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November 20, 1992 - Image 81

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1992-11-20

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serve a specialized style of bar-
b-q ribs with a private recipe
sauce. The bar-b-q chicken can
be gotten skinless on request.
Boneyard in Farmington Hills
serves cocktails with luncheon
specials. Its other locales are
Detroit and Livonia. (42)

too, is among few like it in the
nation. Video games, pinball
machines, antique games,
unique posters, artifacts, etc.
including an old-time photo
booth that works, make up this
party favorite where both
youngsters and adults get
equally involved. (34)

Farm House, which has been
satisfying people for so many
years. It's amazing how the con-
sistent goodness of American
and European dishes from orig-
inal recipes continues to satisfy
with consistent regularity. Ser-
vice is admirable, meals big and
prices low. In the true standard
of family dining, Farm House
also has a children's menu. (44)

Brass Pointe, 24234 Orchard
Lake Rd., Farmington Hills, 476-
1377. Cleanliness and service
are ranked high here where
broasted and bar-b-q chicken,
the latter with or without skin,
are kings of the hill. Bar-b-q ribs
are also a big favorite. Owners
Danny and Bob are proud of
their food's consistency, the
same day in and day out. This
very important dining asset is
one that brings customers back
for more. (44)

Buddy's Pizza, 31646 North-
western Hwy., Farmington Hills,
855-4604. Among the fastest
growing chains in the midwest,
Buddy's Pizza now has six sit-
down and three carry-out loca-
tions. Although Buddy's is
highly ranked for its award-win-
ning pizza, the menu is widely
diversified with turkey burgers,
chargrilled chicken, Caesar sal-
ad, pasta crab salad, stuffed
potato skins, meat balls, pasta,



Cafe Cortina, 3071 5 W. Ten
Mile, Farmington Hills, 474-
3033. Proprietors Adriano and
Rina Tonon from the Veneto re-
gion of Italy have been serving
their best of Italy cooking for
over 16 years in a romantic am-
bience accented by a fireplaced
dining room. Receptions, re-
hearsals, bar mitzvahs, busi-
ness meetings are held in a
private garden room with ad-
jacent courtyard for appetizers
and cocktails. Herbs are grown
on the premises. (42)

Magnum & Muer's, 30555
Grand River, Farmington Hills,
478-2010. Formerly Johnny
Magnum's, still featured are
Magnum's acclaimed beef and
Muer's fish, in a setting of re-
laxed comfort. Susan Muer,
Chuck's daughter, is general
manager and like her dad is a
stickler on quality food and ser-
vice. Banquet facilities for up to
100 people are perfect for hol-
iday celebrations and meetings.


Matt Brady's, 38123 W. 10
Mile in the Holiday Inn, Farm-
ington Hills, 478-7780. This is
Matt Brady's second location,
the first one being in Beverly
Hills. Emphasis is put on the
burgers at both locales with
people given a chance to taste
the award-winning burgers at
its two-for-one offerings on Sat-
urdays and Sundays, noon to 4
p.m. The Farmington Hills lo-
cation is also big on catering for
up to 300. (42)

Peacock Cafe & Grill, 25938
Middlebelt Road, Farmington
Hills, 476-1750. This is the for-
mer Sageo's, another of those
good and clean neighborhood
restaurants that feature home-
style cooking, fresh seafood
and a variety of dishes at low
prices. Even the cannolis are
homemade in a new and well
diversified menu for all taste-
buds. True family dining here
is nestled at the comer of a well-
trafficked shopping center. (34)

D. Dennisons, 27909 Orchard
Lake Rd., Farmington Hills, 553-
7000. One of the area's finest
seafood houses is a low-keyed
secret. D. Dennison's is on a par
with many higher-touted
restaurants whose fish entrees
are a main feature. The fresh
water-farin' creatures that end
up at both its Livonia locale
bring a lot of tasty happiness
to many. (49)

Sitar, 29550 Grand River,
Farmington Hills, 477-9000.
Lovers of Indian dining have
found Sitar to be a choice se-
lection. The diversified foods of
India are prepared as the guests
enjoy them, mild, medium or
hot. Indian beers and exotic
drinks do much to complement
the specialized taste offerings.
Foods of India present an ex-
citing and joyous adventure in
eating. (38)

Ginopolis', 2781 5 Middlebelt
Rd., Farmington Hills, 851-
8222. One of Metropolitan De-
troit's favorite celebrity
restaurants, Ginopolis', owned
by brothers Johnny and Peter
Ginopolis, carries on the tradi-
tion of excellence which their
father George always insisted
upon. Seafood, authentic Mont-
gomery Inn ribs and choice se-
lections are Ginopolis' favorites.
A beautiful private room is avail-
able plus off-premise service
for all types of catering. (34)

Vineyard's Taste of Sea-
sons, 32418 Northwestern,
Farmington Hills, 855-9463.
Here is where a one-time party
store has turned into a highly-
popular carry-out and sitdown
restaurant both inside and out-
side. Shirlee Bloom's take-out
and catering for all affairs from
weddings to bar mitzvahs is a
big Vineyard's Taste of Seasons
asset in homes, halls or club-
houses, with all traditional Jew-
ish dishes made fresh daily
using only kosher products. (34)

