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May 04, 2001 - Image 158

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2001-05-04

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Detroiter Sharon Lipton and Sa'adia Hajbi from the Central Galilee share
in the excitement at the ! st Women's Seder in the Central Galilee.


The turmoil in Israel has created feelings of
isolation and despair in o!!!- fel!ow 1PA,A/c
throughout the land. That's why Jews living
in Michigan's Partnership 2000 region in
the Central Galilee welcomed, and were
uplifted by, the January visit of more than
200 Michigan Jews on the Unity Mission to
Israel. To participants, it felt like family visit-
ing family — and all because of our com-
munities' involvement in the Partnership
2000 program.


and volunteers. The exchanges have led
to new business initiatives, development
of health awareness and hospice programs,
creation of volunteer networks and leader-
ship-training seminars, and education
projects for nevvcomers from Ethiopia
and the former Soviet Union.

Partnership 2000 has accomplished a real
personal connection. With all the business,
social and cultural exchanges, many
Michigan Jews have developed a special
relationship with these particular Israelis.
Launched by the Jewish Agency for Israel
(JAFI) in 1994, Partnership 2000 is a people- And that affection was evident in January,
to-people enterprise between Jews in North when the people of Central Galilee gladly
opened their homes to the caring travelers
America and Israel. Our designated region
from Michigan.
of the Central Galilee includes the munici-
palities of Nazareth Hit and Migdal Ha'Emek
Because we're family.
and the Jezreel Valley Regional Council.
And families stick by each other.
Our visits to the Central Galilee over the
If you'd like to learn more about
past few years, and their visits to us, have
Partnership 2000, call Tanya Mazor-Posner
paired educators, legislators, social workers,
at (248) 203-1456.
teenagers, psychoanalysts, business leaders

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