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October 06, 1995 - Image 120

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1995-10-06

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KAPELYE will appear at COLLOQUIUM '95's
honoring filmmaker Joan Micklin Silver,
with screening of HESTER STREET

Saturday, October 15th, 7:30 pm

Smith Theatre, Orchard Ridge Campus,
Oakland Community College, Farmington Hills.
$ I 5.00 per person. Reservations only.

Limited seating available.

(810) 476-9532


Wayne State University Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies,
together with Midrasha Center for Adult Jewish Learning and
Border's Books &' Music present:

Can Peace
Still Work?

Thursday, October 19, 1995 ❖ 7:00 p.m.
Border's Books & Music, Farmington Hills
30995 Orchard Lake Rd., (South of 14 Mile Rd.)
Call (810) 737-0110 for reservations.
No charge

Akiva Eldar

Washington Correspondent for Plaaretz, Israel's leading newspaper

Hisham Melhem


Washington Correspondent for As-Safir; Lebanon's leading newspaper

For additional Adult Jewish Learning opportunities, contact Robert Nosanchuk
at Agency for Jewish Education (810) 354-1050. This event is supported by
the Evelyn Hoffman Kasle Philanthropic Fund of Wayne State.

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The Oslo II accord sets the stage for the
philosophical future of Israeli and
Palestinian nationalism.



t seems fitting, in a way, that in both the Israeli and Palestin-
for the second time in two ian communities as they grapple
years, Israel is beginning its with trying to live viably with one
new year with an agreement another.
with its closest neighbors, the
Israelis tend to overlook the
Palestinians. First came the De- fact that the Palestinians are
claration of Principles, signed in struggling to build a democracy,
Washington just days before an economy, and a new social or-
Rosh Hashanah in 1993. Now the der all at once and practically
Taba Agreement or "Oslo II," the from scratch — which inevitably
Interim Agreement on new po- leads to enormous tensions with-
litical and security arrangements in their ranks. As they look for-
in the West Bank, was initialed ward to their elections, for
(after a long round of dramatic, example, the internal balance of
down-to-the-wire negotiations) power between the Old Guard
just hours before Rosh Hashanah from Tunis and local Palestinian
set in and was signed yesterday leadership will begin to change.
in Washington.
Palestinians will finally have to
Both accords, like the timing take a hard look at, and assume
they shared, are "new begin- full responsibility for, the kind of
nings," of a sort. The DoP held society they want to create and
promise of reconciliation between the values they want to foster.
the two peoples sharing the same
Israelis are facing a similar
patch of land. Two years later, challenge in deciding what kind
schooled in the often bitter real- of a nation they want to be. The
ities of living together under new bottom line of the Taba Agree-
rules of mutuality, Israeli and ment is that in another six
Palestinian expectations of the months, when the IDF completes
rest of the process are more sober
and pragmatic, focus more on
separation than reconciliation,
dwell more on the difficulties
than the benefits of making
That it why it took a 400-page
document to spell out the details
of the understanding. (So heavy
is the printed agreement that it
began to come apart in Ahmed
Qrei's hands just after he had ini-
tialed it, which cynics took as an
omen of things to come.
(By comparison, the original the first stage of its redeployment
Oslo Accord, and the subsequent and the Civil Administration is
Gaza-Jericho Agreement that withdrawn, Israel will have vol-
translated its first stage into untarily ended its 28-year control
arrangements on the ground, of the Palestinian people (while
were merely modest "advances" ceding only 30 percent of the ter-
on the real price of transferring ritory of the West Bank).
large parts of the West Bank,
Thus the issue has never been
where 140.000 Israelis make more stark for Israel's citizens.
their home, compared to only Those who support the agree-
some 5,000 in the Gaza Strip, to ment consent to the end of the oc-
Palestinian self-rule.
cupation. Those who oppose it, in
To appreciate the impact of the principle as well as substance
Taba Agreement, one must back (and they are many and strident),
from the 400 pages of "trees" and are effectively calling for the con-
envision the "forest" they imply. tinuation of Israeli rule over a
Actually, jungle is a better neighboring people, with all the
metaphor. For what makes this political, economic, and moral
stage of the peace process so com- baggage it entails. This is creat-
plex is not just the endless details ing enormous strains on the fab-
and contingencies that must be ric of Israeli society, which will
addressed in carving up an area only be aggravated in this corn-
between two parallel authorities, ing election year.
but the fact that revolutionary in-
The irony is that_ra

internal changes are
taking places in
both the Israeli and

Study and meet with Senior Israeli & Arabic
Journalists covering the peace process

dyne Stcrle University

Filling in the Details
Behind The Accord


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