Ground Round, 30005 Or-
chard Lake Rd., Farmington
Hills, 851-7404. Casual or fam-
ily dining are Ground Round
themes. Sports nuts love the
big screen TV with its late nite
specials and PASS features.
Youngsters watch cartoons in
the dining room and get free
peanuts, balloons and crayons.
Kids "pay-as-you-weigh" every
Tuesday and the family has all-
you-can-eat Pasta Day on Sun-
day. (41)

Wing Hong, 31455W. 14 Mile,
Farmington Hills, 851-7400.
One side serves Cantonese,
Szechuan and Mandarin food.
The other, Tokyo Japanese
Steak House, features a Sushi
Bar along with Japanese dishes
for table dining. Wing Hong is
celebrating its 18th anniversary
at this location but over 30
years in the Metropolitan De-
troit area. Daily lunch and din-
ner specials are both Chinese
and Japanese. (34)

Marvin's Marvelous Me-
chanical Museum, 31005
Orchard Lake Rd., 626-5020.
They said Marvin Yagoda was
crazy when he came up with
the idea, but his fun emporium,
with 24 tables for lunch snacks



Farm House, 1128 E. 9 Mile
Rd., Hazel Park, 541-2132.
Homemade goodness almost
sums up the description of


so fresh...
you'd think
we'd caught it



D. Dennison's Seafood Tav-
ern of Livonia, 37716 W. 6
Mile, Laurel Park Place, Livonia,
464-9030. D. Dennison's has
an established reputation for
moderately-priced seafood
from Florida, Boston and the
Great Lakes. The atmosphere
is lively and informal with a
fresh raw bar and early dining
specials. Also featured are pas-
ta, chicken dishes, salads and
sandwiches, plus a children's
menu. (49)

D DENS 15°146

'eafood Tavern


Corner of 12 Mile &
Orchard Lake Rd.
Farmington Hills • 553 7000


Ah Wok, 41 563 W. 10 Mile Rd.,
Novi Plaza, Novi, 349-9260.
Rated among the top gourmet
Chinese restaurants in this area,
Ah Wok is also still a big favorite
on standard traditional wining.
For years, adventurous cus-
tomers have enjoyed the elab-
orate offerings with their
imaginative style of preparation
which have proven delightful
palate-pleasers. (45)


Laurel Park Place
Six Mile Rd. at 1-275
Livonia • 464 9030


Dining Guide

For information to be a part of this
weekly Dining Guide feature, please contact
Danny Raskin, Art Shafer or your account representative at

(313) 354-6060



Bread Basket Deli, 1 0-1 /2
Mile and Greenfield, Lincoln
Shopping Center, Oak Park,
968-0022. A favorite of many
people for breakfast, lunch, din-
ner and after-theater, this has
the aura of a modernistic deli-
catessen so apparent with col-
orful decor. A children's menu
is featured along with party
trays. The Bread Basket Deli is
open Tuesday through Sunday
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (34)


Chicken • Seafood • Beef • Pork
Thai BarBeque • Vegetarian Dishes

Lunch: Mon.-Sat. 11-3; Dinner. Mon.-Sat. 3-9

Golden Bowl, 22106 Coolidge
at 9 Mile, Oak Park, 398-5502.
The knowledge of Chef Frank
Eng is widespread in Chinese
dining. Golden Bowl is open
seven days, Mon.-Thurs. from
11 a.m. and Sunday from 1
p.m. serving Szechuan, Man-
darin and Cantonese food. Car-
ry-out service is available plus
banquet facilities. (34)

Hoa Kow, 13 71 5 W. 9 Mile,
Oak Park, 547-4663. One of
Oak Park's pioneers, Hoa Kow
is a favorite of people from all
walks of life and all parts of the
Detroit and Metropolitan areas.
Plus Cantonese Szechuan and
Mandarin foods, Hoa Kow Oak
Park and its second location
Hoa Kow West Bloomfield at
Crosswinds Mall are famous for
their varieties of white fish, sell-
ing over 1,500 pounds a week.

(313) 524-1944

3303 Rochester Road, Troy/In The Point Plaza/1 block North of Big Beaver

Taste of Thailand


"Taste of Thailand certainly ranks as one of
the best Thai spots in the metro area."

Molly Abraham



Mon.-Sat. 11-2
Mon.-Thurs. 4:30-9:00
Fri., Sat. 4:30-9:30

Continued on Page 86

Reserve our
restaurant for your
business or party

313 - 373-4422



Modern Delicatessen, 25290
Greenfield, Oak Park, 968-8000.
Some say it opened in 1926 but
most agree that Modern Deli-
catessen unlocked its doors in
1936. Whatever the year, it is
one of Detroit's oldest names
in the restaurant business. Mod-
ern's second location, on Green-
field just south of 1-696, still
serves the same homemade tra-
ditional Jewish foods for which
it has been known, only in a
much more modernistic at-

Auburn Crossing Or.
2755 University - East
1-75 University Exit
Auburn Hills









Key Largo listened and our kitchen crew developed the best recipe
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Wednesday, November 25th 6 PM

Jamaican-Me-Crazy Party
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