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October 16, 1992 - Image 65

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1992-10-16

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On October 27, the place to be is

An Evening With

at the


These and thousands of other supporters of JARC will be there. Won't you join them?


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Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan
Robert H. Naftaly
Hersch's Lawn Spray
Julie and Edward Hersch
J.M. Products, Inc.
Johnson Products Company, Inc.
Lighting Supply Company
Luster Products Company, Inc.
M. Jacob & Sons/Sprayco
Michigan National Corporation
Robert J. Mylod
Northwest Airlines
Revlon Professional Products Group
Rock Financial Corporation
Dan Gilbert
Silk and Morgan
Summit Laboratories
Thorn Apple Valley
Wolfe Travel & Cruises, Inc.


and Irving Ackerman
Sharyl and Alan Ackerman
Sharon and Michael Alterman
Bee and Irving Apatoff
Marcia and Eugene Applebaum
Adria and Marvin Aronovitz
Theodore and Mina Bargman
Florence and S. Brooks Barron
Nora and Guy Barron
Dede and Jerry Benaderet
Linda and Arthur Berlin
Marie and Gerald Berlin

L e'

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Amrael Remodeling, Inc.
Shelly and Yair Nadiv
Attitudes Unlimited, Inc.
Jo Bruce Corporate Training Associates
Carson Products, Inc.
Chemical Bank
FML Manufacturing Brokers
Kiwi Brands Inc./AMBI
Mercury Paint Company
Minkin-Chandler Corporation
Dennis Muchmore and Associates
Posner Laboratories
Soft Sheen Products, Inc.
Supreme Beauty Products Company

Norman Allan
Karen and Allen Amber
Bertha and Martin Aufseeser
Denise and Elliott Baum
Marcia and Charles Bennett
Gloria and Fred Berkowitz

Sara and Harry Berlin
Janice and Chris Billmeyer
Andrea and Phillip Bittker
The Louis C. Blumberg Foundation
Penny and Harold Blumenstein
Judi and Robert Boesky
Marlene and Paul Borman
Joan and Bernard Brawer
Hugh Broder
Una R. Burnstein
Natalie and Manny Charach
Gladys and Gus Cifelli
Annie and Rob Cohen
Mrs. Irwin I. Cohn
Lois and Avern Cohn
Margo and Maurice Cohen
Marilynn and Morton Collins
Margot and Warren J. Coville
Christine Hench and Peter Dale
Betty J. and Marvin I. Danto
William Morse Davidson
Sandra and Dennis [Iambs
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
Lenore Deutch
Martin Gary Deutch
Irene and David Doren
Linda and Milton Dresner
Peggy and Harry Ellman
Dolores and Leonard Farber
Susie and Neil Farkas
Ceil and Paul Feiler
Shirley and Paul Feinberg
Lesley and Barry Feldman
Marcy and Michael S. Feldman
Sally Feldman
Ruth Feldstein

Gertrude and Robert Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Mandell Berman
Vivian and Louis Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beznos
Arline and David Bittker
Barbara and Joseph Bloch
Tillie and Morris Brandwine
Dee and Seymour Brode
Marilyn and Leonard Brose
Maxine and Byron Canvasser
Gloria and Martin Cohen
Ricki and Bill Cohen
Miriam and Les Colburn
Connie and Jim Colman
Joseph B. Colten
Dr. Mark and Linee Diem
Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg
Dr. Stewart Epstein
Dede and Oscar Feldman
Sybil and Morris Fenkell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fenton
Alan Fisher
Claire and Louis Fishman
Dr. Gordon and Hanna Reta Fishman
Sheila and Max Gendelman
DoraLee and Irving Goldman

