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June 29, 2001 - Image 112

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2001-06-29

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A personals service for the Jewish community brought to you by the Detroit Jewish News

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$1.99 per minute. You must be 18 or older.

Tbplace your free 30 word ad, call

Place your ad or respond to other Jewish Connector ads online at: detroitjewishnews.com



SJF, 33, seeking tall, dark, handsome
SJM, 34-45, "Renaissance Man" in
the true spirit of the term. If you're
widely read in history and Greek phi-
losophy and know who Baudelaire,
Carnus, and Tennyson were (maybe
you've read them), like classical
music, gardening and riding and are a
professional seeking a friend and pos-
sible soulmate, I look forward to
meeting you. v64232

Sweet, very attractive, slender DJF,
5'7", loves life, tennis, swimming,
arts, animals, movies, dancing.
Seeking attractive S/DJM, 45-58,
with similar interests, for best friend
and possible long-term relationship.

This beautiful, 44-year-old SJF, tall,
slim, supercharming, very confident,
outgoing, superromantic, smoker,
social drinker, desires great Guy, 40-
47, without children, superconfident,
funny, charming, great smile, sense of
humor. Don't miss our on the best
Woman you will ever meet in your
life! 0,64231

Very attractive DJF, 34, 5'9", sweet,
caring, nice to be around. Seeking
S/DJM, 36-43, tall, honest, soultrued
Male for friendship, possible relation-
ship. s64212

Vivacious optimist, petite DPF,
physically fir, exercises daily, enjoys
good conversation, music. Looking
for DPM, 40s, physically fit, tall, no
beard/mustache, intelligent, sense of
humor, N/S. South Oakland County
area. 0,64801

WJF, Widow, young 55, nice figure,
H/W/P, attractive (looks like Annette
Funicello), N/S, N/D, loves music
(especially country), loves people,
movies, walks, holding hands, pic-
nics, animals, sports. Wants relation-
ship, TLC. e64238

Your search is over. Nifty DJF, 60,
attractive, interesting, seeking kind
and compassionate Male who enjoys
art, concerts and dining out. e64251

Men Seeking, Women

45-year-old Divorced Male looking
for a companion to spend time with.
I am 5'10", 250 lbs, balding. This
East Coast transplant prefers some-
one slim, slender or athletic, sense of
humor is a must. Dog lover would be
a plus. Children ok. I am into casual
dining, action movies, SCUBA,
nature and boating. Nonsmokers,
please. Don't wait, life is short, let's
make the most of it. v64268




A great catch looking for someone (a
soulmate) to sweep me away. I am a
DJPM, 37, 5'5", trim and fit, father,
dark hair, brown to hazel eyes, hon-
est, sincere, dependable, sensitive,
intelligent, good self-esteem. West
Bloomfield, Michigan area. I am
looking for an attractive Jewish pro-
fessional Female who is 2£-43, a non-
smoker, light drinker, H/W/P and is
also honest, sincere, sweet, depend-
able, sensitive, intelligent, has good
self-esteem and has similar interests. I
love music (most types), high-end
audio, playing instruments, skating,
fine dining, movies, spending time
with 5-year-old son. Photography,
art, skiing, exercise, cruises, vacations
to scenic places, architecture, invest-
ing/market study/economy, building,
etc. I am interested in a possible long-
term relationship and am very sensi-
tive to other people's feelings.

A refined Gentleman. Unique DJM,
59, professional, N/S, 5'8", good-
looking, honest, sincere, caring.
Enjoys sports, theaters, movies and
candlelit dinners. Seeking attractive
Lady, 40-50, for LTR. You won't be
disappointed! 0, 64802

A truthful ad! WM, 46, 6'1", 235
lbs, nice-looking, fun-loving, monog-
amous, N/S, business owner, well-
built, laughter is great, seeks WF, 30-
45, attractive, petite, slim, enjoys
walks, movies, dining, arts, commu-
nication, involvement. e64139

Against alr odds. SJM, 45, tall, appre-
ciates nature, hiking, arts, sights,
books, warmth, thoughtfulness,
humor, integrity, irreverence and
adventures. Seeks SJF, full heart, kind
soul, avid intellect, who believes in
forever. e64594

Agreeable Jewish Male, early 40s,
ISO SJF for friendship with long-
term possibilities. I enjoy my life and
would like to share it with someone.



