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May 12, 1995 - Image 43

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1995-05-12

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Gearing Up For
School Elections


fter his current term ex-
pires July 1, Steven Ka-
plan is calling it quits as a
member of the Southfield
School Board.
In August, he and his family
plan to move to West Bloomfield
for what he says are personal rea-
His name won't be the only one
absent from the ballot. No one's
name will appear on the June 12
ticket because no candidate is for-
mally running for the vacant
school-board seat.
However, it is unlikely the seat
will remain empty after next
month's election. Officials expect
write-in candidates to run for the
four-year term.
Southfield residents will not be
the only ones going to the polls.
Voters in all of Oakland County's
27 school districts will elect new
school-board members and decide
on an Oakland Community Col-
lege millage.
After a failed millage attempt
in March, OCC continues to seek
funding for building repair and
restoration, new programs and
equipment and enhanced schol-
arship funding. The college is ask-
ing voters to approve .8 of a mill
for a seven-year period.
Some of the school-board races
are uncontested. Others have
drawn a range of candidates.
Listed below are candidates filed
in various Oakland County school
BERKLEY — Carol K Ben-
ton, Elizabeth A. Marriott and
Barry A. Blauer are running for
two four-year terms.
Two in-
cumbents have filed for two four-
year terms. They are: Patricia A.
K. Godchaux and Geoffrey L.
Two four-year terms are up. Can-
didates are Sherrie English and
Deborah L. Macon.
Enberg and Jennifer G. Levin are
vying for one four-year term.
ROYAL OAK Voters will
elect two candidates for four-year
terms. Michael P. Ervin, Daniel
. E. Frohardt-Lane, Richard
Granke and Carol Herzberg are
Clark, Chaim M. Garfinkel,

Steven Kaplan: Leaving Southfield.

Robert Stern, Rochelle Ward and
Harriette L. Woodards are run-
ning for two four-year terms.
dates for two four-year terms are
William Ernest Drum, Harvey J.
Altman, Marc A. Siegler, Ran-
dolph G. Ston and Samantha
Ruetenik. Running for a one-year
term are Susan F. Adamson, Alp
Onder and Patricia Cork.
Candidates are Jeffrey T. Stew-
art, Bruce Tobin and Kathryn A.
Winterhalter. There are two four-

said. "Me. And all my cohorts 14 people can make a change, it
from one end of the country to the gets me excited."
Many main-
'The morning
tain EMILY's
after the (1992)
List is responsi-
election, I called
ble for Califor-
Ellen (Malcolm)
nia Sen. Dianne
to ask how she
Feinstein's close
was feeling. She
1992 Senate vic-
said, 'Great. I
now know what
Those who
we have to do."'
join EMILY's
In 1996, EMI-
List pay $100
'ET; year open seats on the board.
LY's List is aim-
and agree to
FT- In Southfield, Mr. Kaplan is
make addition-
calling it quits after his second ing at 14 seats
al contributions
term because of "increased fam- in the U.S.
of at least $100*
ily responsibility" and because he House of Repre-
to two or more
plans to run for the Oakland sentatives nec-
County prosecutor position in essary to give
Democrats con-
candidates dur-
ing an election
The Southfield attorney is sur- trol of the
Sen. Barbara Boxer
cycle. [1]
prised no candidate filed for his House.
"Women are
soon-to-be-vacant position.
"It's not because people didn't on the move," Ms. Pincus said.
know I would not be running," he "They want to get control back
said. "I think there are a combi- and effect change. When I hear
nation of factors involved. It's a what's going on now and I think
big-time commitment. More fam-
ilies have two working parents
and the position is uncompen-
Mr. Kaplan also believes less
school revenues make a seat on
the school board less desirable.
He also cites the declining Jew-
aylene and Larry Owen freedom of others with whom you
ish population in Southfield as
will not get frequent-flier disagree, but you also must stand
one factor in the lack of Jewish
miles for a flight they took up for the rule of law. You can-
candidates running in the up-
last Friday.
not have one without the other."
coming election.
The Owens flew from Wash-
Paul Conn, president of Ms.
'The Jewish presence declined ington to Lansing aboard Air Owen's MICA Consulting, also
on the school board. We used to Force One with travel compan- met the president. The two spoke
have three members as recently ion President Bill Clinton.
as 1991. Now I'm the only one.
Mrs. Owen, who is the presi-
"It's always impressive to meet
Not as many Jewish families are dent's Michigan fmance chair- the president," said Mr. Corm, an
sending their kids to public person, was in Washington for a East Lansing resident. "He ex-
school. Many are going to private White House Fellowship pro- presses a certain warmth and
school and many Jewish families gram on Thursday.
concern that comes through
have moved to other cities." ❑
The Owens accompanied the much clearer in person than on
president and other dignitaries television. He has a good grasp
to Spartan Stadium where Pres- of issues and seems genuinely in-
ident Clinton was the keynote terested in talking and listening."
speaker at Michigan State Uni-
His boss, Mrs. Owen, has met
versity's commencement cere- President Clinton on several oc-
casions but Friday was the
The president was awarded an longest amount of time she and
honorary law degree from MSU. her husband spent with him.
He spoke to a packed stadium
"We were honored to be asked
1985 by Ms. Malcolm, the mis- about the Oklahoma City bomb- to fly back with the president,"
sion of EMILY's List is simple: to ing and condemned the message she said. "It's certainly something
elect more pro-choice women to of some militias.
Larry and I will never forget." ❑
"I say to you, all of
Laney Pincus was quick to you, the members of
jump on the EMILY's List band- the class of 1995, there
wagon and now she is the Michi- is nothing patriotic
gan organizer. She expects at about hating your
least 300 people to attend Mon- country or pretending
day's membership drive in South- that you can love your
country but despise
Ms. Pincus is genuinely excit- your government.
ed about the PAC and her work There is nothing hero-
with it. "I can effect change," she ic about turning your
said. "Me. And all my cohorts back on America or ig-
from one end of the country to the noring your own re-
sponsibilities. If you
"The morning after the (1992) want to preserve your
election, I called Ellen (Malcolm) own freedom, you "This is the real Michigan," says Bill Clinton during
to ask how she was feeling. She must stand up for the an MSU appearance.

Clinton Addresses
MSU Graduates


EMILY's List Shows
Michigan Strength


arjorie Saulson is often
a walking advertise-
ment for EMILY's List
— an acronym for "ear-
ly money is like yeast" (it makes
the dough rise).
The Franklin resident is more
than eager to talk about the or-
ganization's May 15 membership
drive featuring EMILY's List
President Ellen Malcolm and
U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-
The organization she raves
about has become the nation's
third- largest political action com-
mittee. In 1994, its 33,000 mem-
bers contributed $8.2 million to
the campaigns of pro-choice De-
mocratic women. Founded in


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