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March 22, 1996 - Image 85

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1996-03-22

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in the country, but I don't think
that it's a fad. It's the era. The
prophecies are becoming true, in
one way or another."
Singer Adi Ran, who only a
few years ago led a grass-roots
movement to try to legalize pot,
now leads a group of celebrities
in weekly Torah study in a Tel
Aviv bar, Maariv reports.
While Mr. Ran has abandoned
his secular life and has stopped
performing, many of the celebri-
ties who are becoming Orthodox
are managing to juggle their sec-
ular and religious lives, Maariv
Stand-up comic Gil Koptash
told Maariv that while he is try-
ing to keep as many mitzvot as
possible, he is also keeping things
in perspective. "I don't want any-
one to set me in a frame, and I
don't believe all these rabbis ...
I don't work on Shabbat, but I
drive. I try to do kiddush, but I
don't do havdala."
Most important, he does not
take the whole thing too seri-
ously, he told Maariv. "When I
grow up, I want to be a race-car
driver and a Torah scholar, in
that order. I am opening a new
cult of neo-Jews who have a love
for Judaism and faith."

Air, AM/FM Cassette, CD Changer, Anti-Theft Device

* Per Month
24 Month

so DOWN! '99

* Per Month
24 Month

OPTION 1.':': Per Month — 24 Month Lease.

'Lease price based on 24 MD. lease. First pymt, sec. dep. (oymt rounded to next'25 increment), act} fee. 51765 cap cost
reduction. desk. plates, title, tax & doc. fee due at inception. Lease based on approved creck 12,000 nibs per yr., 10c per
nile overage. To get to pymt multiply pyrrt x term Option to purchase at lease end for predeterm prior_. Lessee reap. for
excess wear & tear. M rebates to dealer. Plus 6% use tax.

'Lease price based on 24 mo. lease. First pymt, sec. dep. (pymL rounded to next'25 increment), acq. fee, 53775 cap
cost reduction. dest, plates. ale, tax & doe. lee due at inception. Lease based on approved credit 12,003 miles per yr.,
1Cc per rrile overage. To get total pyrnt multiply pyrrt x tame Option to ptraese at lease end for predeterm price. Lessee
rasp. lor excess wear & tear. M rebates to dealer. Plus 6% we tax.

OPTION 2.'149 Per Month — 24 Month Lease.

OPTION 2.'149 Per Month — 24 Month Lease.

Lease based on 24 mo. lease. Frst pyrrt sec. dep. (pymt rounded to next'25 increment). acq. fee. 5583 cap cost re:Just:on,
dest, plates. title, tax & doc. fee due at bcepian. Lease based on approved credit. 12,000 miles per yr.. 15c per mile overage.
To get total pyrnt multiply pyrrt x term Option to purchase at lease end for predeterm. price. Lessee rasp. for excess wear
& tear. All rebates to dealer. Plus 6% use tax.

" Lease based on 24 ay. lease. First pyrrt sec. dep. (pymt rounded to next '25 increment), acq. tee, 52592 cap cost
reduction, (lest. pates. tide, tax & doc. lee due at inception. Lease based on approved creek 12.1300 mites per yr., 10c pa
rrile overage. To get total pymt multiply pyrrt x tent Option to purchase at lease end for predeterm price. Lessee rasp.
for excess wear & tear. AI rebates k) dealer. Plus 6% use tax.

OPTION 3.'221 Per Month — 24 Month Lease.

OPTION 3.'314 Per Month — 24 Month Lease.

'"Lease price based on 24 mo. lease. No money dom. No cap cost redact, no 1st mo pymt, no sec. dep.. no asq. tee (lest.
palm, tie doc tee due at inception. Lease based cn approved creck 1 2.060 fries per yr., 24c per min overaA to get total writ
mitipty pyrrt x tam. Option to purchase at lease end for predetermined prise. Lessee reap. for excess wear & tear . Ail rebated
to dealer. Pus Ri use tax.

— Lease price based on 24 coo. lease. No money dorm. No cap cost redact, no 1st mo. pint, no sec. dep., no as4 fee desk.
Pates. Me, doc fee due at hception.
Lease based on approved crock 12,C00 mks per yr., 10c per min overage. to get total pyrrt (miff?), pymt x tern Option
to puthase at lease end for peclekrined price. Lessee rasp. for excess wear & tear. AI rebated to deal er . Plus 6% use tat


1996 626 DX

,,,,,, • • -




OPTION 1. 8149 Per Month - 24 Month Lease.

'Lease price based on 24 mo. lease. First pymt, sec. dep. (pymt rounded to next'25 increment),
acq. fee, $1780 cap cost reduction, dent, plates, titre, tax & doc. fee due at inception. Lease based
on approved credit 12,000 miles per yr., 10c per mile overage. To get total pymt multiply pymt. x
term. Option to purchase at lease end for predeterm. price. Lessee reap. for excess wear & tear.
All rebates to dealer. Plus 6% use tax.

OPTION 2.1 99 Per Month - 24 Month Lease.

Lease based on 24 mo. lease. First pyrnt sec. dep. (pymt rounded to next '25 increment), acq.
fee, $585 cap cost reduction, desk., plates, title, tax & doc. fee due at inception. Lease based on
approved credit. 12,000 miles per yr., 15c per mile overage. To get total pymt. multiply pymL x term.
Option to purchase at lease end for predeterm. price. Lessee reap. for excess wear & tear. All rebates
to dealer. Plus 6% use tax.

OPTION 3,'278 Per Month - 24 Month Lease.

Air, AM/FM Cassette, CD Changer, Anti-Theft Device

so DOWN! '14

* Per Month
24 Month

"'Lease price based on 24 mo. lease. No money down. No cap cost redact, no 1st mo pymt., no
sec. dep., no acq. fee dest., plates, title, doe fee due at inception. Lease based on approved
credit.12,000 miles per yr., 10e per mile overage. to get total pymt multiply pymt. x term. Option to
purchase at lease end for predetermined price. Lessee reap. for excess wear & tear . All rebated
to dealer. Plus 6% use tax.




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Tzvi Frank, who heads the
"Airport 2000" project, told Yediot
Aharonot, "We can start con-
struction tomorrow morning, but
we are forced to sit with the plans
and waste valuable time, time we
don't have.

Leather, Bose, 4 Seasons Package

DOWN! $9

Still Grounded

Israel's plans for constructing
a new, better, much bigger air-
port that would be able to keep
up with the increasing in-coming
and out-going traffic is on hold,
Yediot Aharonot reports.
Mayors of cities located near
the new location, politicians, en-
vironmentalists and others are
211 stalling the plans for the pro-
ject, which was supposed to be
completed in the year 2000, ac-
cording to Yediot Aharonot.
Even the leaders of Kfar
Chabad — the Lubavitch move-
ment's village off the Tel Aviv-
Jerusalem road — are criticizing
the project, according to Yediot

1996 MIATA

OPTION 1.'88 Per Month — 24 Month Lease.

Taking A Gamble

There's better than a 50-50
chance that the Jewish state will
legalize casino gambling in the
near future, according to Israeli
But so far, Israel's police force
is going all out after illegal casi-
The police recently busted four
illegal casinos — three in Haifa
and one in the holy city of
Jerusalem, Yediot Aharonot re-
Each of the casinos, which are
disguised as offices in industrial
parks, makes a profit of more
than $300,000 a month, accord-
ing to Yediot Aharonot.



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