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May 12, 1995 - Image 44

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1995-05-12

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Anti-Defamation League®



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The Anti-Defamation League
requests the pleasure of your company at a
Gafa Reception and Presentation
of the Cardinal Bea Interfaith Award


Archbishop of Detroit

Tuesday, Tune 6, 1995

6:30 p.m.
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
27375 Bed Rd.

Tribute Chairs
David L. Bittker Robert 31. Naftaly
Frank.D. Stella Art Van !slander

Elaborate Hors d'oeuvres and Cocktails
$200 Per Person

FOr reservations and other information,

call Nancy Bechekat the ADL (810) 355-3730

51.ff contributions are tax deductible, excluding food and beverage costs of $50 per ticket.


YAD Sponsors
JFA Plans
Election Meeting Awareness Event

The Jewish Federation Apart-
ments, Inc., Jewish Federation
Apartments Phase IV Inc., and
Jewish Federation Apartments
Non-Profit Housing Corporation
will hold annual meetings of
their memberships on Wednes-
day, June 21, at 6 p.m. at the
Anna and Meyer Prentis Feder-
ation Apartments, 15100 W. Ten
Mile Road, Oak Park, for the
purpose of electing members of
the boards of directors and for
the transaction of such other
business as may properly come
before the meeting.
Nominations for the directors
are: for a second three-year term:
Carol Sue Coden, Robert
Schechter, Neil Gorosh, Arnold
Cohen, Sheri Schiff, Harvey
Wolf Candidates nominated for
an initial three-year term: Doris
August, Harold Etkin, Jack
Friedman, Dr. Amy Goldfaddin,
Nathan Upfal. Nominated for
the advisory committee is Edythe
Jackier Mulivor.
In accordance with the Bylaws
other qualified persons may be
nominated for election by a peti-
tion signed by not fewer than 50
members of the corporations and
filed with Marsha Goldsmith, ex-
ecutive director, not fewer than
10 days prior to the date of the
annual meetings. Only one per-
son may be nominated by such
petition and no nomination shall
be valid unless the nominee shall
have consented to such nomina-

Flint Group
Honors Three

The Flint Jewish Federation will
present Nathel Burtley, super-
intendent of Flint Community
Schools; Natalie Pelavin, com-
munity volunteer; and William
Piper, former senior vice presi-
dent of NBD Bank, with the
1995 Donald Riegle Community
Service Award at a testimonial
dinner in their honor on Tues-
day, May 16, at 5 p.m. at the
Radisson Riverfront Hotel in
The proceeds from the 6th An-
nual Riegle Award Dinner will
provide critical resettlement ser-
vices and programs to Soviet
Jews in Flint. The Donald Riegle
Community Service Award, es-
tablished in 1990, recognizes in-
dividuals in the Greater Flint
area who have displayed excep-
tional commitment in the area of
community service.
Individual tickets are $125
and a table of eight is $1,000.
Contact Kim Barker at Flint
Jewish Federation, (810) 767-
5922, to make reservations.

A Holocaust rescuer and a sur-
vivor will relate their own ex-
periences to the changing
perspective and teaching of the
Holocaust on May 24, 7:30 p.m.
in the DeRoy Auditorium of the
Maple-Drake Jewish Community
The event is sponsored by the
Political Awareness Committee
of the Jewish Federation's Young
Adult Division (YAD). (/
YAD provides educational, so-
cial, cultural and community out-
reach activities for single and
married Jewish young adults
throughout the tri-county area.
Irene Opdyke, a Polish
Catholic, will relate how she
saved hundreds of Jewish lives
from the German Gestapo in
Poland by providing shelter, food
and supplies to those in hiding.
Dr. Tanay, a clinical professor
of psychiatry at Wayne State
University, will tell of his own ex-
periences as a survivor and his
work with individuals who cope
with "survivor syndrome."
Members of the audience will
have the opportunity to tour the
Holocaust Memorial Center, lo-
cated within the Center, prior to
and/or following the discussion.
For details or to make reser-
vations by May 17, call Jim
Rosenberg at the Jewish Feder-
ation's Young Adult Division,
(810) 642-4260.

Fund Honors
Local Teacher

Students of the late Joseph Hag-
gai plan to honor the Hebrew
teacher's memory with the cre-
ation of a fund for a scholarly
seminar at the Hebrew Univer-
Mr. Haggai, who taught at the
United Hebrew Schools from the
1920s to the 1950s, was respected
for his dedication to Hebrew ed-
ucation, devotion to Israel and
knowledge of Hebrew language
and literature. Encouraged by
Mr. Haggai, a number of his stu-
dents made aliyah.
A lifelong Labor Zionist, he
lived on Kibbutz Ein Hashofet
briefly during the 1950s. His son
Yirmiyahu was a founder of Ein
Hashofet and later was editor of
the Mapam Party newspaperAl
Norman Katz, David Mondry
and William Schumer, students
of Mr. Haggai's in the late 1930s,
are leading the effort to establish
the fund.
For information, call Mr.
Schumer, (313) 873-5980. Checks
should be made out to American
Friends of the Hebrew Univer-
sity and sent to Mr. Schumer at
1016 E. Palmer, Detroit, MI

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