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October 31, 1997 - Image 51

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1997-10-31

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Music Program
For CHaZaKaH

CHaZakaH, the Adat Shalom
Synagogue seniors group, will sponsor
a musical program featuring the vocal
selections of G. Robin Beck, 12:30
p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13. The enter-
tainment will follow a dairy luncheon.
The program is open to all Detroit-
r- area seniors. There is a $5 charge for
CHaZaKaH members and a $6 per
nonmember fee. Send checks to
Arthur Schultz, 30830 Hunters Drive,
Farmington Hills, MI 48334.
Advance reservations are required by
Nov. 6. For information, call Dorothy
Storchan, (248) 356-2123.

Hope Mission
, Goes To Poland

Jewish women who have survived
breast cancer are sought for a trip to
Poland and Israel to be called the
Mission of Hope, which will tenta-
tively take place in October 1998.
Trip participants will tour death
camps and other points of historical
interest in Poland as well as areas of
renowned Jewish life. Following the
Poland leg of the trip, the group will
' go to Israel to visit sites of historical
and Jewish interest.
An informational meeting is
scheduled to take place in December.
For information on this 10-day trip,
call Didi Wainess, (248) 505-3533,
or Janice Tacht, (248) 626-4600.

At Conference

The Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit and its affiliates,
United Jewish Foundation, Federated
Endowment Fund and Jewish Fund,
will all have a role in the forthcoming
25th annual conference of the Council
of Michigan Foundations, slated for
Wednesday-Friday, Nov. 5-7, at the
Westin Hotel in Detroit. The confer-
ence will focus on issues facing grant
makers in the coming years.
Federation's affiliates will sponsor
the opening luncheon of the confer-
ence. Federation Executive Vice
President Robert P. Aronson will deliv-
er the invocation.
At the opening dinner, William
Davidson, philanthropist-industrialist

and honorary chair of the conference,
will be honored and treated to a
musical tribute by the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra Brass
Among the scheduled speakers at
the conference are Isaac Stern,
Charles Gibson, James Kunstler and
Jeremy Rifkin. More than 75 sessions
will offer opportunities to examine
in-depth issues. There will be site vis-
its to projects funded by the grant-
making community in Detroit.


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Hillel Events
At U-M

The Conservative Minyan will co-
sponsor an evening at the Main
Street Comedy club on Saturday,
Nov. 1. Meet at Hillel at 8 p.m.
Admission is $6.
There will be Israeli dancing at
Hillel, 8-10 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2.
Beginners and advanced are welcome;
The mass meeting for the
University of Michigan
Annual Conference on the Holocaust
will be held 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov.
3, at Hillel.
The Jewish Feminist Group will
celebrate the new month of
Cheshvan with a creative, feminist
Rosh Chodesh service, 7:30 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 3, at Hillel.
VIA Hillel,
service organization, is assisting
Habitat for Humanity build homes
for low-income families, 5-8 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 4. Call Matt H., (313)
The Conservative Minyan's weekly
meeting will be held 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 4. at Hillel.
Residence Hall Repertory Theatre
will present The Meaning of Life
According to Res Rep, 9 p.m. Tuesday,
Nov. 4, at Baits Residence Hall.
Rabbi Rich Kirschen will lead the
discussion at "Parsha & Pizza" 6-7
p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5.
The Reform Chavurah's weekly
meeting will be 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 5, at Hillel.
Hillel will show the film Swingers,
9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5. No
admission fee.
Shulchan Ivrit will meet 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 6, at Cava Java Cafe.
Graduate students are invited to
join Rabbi Rich Kirschen for
Mishneh Torah chug, 8:30 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 7, at Hillel.

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