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May 07, 1999 - Image 46

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1999-05-07

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Margot and Warren






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IC Council Exhibit Opens

Sixty years of the Jewish
Community Council's history will
be celebrated at a Sunday, May 23,
champagne reception marking the
opening of the exhibit "Jewish
Community Council: Sixty Years of
Working Together for Justice and
Harmony" at the Detroit Historical
Keynote speaker U. S. Sen. Carl
Levin will reflect on the council's
legacy to the community and the role
it has played in Detroit life. Jennifer
Granholm, Michigan attorney gener-
al, and Freeman Hendrix, Detroit
deputy mayor, will offer greetings
along with Federation and newly
elected council presidents Penny
Blumenstein and Kathleen Straus.
The program Will begin with the
council's annual meeting and elec-
tion and installation of officers in
the museum auditorium at 2 p.m.
The reception and exhibit opening
will begin at 3 p.m. in Wrigley Hall.
An anniversary program book will
be distributed at the reception.
Commissioned by the Jewish

Community Council in commemo-
ration of its anniversary and spon-
sored by the Ford Motor Co., the
exhibit traces the relationship
between Detroit's Jewish community
and the diverse metropolitan com-
munity since the 1930s.
Joe Hines, designer of the
Federation's Centennial Exhibit and
principal of Projects Arts & Ideas,
was the architect of the council
Housed at the historical museum
through Sunday, June 6, the exhibit
depicts cooperation between local
ethnic and religious groups in their
shared struggles against religious and
racial discrimination, efforts to pre- (‘`
serve religious freedom, advocacy for
human rights and programs for mul-
ticultural understanding.
Educational materials will accompa-
ny each panel and will be provided
to viewers of the exhibit.
The museum is at Woodward and
West Kirby in Detroit. Exhibit hours
are Wednesday through Sunday, 10 c:\
a.m. to 5 p.m.

Metropolitan Detroit



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CJF/UJA Honors Michael Maddin

Michael Maddin, former president of
the United Jewish Foundation of
Metropolitan Detroit and chair of its
Federated Endowment Fund, has earned
the 1998 Endowment Achievement
Award of the Council of Jewish
Federations/United Jewish Appeal.
Maddin was cited for his leadership
skills and his understanding of the
importance of endowment development

to the future of the Jewish community
in Detroit.
Chairman of the Jewish
Federation/United Jewish
Foundation Centennial Committee,
Maddin headed the Federated
Endowment Fund from 1991-95
before being elected president of the
United Jewish Foundation for the
following three years.

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Email: massfoto@aol.com


Michael Maddin accepts the Endowment Achievement Award of the CJF/UJA part-
nership from Robert Slatkin, president of the United Jewish Foundation.

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