Caring, successful, fun-loving
50-ish, seeks an attractive Jewish
Woman over 35 years of age, who is
interested in friendship first. Interests
include movies, concerts, travel, din-
ing out and other types of cultural
activities. Spending quiet times is also
something I enjoy doing. I do believe
that good communication is impor-
tant in a relationship. e64114

A fun-loving Guy. Down-to-earth,
33-year-old, attractive, professional
SJM who enjoys movies/theater,
working out, travel, great times.
Seeking an attractive Woman who
enjoys the same! 0,64220

Chivalry Yes, that's me, a modern
Man with old-fashioned values in
how to treat a Lady. I am a DJM, 53
years old, 6'1", light brown hair, blue
eyes. I am a romantic-at-heart who
likes hugs and cuddling. I enjoy out-
door activities, the theater and
movies. I also like fine dining and,
occasionally, a greasy spoon type of
place. I am looking for someone who
has a good/great sense of humor,
attractive, sincere, caring and likes CO
give hugs, too. She should be between
35 and 48. I want to become friends
first and, if things work out, hopeful-
' ly it will turn into a LTR! v64977

A great catch, real nice Guy. SJM,
educated, professional, 50, 5'11",
165 lbs, ISO educated, slender JF, 35-
48, for romance, travel, fun times and
long-term, sharing committed rela-
tionship. v64060

Dashing English-Jewish chap, 52,
never-married, marketing vice presi-
dent, will relocate from New York
City Seeks marriage-minded Female,
37-47, who likes animals, is not
afraid to share her feelings. e64758

ad of the week

Vivacious optimist, petite DPF, physically fi:
exercises daily, enjoys good conversation, music .:
Looking for DPM, 40s, physically fit, tall,
beard/mustache, intelligent, sense of humor,.
/S. South Oakland County area. 11" 81Y 1

Each week we will choose the most creative ad
to feature in this section. So get writing!

DIM, 38, living in Oakland County,
looking for the love of my life. I have
much to offer, most importantly, a
loving heart, good intent, integrity
and an understanding and loyal
nature. I am a romantic-at-heart and
really love to do special things for the
Woman in my life. I'd like a Woman
who is fun to be with, feminine, lov-
ing, bright, open-minded and com-
municates well, someone who is both
assertive and caring. I enjoy travel-
ing, cooking, concerts, plays, movies,
picnics, intimate dinners, dancing
and long walks. I love both the chal-
lenges and rewards offered by what I
do. Still, there is the missing element
of a best friend and loving partner
with whom to share. e64056

DJPM, 54, looking for a Lady to
share a LTR. Someone to share with,
work with and love with the things
we want to do. 2264080

Entirely different SJM, 28, caring,
laid-back and adventurous, ISO SJF,
29-39, who enjoys a variety of activi-
ties. Similar interests? New ideas?

Handsome dancer. DJM, nifty
fifties, 5'9",.163 lbs, well-built, high-
ly educated, multidegreed, spiritual,
seeks fair-haired, fair-eyed, fair-
skinned, slender, H/W/P S/DF, 26-
49, who likes dancing, movies, cud-
dling and conversation. e64668

Handsome SJM, 42, 5'8", 160 lbs,
outgoing, college graduate. Seeking
slender, attractive SJF who enjoys
outdoor concerts, movies, travel,
Sunday breakfasts, theater, dining
out, symphony, long walks, art
shows and romance. /264889

Handsome SJM, 35, 5'8", 140 lbs,
brown/blue, athletic, romantic, easy-
going, financially secure, only miss-
ing you! Seeks N/S SJF under 35,
H/W/P, down-to-earth, to make life
complete. v64267

Handsome, housebroken, fit, n/s
DM, 49, 5'11". ISO slim, healthy,
above-average Girl-next-door, 40-50,
with grace, self-esteem,
financial/emotional stability, orga-
nized rational mind. Must be great
kisser. e64222


