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May 24, 1996 - Image 136

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1996-05-24

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Introducing .. .

the greatest idea in outdoor cooking since barbecue sauce

The Convenience Barbecue Center by Toastmaster
is designed to be built into the outside wall of a
home. It stores away, out of the way. Closed, it
stands out only four inches from a standard brick
exterior or flush with an optional installation kit. But,
open it up and pull the cookbox down, and you're
ready to barbecue on a full 18" x 24" cooking grill,
complete with motorized rotisserie.

Because the Convenience Barbecue Center is
constructed of brushed stainless steel, the
weather won't wear out or dirty its good looks.
And it's designed for quick and easy cleaning
after cooking too. Plus, its two gas-fired burners
are tapped into the home's natural gas system,
eliminating bottled gas problems. Its venting takes
smoke and fumes through the roof, and the entire
system has been tested and certified by the
American Gas Association.

IN, Toastmaster Inc.

Specialties Showroom is the premier upscale appliance showroom. Our kitchen displays,

featuring built-in appliances, offer you the opportunity to explore options and make confident

decisions. Come visit Specialties Showroom and see how we have reinvented the appliance

shopping experience.

"& Bath



Twelve Mile




Eleven Mile







2800 West Eleven Mile Road

Berkley, Michigan 48072
Telephone: 810-548-5656


Hours: M-F 9-5

Sat 10-1

or by appointment



Taking trips with their grand-
children is also a tradition for the
Millers, particularly for special oc-
casions. One of the grandchildren
accompanied them on a Miracle
Mission to Israel, two have been
to Disney World, two to Africa, and
one on a cruise. "It's a wonderful
way to share a vacation."
Dr. Louis and Ina Egnater of
Farmington Hills prefer sharing an
activity or taking their grandchil-
dren to places and events rather
than staying home.
"I like being active and plan (`
something, whether it's going shop-
ping, swimming, touring Green-
field Village or going out for lunch.
There's a lot to see in this com-
munity, and we select activities we
all can enjoy," says Mrs. Egnater. <
Lou and I make a point of attend-
ing many of the grandchildren's ac-
tivities, such as gymnastics or karate
exhibitions, and when we're at
home, it's often board games or spe-
cial projects like sewing Halloween
costumes." c-\
Greenfield Village, located in
Dearborn, can take up a long week-
end if you have the time. Visiting
the Henry Ford Museum with its
boundless collection of automobiles
and trains is an adventure.
Strolling through the village,
climbing the stairs in Thomas Edi-
son's New Jersey laboratory, being
inside the Wright Brothers' bike
shop and buying chocolate toffee
in the old-fashioned candy store are
bound to make history come alive.
Another cornerstone of the met-
ropolitan area's culture is the De-
troit Historical Museum, which
provides a full panorama of Detroit's
colorful history depicting what the
city looked like all the way back
to Cadillac's landing.
Permanent exhibitions include
the "Motor City Exhibition," trac-
ing 100 years of automotive histo-
ry in Detroit.
Elaine Kaufman of Orchard Lake

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