Miriam and Fred Ferber
Fran and Joe Fetter
Lillian and Jack Fishbein
Marjorie and Max M. Fisher
Dr. Randy and Debbie Fishman
Madeline and Sidney Forbes
Benjamin Frank
Beverly and David Frank
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Frank
Jean and Samuel Frankel
Judith and Stanley Frankel
Maxine and Stuart Frankel
Dorothy and Albert Fruman
Ruth and Harold Garber
Harriet and Allan Gelfond
Edith Gladstone
Barbara and Fred Goldberg
Connie and Rocky Goldman
Elaine and Michael Goldman
Linda A. and Martin R. Goldman
Sylvia and Harry Granader
Nancy and Stephen Grand
Dr. Joseph and Norma Grant
Charlene and Sheldon Green
Penny and Seymour Greenstein
Charles Grosberg Foundation
Nancy and Jim Grosfeld
Barbara and Lon Grossman
Annette and Frederick Gurian
Cheryl and Dan Guyer
Menasha Haar
Rita and John Haddow
Alyce and Dennis Helfman
Bernice Helper
Dr. and Mrs. Harry N. Herkowitz
Doreen and David Hermelin

Nola and Marvin Goldman
Joan and Milton Goldrath
Stuart L. Gorelick
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Green
Carolyn and Charles Greenberg
Carolyn and Hugh Greenberg
Benita and Marshall Greenspan
Elayne and Fred Greenspan
Sheila and Martin Guyer
•Dr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Hamburger
Lee and Bernard Hartman
Ewa and Michael Hepner
Gina and Arthur Horwitz
Gilda and John E. Jacobs
Millie and Ted Jacobson
Marjorie and Maxwell Jospey
Betty and D. Dan Kahn
Rosan and Phil Kaplan
Arleen and Michael Karbal
Ann and Norman Katz
Steven Katzman
Martin and Cis Maisel Kellman
Aileen and Harvey Kleiman
Knights of Columbus
Rayna and Natalie Kogan
Bernice Kramer

The Clarence and Jack Himmel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome 'Curly' Howard
Shelley and Lenny Hutton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hitch
Stanley Imerman Memorial Foundation
Connie and Tony Jacob
Lauren and Joel E. Jacob
Linda and Andy Jacob
Susie and Michael Jacob
Nancy and Joseph Jacobson
Harriet and Robert Jasgur
Carole and Mel Kaftan
Gerrie and Harold Kalt
Hannah Karbal
Lois and Paul Katzman
Nancy and David Katzman
Claire and Sherman Kay
Gertrude and Harry Keller
Joyce Keller
Gloria S. and Jay M. Kogan
Dr. James and Linda Kohlenberg
Edith Kolodney
Dr. Frank and Annette Langwald Kozin
Sally and Richard Krugel
Ellen and Dr. James Labes
Beverly Laker
The Laker Family
Julie and Edward Levy
Lois and Richard Lewiston
Monroe and Sara Mitteldorf Linter
Esther and Jack Lipton
Beth Lowenstein
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Sandra Matthews
Miriam and Daniel Medow

Zina and Michael Kramer
Anna and Yale Levin
Catherine and Stephen Levy
Gertrude and Seymour Lipsitt
Dorothy and Murray Mahlin
Drs. Phoebe and Harris Mainster
Edith Emerman Marwil
Drs. Barbara and Richard Minkin
Miriam and Charles Moss
Mildred and Leslie Moss
Linda and Douglas Mossman
Tillie and Ben Mossman
Sally and Harry Nosanchuk
Evelyn and Harold Noveck
Arthur Samuels Nusbaum
Lori and Robert Nusbaum
Dr. Jeffrey and Lynne Obron
Shirley Obron
Marlene and Bill Oleshansky
Sally and Graham A. Orley
Suzanne and Joseph A. Orley
Terry and Claude Oster
Belle and Seymour Owens
Susan and Norman Pappas
Sophie Pearlstein
Blanche and David Pollack

