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December 13, 1996 - Image 44

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1996-12-13

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No Pains
No Gains

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

In a boom market with many stocks rising 15% or more,
the capital gains tax can be a real pain in the pocket-

If you sell now before the end of the year, the tax folks
will want a third of the profits!

So, why not donate appreciated stock or mutual fund
shares to your favorite cause? A cause that comforts
the aged, educates young people, rescues families
from danger and resettles them in freedom? In short,
how about creating an endowment fund that will
benefit your community through the Jewish Federation
of Metropolitan Detroit?

You'll feel no pain, you'll avoid tax on the capital gain,
and you'll reap a king-size mitzvah for your community,
your family and yourself.

For information about donating appreciated mutual
fund shares or stocks, call the Endowment Department
of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, 642-
4260, ext. 206.

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Joshua Steinman Risa Gotlib

Joshua Michael Steinman, son
of Kenneth and Fran Steinman,
brother of Amy, grandson of
Ethel Steinman and the late
David Steinman and of Helene
and Richard Freund, will be bar
mitzvah on Dec. 14, at Temple
Kol Ami.
Joshua is an honor student at
Cranbrook where he has served
on the student council. He plays
piano and hockey; he was goalie
on last year's city of Birmingham
Pee Wee championship team.
Josh has performed with local
amateur and professional the-
atre groups, caddied and partic-
ipated in hockey clinics.
For his bar mitzvah projects,
Josh has packed food for Glean-
ers and worked at Georgian
Bloomfield Nursing Home.

Risa Grace Gotlib of Ann Arbor
became a bat mitzvah on Nov. 16
at Temple Beth Emeth.
Participating in the service
were Risa's mother, Carol Dunitz;
her father, Steven Gotlib; her sis-
ters, Helen, Dorothy and Jocelyn;
her grandmothers, Joan Dunitz
of Bloomfield Hills and Buff Giv-
en of Los Angeles; her Aunt Nan-
cy, Uncle Mitchell and cousin,
Lauren, all of Los Angeles.
Family and friends celebrated
at a party that evening at the
Sheraton Inn.
Risa is a seventh-grade student
at Clague Middle School. She en-
joys reading, music and theater.
Risa plays basketball.



PO Box 2030 • Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-2030 • (810) 642-4260

Stacey Lipson



Jordan Scheinfield of West
Bloomfield, son of Judith and
Dennis Scheinfield and brother
of Adam, celebrated his bar mitz-
vah Saturday, Nov. 30, at Con-
gregation Shaarey Zedek.
Proud grandmothers are
Janet Levenson and Olga Adler.
Jordan attends Walled Lake
Middle School where he is in-
volved in student council, bas-
ketball, skiing and baseball.
A party in Jordan's honor was
held at the Troy Marriott Hotel.

Stacey Lipson of West Bloomfield
will become a bat mitzvah at Con-
gregation Beth Abraham Hillel
Moses on Dec. 14. Rabbi
Bergman and Cantor Lanxner
will lead services.
Participating in the ceremony
will be her parents, Paul and
Judy; brother and sister, Brian
and Rachel; and grandparents
Manny and Nancy Kalef of
Southfield, Irwin Goodman of
Farmington Hills and Sam and
Mona Lipson of Southfield. A par-
ty will be held at Santia Banquet
Center in Keego Harbor.
Stacey is an honor student at
Abbott Middle School. She is ac-
tive in band, choir, drama and art.

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