your
Dreams:" Ler this beautiful, blonde.
fabulous 45-year-old be your final
answer to finding that someone spe-
cial. 564655

Kind, kindhearted, intelligent
DJPF. 56. 5'3". attractive, romantic.
compassionate, passionate, honest.
affectionate. romantic, trustworthy.
considerate, outgoing. down-to-
earth. good friend/friendly (friends
add family are high priority). caring,
giving, sensitive, easygoing, sponta-
neous, funlfun-loving, good sense of
humor. Good listener/conversation-
alist, enjoys music, concerts, plays.
symphony, movies, art, art fairs,
museums, travel, holding hands,
hugs. cuddling, loves to laugh/smile
and quiet evenings at home. I'm
looking forward to hearing from you
and becoming your best friend.


As time goes by, it goes so quickly!
Looking for someone to share life,
fun with. A nice Guy in his 70s, to
reminisce old times and share new
times. WWJ F. 1T64199

Attractive, 5'8", slender, brunette,
kindhearted. intelligent, fun-loving,
early, 60s WWF ISO Gentleman.
N/S, 55-70, with a zest for life. Each
day is a gift. That's why we call it the
present. I think you will like the
package. is-64118

Attractive, loyal, warm, affectionate,
youthful SWF. petite. shapely, edu-
cated and enjoys life. Interested in
dining out, movies and dancing.

Bright WWF, mid-60s, would like
to hear from a SJM ro be a partne ,
for tennis, cards and travel. If your
interests are the same, please call.

Classy, elegant, sophisticated kid-
at-heart, pretty face, athletic, great
legs. You: 43-55, tall. charming, suc-
cessful, with sense of humor. From
the theatre to concerts. from jeans ro
black tie. 564023 •

Creative, outgoing, attractive, inde-
pendent "Designing Woman" look-
ing for someone special to spend
time with. I like travel, theater, din-
ing in and our and good conversa-
tion. If you are a SJM between 48
and 60 and a - nonsmoker vou may
be him. I am a Delta Burke lookalike
with blonde hair. 564138

* Respond to ads from great people.


* Enhance your personal profile.

* Upload a photo.

Want to make a bigger splash in the dating
pool? Upload your photo for free.
Just go to www.detroitjewishnews.com ,
click on Jewish.com Relationship Network and
go to My Page.

DJF likes simple things in life. Don't



star in my show. be kind, car-

ing, considerate, you'll never regret

it. Young Gentleman, 65-70, call, I'll

tell you more. e64974

Enter the secret garden of this slim.

sensual, health-conscious, striking

blonde, 5'7", 50, where body, mind

and spirit are connected. Experience

passion, honesty-, truth and accep-

tance. Seeking my forever soulmare.

Cute, friendly, active, upbeat SJPF,
38, with a great sense of humor,
looking for that special S/D/WW
JM, N/S, 34-48, to spend both play-
time and quiet time. Good sense of
humor and interest in honesty and
communication only requirements.
Toleration of the feline species a
plus. Kids and members of the
canine family welcome, too. Don't
be shy, you never know unless you
try! /164226

Degreed SJPF, 30, ISO degreed
SJPM, 30-35. I'm compassionate,
loving. want to start a family. I'm
seeking partner who's insightful and
able to laugh at himself and life
obscurities. a64240

5 64134

Extremely sharp but my edge is sofr.

Beautiful, confident, funny. I talk

and think fast. I must have lived on

the East Coast in my past life.

Divorced, with two fabulous boys.

Great job, enough energy to power

Hi. I am an attractive. fir, 29-year-
old SJPF who is tired of the "bar
scene." Brown/blue, 5'6", 135 lbs. I
am very loving, intelligent, caring,
spiritual, romantic and have a good
sense of humor. I enjoy movies, the-
ater, working out, sports, travel,
holding hands, laughing and good
conversation. I am looking to meet
an attractive SJM with similar inter-
ests, ro share all life has to offer. If
this sounds like you, then let's talk.

Me: attractive DJF who enjoys the-
ater, DSO, movies, books, .people
and much more! I'm 48, 5'7", femi-
nine, fit, educated, professionally
employed and romantic. You: tall,
45-55, N/S. communicative and car-
ing. Could you be the one: $64072

a circle. Art is a passion, music is a

must but kindness is the key. My life

is filled with family and friends.

Dark, truly lovely, petite, and slim

highly successful, exceedingly smart,

full of laughter, verbal, gentle, open,

warm, honest...you get the point.


SBF bombshell, 28, gorgeous entre-
preneur, thin, educated, socially,
graceful, seeks marriage-minded,
educated professional SWM, 29-45.

