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September 19, 1997 - Image 38

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1997-09-19

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Ann Arbor








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Apples, Honey
In Ann Arbor

Apples and Honey and Lot, Lots More
will bring together hundreds of families
for fun, celebration, and learning about
the High Holy Days 1-4 p.m., Sunday,
Sept. 28, at the Washtenaw County
There will be Jewish new year cards,
cookbooks and gift items for sale. There
will be apples for tasting and apples
from the local orchard for buying.
Admission will be $1 for adults and
$.50 for children over three years of age.
No reservations are necessary.

On Campus

Machon Goes
To College

Machon L'Torah, the Jewish Network
of Michigan, will hold a deli dinner co-
sponsored by the Jewish Student
Association of Western Michigan
University 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21.
Rabbi Jacobovitz will lead a discussion.
There is no charge. For information
and reservations call Gillian Beaty
(616) 384-6643, or the Machon office,
(248) 967-0888.
Machon L'Torah will hold a lecture
7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, at the
Jewish Resource Center at U-M. Rabbi
Jacobovitz will lead a discussion on
"Interdating, Intermarriage and
Racism." There is no charge.
Refreshments will be served. For infor-
mation and reservations, call the Jewish
Resource Center, (313) 332-8777, or
In addition, Machon L'Torah will
hold an educational program in East
Lansing with the Jewish Law Student
Association noon, Tuesday, Sept. 23.
Rabbi Jacobovitz will lead a discussion,
which will be followed by a deli lunch.
The program will be held at the Cooley
Law School Building. There is no
charge. For information and reserva-
tions, call Machon, or Dan Miller,
(517) 337-2177.

Publicity Deadlines

The normal deadline for local news
and publicity items is noon
Thursday, eight days prior to issue
date. The deadline for out-of-town
obituaries is 10 a.m. Tuesday, three
days prior to issue date.


Service Group
Hosts Luncheon

Infants Service Group will hold its
Cherub Luncheon, noon Wednesday;
Oct. 8, at Big Daddy's, on Orchard
Lake Road in West Bloomfield.
Entertainment will be by Elenore
Riseman. Tickets are $25. To reserve
seats or for information, call Ellanore
Bronstein, (248) 737-2766.

Roosevelt Group
Hosts Speaker

Eleanor Roosevelt Hadassah will hold
its 1997-1998 opening meeting 7
p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23, at Hadassah
House, 5030 Orchard Lake Road,
West Bloomfield.
The evening's speaker will be Arline
Gould, past president of the Eleanor
Roosevelt Group of Hadassah and of
the Greater Detroit Chapter of
Hadassah. She will describe Hadassah
projects and developments at
Hadassah Hospital in Israel.
Prospective members are encouraged
to attend and current members are
invited to bring a friend. There will be
no admission charge; refreshments will
be served.

NCJW Plans
Israel Workshop

National Council of Jewish Women,
Greater Detroit Section will offer a
workshop for volunteers interested in
participating in its Passport to Israel
program 1-3 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23,
at the NCJW office, One Lahser
Center, 26400 Lahser Road, Suite
100, Southfield. This workshop will
be for both experienced and new vol-
Yael Waxman, the new shalicha
from the Michigan/Israel Connection,
will speak about Israel at the work-
shop. Passport to Israel is an interac-
tive presentation designed for upper
elementary and middle school stu-
dents (grades 4-8) which introduces
youngsters to Israeli geography, histo-
ry and cultural diversity.
For information, contact Ellie
Slovis or Trudy Weiss, (248) 355-

Shir Tikvah
Hosts Services

Congregation Shir Tikvah will host to
two services the last week in September.
Selichot will be observed by candlelight
by midnight, Saturday Sept. 27.
Shir Tikvah will begin with medi-
tations and storytelling at 10:30 p.m.
and finish at about 12:30 a.m.
Shir Tikvah's first-ever healing ser-
vice will be held 7:30 p.m. Sept. 29.
The service is intended to be an emo- Jl
tional and nurturing one open to
everyone dealing with loss of a loved
one or simply in need of emotional
support. Both services will be held at
Northminister Presbyterian Church,
3633 Big Beaver in Troy. For infor- )
mation, call the temple administrator,
(248) 619-9669.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
services, which last less than an hour,
are geared for families with young
children. On Rosh Hashanah,
Thursday, Oct. 2, and Yom Kippur,
Saturday, Oct. 4, at 4 p.m. Rabbi
Arnie and Chazan Eli Cohen will
conduct family services at 3830
Crooks at the Reorganized Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in
Troy. The service on Oct. 2 will be
followed at 5 p.m. with Apples and
Honey. The Tashlich Service 11 a.m.
Oct. 3, will be the back of Jaycee
Park, Long Lake Road between
Rochester and John R. Tickets are
c= 1\
not required for these programs but
are required for Erev and Rosh
Hashanah morning services, Kol
Nidre and Yom Kippur morning ser-
vices held at 3830 Crooks. For infor-
mation, call the temple administrator,
(248) 619-9669.

BAHM Plans
For Selichot

The Adult Education Committee
of Congregation Beth Abraham
Hillel Moses will host a Selicliot
bibliodrama, "The Un-Binding of
Isaac." Facilitated by Rabbi Aaron
Bergman, the workshop will begin at
9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, at the syn-
The public is invited and admission
is free. Refreshments will be served.
A special young people's discussion
will be led by Ruth Bergman. All
attendees will join together for a wrap-
up prior to Selichot services, which
commences at 11 p.m.

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