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September 20, 1996 - Image 46

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1996-09-20

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High Holiday
In Grosse Pointe

5. 870


The Grosse Pointe Jewish Coun-
cil will celebrate Yom Kippur
with religious services to be held
at the Grosse Pointe Unitarian
Church on Sunday, Sept. 22, at
8 p.m. and Monday, Sept. 23, at
9:30 a.m. (morning service),
1:30-2 p.m. (children's service)
and 3 p.m. for the afternoon,
memorial and concluding ser-
vices. Rabbi Joseph Gutmann
will officiate. The cantorial
soloist will be Roger Skully.
For membership information
or to attend the High Holiday
services, call 821-5410.





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On Sunday, Oct. 27, Congrega-
tion B'nai Moshe will hold its
Amazing Autumn Auction.
At 6:30 p.m. there will be a
silent auction coupled with a
light dinner.
The live auction will begin at
8:30 p.m. and will be conducted
by Stew Irwin with help from
Cheryl Chodun of WXYZ-TV
Channel 7.
Tickets are available for ad-
vance purchase of $12 or $15 at
the door. For information, call
the synagogue office, 788-0600.

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Bonds Listing

Receive Weekly Report

On Thursday, Sept. 26, at the
Jimmy Prentis Morris Jewish
Community Center, the Boaz
Siegel Cultural Fund will spon-
sor "Meditation and Creativity."
This program features Rabbi
Craig Allen from Congregation
Beit Kodesh, who will focus on
how creativity impacts Jewish
meditation. This program will
begin at 1 p.m. and there is a fee
for non-members.
Two Judaic classes will begin
this month. Shoshana Ben-Ozer,
religious school director at Con-
gregation Beth Shalom, will fa-
cilitate a Bible class on Mondays
from 10-11 a.m., starting Sept.
30. Naomi Levine will begin her
current events class starting
Sept. 25 from 10-11 a.m.
The Senior Forum meets
every Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
David Weiner facilitates this
Weekly Erev Shabbat ser-
vices have resumed on Fridays
at 12:45 p.m. Cantor Max Shi-
mansky, Cantor David Gutman

and Ida Kogan will alternate as----/
facilitators with prayers and
The Wednesday Afternoon
Social meets at 1 p.m. Broadway
show tunes and Yiddish
melodies are presented by a
troupe of local entertainers. Re-
freshments are served. There is
a 500 charge for this event.

Parenting Center (---/
Offers Classes

Baby and Me Aerobics is an ex-
ercise and walking class for
moms and babies up to one year
old. Thursdays, Oct. 10-Decem-
ber 5, 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Par-
enting Center.
Sense of Shabbat is appro-<
priate for children 2'!2-3'/2. Fri-
day, Oct. 4, 18; Nov. 1, 15; Dec.
6, 10:15-11 a.m.
Kitchen Table is a morning
class for moms and their babies,
birth through 15 months.
Wednesdays, Oct. 2-Dec. 11,
9:45 a.m.
Music and Movement is for
mom and babies 3 months and
older. Wednesday, Oct. 2-Dec.'—\
11. Moms and babies 3-9
months will meet from noon-
12:30 p.m.; moms and babies 10
months and older will meet from
11:15-11:45 a.m.
Challah Days will be Friday,
Oct. 4, between 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Call ahead to reserve challah
dough, 681-5353.
Artifacts is a ceramics class,-/
designed for adults. Thursdays,
Oct. 3-Nov. 14, 7:15-8:45 p.m.
Babysitting is availabe for
daytime classes at no charge by
reservations only. Register for
classes in advance. These class-
es have fees for information, call
Ruth Beresh, 681-5353.

Program Set

On Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 7-
9 p.m. the Maple-Drake Jewish
Community Center will present
a program on adoption. The
speakers include Joanne Lax,
adoption attorney; Esther Krys-
tal, clinical social worker; Lin-
da Yellin, therapist and <
At the conclusion of the pro-
gram, an informal coffee get to-
gether will take place with
adoptive parents from the Stars
of David. This program is free to
the community and is made pos-
sible wtih support from the
Metro Detroit Chapter of the
Stars of David, a Jewish and
partially Jewish adoptive fami-
ly organization.
To pre-register and for infor-
mation, call the Adult and Fam-
ily Enrichment Department,
(810) 661-7649.

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