Extremely desirable DJM, stylish,
highly educated, very successful,
exceptionally young-looking, early
50s, physically fit, 5'10", 160 lbs.
Diverse interests including art,
music, theater and sports. I enjoy a
fortunate lifestyle and would like to
share it with that knockout, slender
S/DJF, 40s, who is intelligent, pas-
sionate and caring. The best in life
awaits! e64871

Florida MD, JM, traditional, fit and
trim, youthful 63, financially/emo-
tionally secure, seeks elegant, slim,
attractive Jewish Lady, 48-56, for
relocation and quality life filled with
fun and commitment. e64196

mature, physically fit, tall, hand-
some, SJPM, 29, not much into the
bar scene anymore, enjoy being out-
doors (walks, parks, picnics, bicy-
cling, etc.). ISO SJF, 22-30, N/S, for
friendsh ip/LTR. /264242

Fun-loving, down-to-earth profes-
sional who enjoys movies, theater,
tennis, travel, art and more. Seeking
my forever partner who enjoys simi-
lar activities, is attractive and thin,
45-53. Tr64254

Gone to the rest, now comes the
best. SJPM, 5'10", well-educated,
disci ngu ished-looking, excellent
communication skills, financially
secure, direct, honest. Seeking SJF,
intelligent, ready for a relationship.
No game players, please. v64233

Great Single dad seeks loving Single
mom to make wonderful family.
SWM, 40, stable, loving, romantic,
fit, honest, all-around good Guy.
Seeking young, slim, sweat-leaned
soulmate. v64700

Handsome, intelligent, funny SJM,
37, 5'10", 195 lbs, seeks sponta-
neous, attractive, intelligent SJF, 26-
35, H/W/P, who's looking for her
best friend and likes to do almost
anything. 1r64184

Hello, I am a SJM, 32, 6' dark hair
and green eyes. I am a caring, sensi-
tive, witty, romantic and cuddly, blue
jeans and T-shirt kind of Guy My
interests include cooking, comput-
ing, old/new movies, outdoor activi-
ties, candlelit dinners, reading, live
music, traveling and spending time
with my family and friends. I'm
looking for a SJF, 21-40, to share
what life has to offer. v64102

I am tired of playing games! N/S
DJPM, 50, 5'6", athletic, seeking
intelligent, slim, attractive JF, 35-49,
who is, too. v64269

I'm sorry; so sorry, seeking second
chance. DJM, 54, seeking special
person who's marriage-minded, also.
Very spontaneous and cuddly, love to
share quiet times, movies, theater,
lakeside walks and nice conversa-
tions. .s64030

Intelligent, presentable, educated.
SWM, late 60s, with means, seeks
Woman for LTR. My interests are
dining, dancing, classical music,
sports and travel. Also, I'm articulate
and romantic. v64207

Intelligent, presentable professional
seeks nonsmoking Lady, mid-50s,
for LTR. My interests are theater,
music, travel, fine dining and sports.

Interesting, educated, athletic, 30-
year-old SJM enjoys reading, bike
riding, communication. Seeking JF,
spontaneous, intelligent and sincere,
for friendship and more. v64250

It's all about timing. SJM. 30s, nice-
looking, ambitious, educated.
Seeking SJF, 28-40, who is indepen-
dent, outgoing and spontaneous.


Summertime and the living is easy

especially with the right Woman.

Spiritual, successful, sensual, slim
JM, 49, enjoys Borders, coffeehouses,

movies, the beach. Seeks marriage-

It's the chemistry that counts. I'm a
fit, 40-year-old SJM who is fairly
easygoing but I have my opinions. I
have a great deal of respect for myself
and others. I'm not bashful (depends
on situation) and I try to live my life
simply (easier said than done). I
laugh, I cry, I travel, I get the T-shirr
"I'm human." I'm a good listener (for
a Guy, that is). I have the best friends
and neighbors in the world and get
along fantastically with my family. I
have a good sense of humor and get
all of my jokes. People describe me as
attractive. You are a SJF, bright, men-
tally fit, charming and confident in
yourself. You can share your dreams,
can take on life and can stand PDA's.
Whoever you are, you have to want
to have fun with life. II 64 2 6 2