Seeking SJM, 35-42, who is nice,
fun, down-to-earth, honest and a
mensch. If you are interested in a
SJF, 37, brown/brown, 5'7", to
spend time with, then let's talk.

lgialiieNtifigell OR
to clutige ,


1415 ,:•ti,

`Charge it!'

stable Gentleman, 38-52, for great
times and fun in this city. Family val-
ues important. If you qualify, con-
tact me. tr64248

Save up to 20% !

Call our new automated system at


I am smart, articulate, in 50s, with a
sense of humor. You are that and
more. We have eclectic tastes and
only need to find each other. Let's
ger started. e64193


•• .....

I'll follow the sun and you if we're a
good match. Attractive, slender,
upbeat Female, mid-40s, N/S, lots
of interests. Do you like laughter,
hugs, music, movies? Call me!

06-29-01 .346

Roses are red. Violets are blue. Ms'
life is not the same without y-ou.
Attractive, petite brunette would like
to meet refined Gentleman, 70-78,
who enjoys life, for dining, movies,
concerts. 564109

One-of-a-kind but would prefer to
be two. Attractive DWF, mid-40s,
searching for her one-of-a-kind Guy.
Please be a nonsmoker, romantic,
sincere, fun-loving, for one-on-one
'ntense love that never ends! e64095

Hugs, hugs and snuggle. Beautiful
DJF seeks a N/S, kind, romantic,

The ads in this newspaper publication are available to single adults 18 years of age and over seeking personal relationships with other singles. In addition, there may be other categories for people who
might be looking for a sports partner. theater partner or someone to share a common interest or friendship. The publisher reserves the right to reject or edit any ad and monitor or reject any voice greet-
ing. All personal ads may not contain a voice greeting. It is the choice of the advertiser to record a voice greeting and this newspaper is not responsible if an ad does not contain a voice greeting. Ads
that are offensive or submitted in poor taste will NOT be accepted. Responses are NOT monitored by the publisher and screening of responses is solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Voice greet-
ings and print ads which contain last names, telephone =s, addresses (physical or email). will be declined. People who place or respond to ads in this newspaper publication do so at their own risk and
are encouraged to take precautions before arranging face-to-face meetings. For your safety. it is recommended that you conduct initial meetings in public areas. The publisher does not investigate and
takes no responsibility for claims made in advertisements, replies, or recorded messages. All Block of Time purchases are non-refundable. WARNING: We recommend that you do not use cellular, digi-
tal. or cordless phones when responding to advertisements in this newspaper publication.

Puzzle for two? Lady on horse with
no name. age 55, slender, with beau-
ry, intelligent, educated and alive. On
never gave anything to the Tin- Man.
Seeking relationship somewhere in
time. e64530

SBF, 40, 5'10", athletic build, seeks
sincere relationship with sensitive
SJM, 30-60, who enjoys acts of
kindness, for I am kind and down-
to-earth, likes auto racing, theater,
dancing, lace tablecloths. e64244

Hugs and laughter. Striking blonde,
49, is looking for a bright, funny,
romantic Man to share memorable
times with, 48-63. e64867

To place your free ad call 1-800-881-8290

Please give me a call! I'm a bright,
beautiful DJF with a teenage daugh-
ter. I'm 39, looking for a Gentleman
between 40 and 50. s64462

Not quite 6 but know great Woman
when I see one. Like sweet, pretty,
great cooking: You'll love my mom.
Unless you're cute, sweet, commit-
ment-minded, 38 to 50-ish, don't
bother her. tr64164

California and the desire to complete

41-year-old seeking very attractive,

Delicious DJPF, athletic, warm,
intelligent, petite, very cute, young
45, seeks attractive, fun-loving,
intelligent, open Man with a good
sense of humor, to experience all the
joys of summer. e64253

Let's enjoy the summer together!
Striking, blue-eyed, blonde, slim
DJF, young, 48, sensuous, romantic,
fun, caring. Seeks attractive, honest,
fit, fun-loving Male, 44-53.
Friendship/LTR. Enjoys movies,
walks, play's, music, quiet times.

Outgoing, attractive, 49-year-old
Woman new to the dating world,
seeks honest, kind, romantic Man. I
am ready' to have some fun and
excitement in my life. They say life
begins at 50, so I am getting ready to
start that new adventure with a new
friend. Seeking Gentlemen between
48 and 60, who wants to join me on
my journey. I arn planning to really
have fun on my big 50. e64176











No Drugs
HNV/P.. Height/Weight Proportionate
Long-Term Relationship
Tender Loving Care
In Search Of



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