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May 06, 1994 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1994-05-06

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Dr. Kevorkian Collects
Signatures At JCCenter



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r. Jack Kevorkian and
Schindler's List author
Thomas Keneally ex-
changed words Tuesday
outside the West Bloomfield Jew-
ish Community Center, where
the "suicide doctor" was solicit-
ing support for his cause.
"No movie ever affected me
like Schindler's List," Dr.
Kevorkian said. "It got to the
point where I couldn't look. I had
to leave the theater for 10 min-
utes. The brutality of the Holo-
caust is beyond comprehension,
and it's going on today, too."
Mr. Keneally, who addressed
more than 2,200 Detroiters Mon-
day night at Adat Shalom Syna-
gogue, bumped into Dr.
Kevorkian after speaking to a
group at the JCCenter. The Aus-
tralian writer could not sign the
petition because he is not a
Michigan citizen, but he ex-
pressed sympathy for Dr.
Kevorkian's cause.
Td tend, on consideration, to
sign it," he said. "Most people ac-
cept that when life is no longer
tolerable and death is a short
time away, ending a life is licit."
The petition is aimed at
putting the issue of physician-as-
sisted suicide — "medicide" —
on the ballot during state elec-
tions this November. If Dr.
Kevorkian and other petitioners
collect 300,000 signatures by
June 30, Michigan voters will be
asked to decide for or against an
amendment legalizing medicide.
The controversial pathologist,
whom Detroit jurors on Monday
deemed "not guilty" of breaking
the year-old Michigan law
against medicide, stressed the
importance of a state constitu-
tional amendment.
`That way, (medicide) cannot


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Dr. Jack Kevorkian gets a signature.

be made illegal," Dr. Kevorkian
said. "An amendment will take
control out of the hands of legis-
Tuesday was a voting day for
West Bloomfield residents, who
showed up at the JCCenter, a
polling spot, to cast their ballots
on a parks and recreation bond
issue and millage increase.
The site Dr. Kevorkian chose
for his petition drive seemed a bit
ironic. Most rabbis agree that

"We've had a very
good response."

— Dr. Jack Kevorkian

medicide runs contrary to Jew-
ish law. But Dr. Kevorkian and
his sister, Margo Janus, said they
were at the JCCenter because
they had heard many people
would turn up at the polls.
"We've had a very good re-
sponse," Dr. Kevorkian said.
The majority of passersby
signed the petition. Dr.
Kevorkian and Ms. Janus
showed up at the JCC at 8 a.m.,
and less than three hours later,
they had more than 150 signa-
"I'm for (medicide), 100 per-
cent," said Rebecca Gerris. "I
want to make sure that a person
has the right to die if he wants
to. I have a sick mother, so I un-
En route to the JCCenter's
swimming pool, Jeanette Yourof-
sky of Farmington Hills added
her name to the petition.
"I believe in (Dr. Kevorkian),"
she said. "I don't want to see peo-
ple suffer. rd call him myself. I
don't care if it's against Jewish

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