Lose weight quick? "Let me cook."
Stay fit? "I'll keep you in shape." Win
all arguments? "Being attractive."
Wine tasting? "Leave it to me." Meet
a great father of two. 47, in shape.
Fun dates! Tr64258

Meaningful love between two people
superseeds the difficulties of life...
SJM, 6', 61, athletic, erudite. Seeks
Lady who believes the hourglass has
many remaining grains of sand, for
pleasant moments. 21.64270

Nifty 50, fun, fabulous SJPM seeks
full-figured SJF full of sugar, spice
and everything nice, for cuddlin',
conversin', dancin' and romancin'
now and forever, my darling.
Happiest New Year! a64091

Phoenix resident. Handsome, vege-
tarian, sincere, professional, intelli-
gent, romantic Israeli DJM, young
48, 5'8", lean, enjoys conversations,
music, nature, exercise. Seeking
attractive, health-conscious soulmate,
S/DF, 30-45, for friendship, possible
relationship. (AZ) 22.64180

Sharp, good-looking professional
JM, very successful, many interests,
desires SWF, 25-35, with no depen-
dents, who is very attractive, thin and
outgoing. v64158

minded SJF, over 30. v64018

SWJM, 32, 6' and 170 lbs. Attractive

and sexy, dark hair and eyes.

Emotionally and financially secure,

sensitive and very romantic, passion-

ate, marriage-minded, all-around

nice Guy. Seeking a wonderful inde-

penderit Woman. She is stable and

loves to cuddle. Smart and sexy, who

does not mind wearing a bathing suit.

I just bought a new Jeep and a couple

of Jet Skis, so she must like the water.

Trust, honesty, faithful are right here,

take a chance, you will not be disap-

pointed. v64081


between 22 and 42, who is honest,

caring, sincere, life-loving, interested

in romantic relationship, N/S, N/D.

Must care about herself and others

and have many varied interests. Must
love animals, sporting events, work-

ing out, fine dining and romantic

walks. v.64237

You can't do better than all A's!

DJPM, 50, amusing, articulate, affec-

tionate, art films, athletics, art fairs,

astrology, "Ally McBeal," seeks

amore. 0,64101

You: Single or Divorced Jewish
Female who is attractive, intelligent,

fun-loving, with a great sense of

humor, between 28 and 36 and look-

ing for someone special to spend time

with and eventually settle down and

have a family. Am I asking for too

much? I hope not as I have high

hopes that you are out there. Me:

am an attractive, intelligent and pro-

fessionally employed, ambitious
Jewish Guy who has an outgoing per-

sonally and a great sense of humor. I

SJM, 30, professional, never-mar-
ried, N/S. Interests include movies,
theater, bowling, golf and spending
quality time with family. I'm looking
for a SJF, no kids, N/S, 26-33, for
friendship and possible relationship.

am not a game player and I expect
you to be the same. I really enjoy life

SJM, 42, 5'10", 160 lbs, attractive,
slim Gentleman, businessman, espe-
cially enjoys going on picnics and
believes life is meant to be shared.
Seeks nice, young Jewish Lady under
35. 0,64126

your reply. e64255

SJM, 50-ish. Is -there any Woman
out there who still remembers the
song "One Summer Night" by the
Danleers or "Be My Love" by Mario
Lanza, who still believes in love?

and just want someone to share it

with. Drop me a line and maybe we

can meet for dinner and get to know
each ocher better. I look forward to

Youthful, degreed Gentleman drives

at night, dances, loves laughter, seeks
to tickle the fancy of Lady over 60.

Can you fancy that? 23.64264

Activity Partners


Someone special, sensitive, caring,
cuddly', sweet, looking for that special
one CO share my life with. If you're
50-60 and have lots of energy, let's
talk. v64425

I love to wear a long raincoat and

boots or in the winter wear a long

coat and boots and have a snowball
fight or roll around in the snow or

walk in the rain and roll around in

Successful, romantic, dynamic,
handsome DJM, 47, looking to spoil
and pamper attractive, slim, fun
Lady. Tr64187

the mud. I love to exercise and enjoy

classical music. Do you have same

interests? v64229

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