Rhoda and Abram Medow
Florence Milan
Dorie and Bruce Miller
Frances W. Miller
Judith and Martin M. Miller
Beth and Joshua Mondry
Diane and Mitchell Mondry
Gail and Ira Mondry
Miriam and David Mondry
Sheila and Eugene Mondry
Sue and Douglas Moss
Laura and Lee Munder
Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Nelson
Barbara and Irving Nusbaum
Jo Elyn and George Nyman
Andrea and David Page
Myrna and Spencer Partrich
Sarah and Meyer Pearlman
Arlene and Douglas Pierce
Sylvia and Milton Pierce
Doris Pitt
Ina and Murray Pitt
Peggy and Michael Pitt
Sarah and Irving Pitt
Michelle and Harold Platt
Lynn and Arnold Podolsky
Christine and Bernard Portnoy
Libbie Posen
Meyer and Anna Prentis Family
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Pudalov
Miriam and Albert Rhodes
Gete and Jay Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rose
Sheldon Rose
Ceci and Leo Rosen

Rhoda and Stanley Raderman
Helen and Richard Ravid
Ruth E. Rich
Norma and Gerald Richter
Janice and James Rifkin
Dr. Robert and Elaine Robins
Aviva and Jack Robinson
Leslie and S. Dennis Rogers
Barbara and Martin Rom
Gerald and Madeline Posner Rosenfield
Kathy and Stuart Rotenberg
Janet and Michael Roth
Dr. J. Barry and Debby Rubin
Ricki Nederlander and Irving A. Rubin
Lynn and Harvey Rubin
Marilyn and Sidney Rubin
Carl Ruby
Sylvia and David Schane
Cheryl and Steve Schanes
Emma Lazaroff Schaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Schostak
Laurie and Joel Shapiro
Mickey Shapiro
Terri and Buddy Shari
Jane and Larry Sherman
Debbie and Dennis Silber

Rosalie and Bruce Rosen
Mary Beth and William Rosenberg
Ann and Mike Rosenthal
Lydia Roy
Sol Schafer
Linda and Jack Schechter
Eli A. Scherr and Gerald D. Scherr
A gift in memory of Betty Schlussel
Sandy Schore
Rosabeth and Emil Schupack
Ruth and Charles Sharpe
Miriam and Jack Shenkman
Margaret and Joel Shere
Laura and James H. Sherman
Lois and Milton Shiffman
Calvin and Ruth Simon Philanthropic Fund
Jeannie and Jack Simon
Barbara and Jerome Sitner
Anna and Philip Slomovitz
Sharron and Carmi Slomovitz
Ann and Richard E. Smitt
Mrs. Bert L. Smokier
Robert Stewart
Mollie Sukenic
Shelby Tauber
Becky and Max Teitel
Ben N. Teitel Charitable Trust
The Tischler Family
Glenn Triest
Richard W. Turel
Lynn Medow and David Vercammen
Barbara and Norman Wachler
Dorothy and Maurice Wagner
Barbara and Ernest Weiner
Atara and Ray Zimmerman
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman

Betty and Grant Silverfarb
Ann Sipher
Drs. Scott and Linda Sircus
Norman and Sylvia Gershenson Sloman
Carole and Samuel Sobel
The Soble Family
Judith and Robert Solomon
Lauri and Steven Solomon
Susan and Robert Sosnick
Barbara and Bernard Stollman
Stollman Foundation
Sheila and Ron Stone
Rita E. and Gerald J. Sukenic
Beverly and Marvin Talan
Marcia and Arnold Tanzman
Susan and Howard Tapper
Mary and Jeffrey Topf
Suzanne and Herbert Tyner
David R. Victor
DeDe and Jerry Weinberg
'dell and Lawrence Weisberg
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Weissman
Connie and James Wineman
Sara M. Yarrows
Stephanie L. and H. James Zack

Jewish Association for Residential Care for persons with developmental disabilities
28366 Franklin Road • Southfield, Michigan 48034

Tickets start at $50. Call JARC at 352-5272 for information.

Joel M. Shere


Barbara Nusbaum

Concert Chairperson

Joyce Keller

Executive Director

MICS 4206

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