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July 29, 1994 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1994-07-29

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Candidate Is Back
In Race, Despite Remarks

Local Artists
Win JCAN Contest



candidate for Oakland County to pull his name off the August primary
Board of Commissioners, whose ballot.
anti-Semitic remarks caused such
This week, Mr. Miller made the deci-
a stir that he tried to withdraw sion to keep his campaign going.
from the race, is back on the campaign
Mr. Miller said much of his cam-
paigning will be through personal con-
"I could not pull my name off the tact with voters.
ballot, so I'll see what
Jim Alexander, Oak-
happens and let the
land County Republican
voters decide," Mr. Miller
chair, said the party will
"I should keep
said. "I will not cam-
not have a write-in
paign as hard as my op-
candidate. However,
my mouth shut
he will ask the Republi-
During a June 23 com-
can Party to officially dis-
lots of times."
mission meeting, James
avow Mr. Miller during
—James Miller its next meeting in Sep-
Miller, a Hazel Park Re-
publican, told Oakland
Mr. Miller said the
County Commissioner
whole experience has
Joan Newby: "We have to
get those Levin brothers out. We have to taught him that "I should keep my
get those Jews out of there." His comment mouth shut lots of times. After the
was in reference to U.S. Rep. Sander and incident, Oakland County executive
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin.
L. Brooks Patterson, who is also a
After the incident, Republican leaders republican, wrote a letter endorsing
quickly disavowed the candidate, saying Ruel E. McPherson, the democratic
he would not receive party support. Mr. incumbent.
Miller apologized and tried voluntarily


wo Bais Yaakov students know a
great deal about the power of
Tamar and Miriam Meer of
West Bloomfield recently were chosen
first-place winners in the Jewish Chil-
dren's Adoption Network essay contest
based on Zelig Pliskin's The Power of
The two girls saw an announce-
ment for the contest
in The Jewish News,
said their mother,

Tzedakah Program
Set To Expand

All In The Family
For Harvard Speaker



he Mercaz, the lay- commodations," said the
men's association of Mercaz's Rabbi Dovid Sim-
the Council of Ortho- cha. "People are alone and
dox Rabbis, has ex- need haknassas orechim
panded a program to help (hospitality). We want to
fund-raisers from out of
town feel more at home.
Last year, the
Tzedakah Enhance-
ment Project (TEP) was
created to certify
mishulachim, charity
solicitors, seeking funds
in Detroit. Some visi-
tors, however, who ar-
rived in town had no
place to stay.
So the Mercaz re-
cently secured a unit at
Northgate Apartments
in Oak Park, where the
mishulachim will be
able to reside during
their brief visits to the
"There has been a
tremendous problem of
people coming from
Eretz Yisrael, and all
over, who have no ac- Rabbi Wolmark

accommodate them with
kovod (honor) and respect."
The apartment, which
Northgate owner Joseph
Dressner has made avail-
able at a discounted
rate to the TEP, will ac-
commodate about four
men at a time. A local
women's committee,
headed by Idit Nadel,
will help arrange for
food for the mishu-
The Mercaz's Rabbi
Mordechai Wolmark
said that his group will
spearhead an effort to
get the community in-
volved in the project,
and that a number of
donations already have
been secured.
Meanwhile, the Mer-
caz continues to receive
about 250 calls a year
seeking a TEP certifi-
cate to solicit funds in
metro Detroit.


Phyllis, then entered drawings that
show how gossip contributed to the de-
struction of the Second Temple, and how
cruel words spoken are never forgotten.
Tamar is 11 and Miriam is 14. Each
won a $50 savings bond.
The Jewish Children's Adoption Net-
work is a Denver-based organization
that works to place Jewish children up
for adoption into Jewish
homes. The topic of the
contest was "Words that
cause needless pain."

President Al Gore de-
ob Rader, the De-
livered the main ad-
troit native who
was the speaker
Rob Rader, one of
for the graduate
three student speak-
students at Harvard
ers, discussed "The
University's corn-
Next Goal" during
mencement exercises
his eight-minute
last month, has other
speech. Mr. Rader
local ties.
earned the opportu-
His grandparents,
nity to represent the
Herman and the late
graduate students
Rose Rader, and his
through a tryout
mother, Donna Rader,
also are ex-Detroiters.
In 1989, Mr. Rad-
Herman Rader, who
er received a bache-
now lives in Highland
lor's degree in
Beach, Fla., owned
sociology from Har-
Rader Construction in
vard. He graduated
Berkley for about 30
from Harvard Law
years. He resided in De-
School last month.
troit and Farmington
Mr. Rader has
Hills before moving to
been offered a job at
a Los Angeles law
Donna Rader, an ex-
firm, but eventually,
Detroit and Southfield Rob Rader is a Harvard Law School grad.
he would like to make
resident, now lives in
writing his career.
Japan, where she
people attended Harvard's
teaches English to Japan- commencement exercises He's already published a
ese students.
on campus at the Cam- paperback titled Rob Rad-
An estimated 27,000 bridge, Mass., school. Vice er: The Early Years.

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