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February 16, 1996 - Image 50

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1996-02-16

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['BRIM Beat

Chiropractic Health Hints

D C.



When one automobile is struck by another, thousands of
pounds of force are exerted upon the neck and spine of the
passengers. The head, which is very heavy compared to the neck,
is thrust toward the hitting vehicle. The muscles then stretch and
react with a violent spasm in the opposite direction.
The painful result is injury to the muscles, ligaments, nerves
and, on occasion, broken bones. A wreck victim isn't all right if
he or she does not have any broken bones. When a bone is broken
DR. STANLEY LEVINE it heals with bone and becomes stronger than before. Soft tissue,
however, heals as scar tissue, which is weaker and less resistant.
Just like a bruised apple, scar tisue NEVER RETURNS TO ITS ORIGINAL
STATE. Even a minor automobile accident can have major ill effects on your
health. It may be weeks, months, or even years before the problem shows itself.
But, by then, it may be too late to prevent your greatest loss — your health.
Chiropractic will usually provide rapid relief from the symptoms of accident
distress by employing comfortable corrective measures. Have your spine checked
by experts.

.Don't Live With Pain. We Can Help!


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.y life changed on Feb. during my lunch hour. I took
22, 1993, when I was di- work to the hospital when I had
agnosed with cancer. I chemotherapy. I kept up with all
had never considered the latest movies. I went every-
myself just a mortal. I took the where I wanted to go, and I didn't
prospect of long life for granted. care what people thought of me
Then, three years ago, I received when I was there.
I liked being bald. You don't
the call from my doctor.
He had to see me immediately. have to worry about having a bad
My tests, he said, revealed some hair day. Plus, you can get up lat-
abnormalities. That day, I un- er than normal for work because
derwent more tests, as well as X- you don't have to wash or blow-
rays. I received the name of an dry your hair.
I decided that this is my life
That evening, I went home and I am going to live it. There is
and did what normal people no way that I am going to let can-
probably do when they are told cer take over.
they have cancer. I told my hus-
During the past three years,
band what a great guy he is and I've seen what a miracle life is,
I told him to marry again.
how each day is different from
I totally fell apart at the seams. the rest and what beauty is
However, this was not the real brought out during a rain or snow
me. I was always in charge. So, shower.
after a very long night of crying
The things I took for granted
uncontrollably in my husband's now give me a new world to look
arms, I woke up at approxi- at daily. It's a world made up of
mately 6 a.m. with the feeling many people, good and bad, ugly
that someone greater than I was and beautiful, and others who fall
somewhere in between.
looking after me.
And, in my mind, I knew that
Most people overlook the fact
if I were going to make it, I would that we all are the same on the
have to fight. The only way I inside ... Go on with your life. Be
knew of fighting was with a very good to all people. Remember the
dry sense of humor (which of- Ten CoMmandments.
Don't question God's love in
fends many people) and a strong
you or vice versa. Many people
belief in God.
I went to see the oncologist, start to doubt their belief in God
who probably thought I was when they get ill. They have to
crazy. My husband and I laughed remember that God gave us life
about quite a few things he told and will take us to Him when it
us. People felt that I was flighty is our time.
If you do not conquer the can-
and said I wasn't accepting the
cer and God takes you to anoth-
fact that I was sick.
Well, they were wrong. I did er life, make sure that those who
understand the illness. When I love you believe that you're hap-
read more about it, it scared the py, content and living with God.
living daylights out of me. I found They must learn to release you
out that I have a very fatal form from this world and go on with
of breast cancer. Did I really need their lives.
to know this? Probably not. I
knew it was bad, but I did all I .Andrea Kideckel lives with her
husband, Alan Kideckel, in
could do to remain normal.
I took radiation treatments metro Detroit.

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