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January 26, 1991 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1991-01-26

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Garden Weddings

premise kosher catering, the majority
of garden weddings he caters are
held at a home.
"We've done everything from sit-
down dinners to buffets and
barbecues where we have served
steak and corn on the cob," says Mr.
Tewel. Mr. Tewel recommends the
barbecue concept only for casual
For an elegant affair he suggests a
large challah, dinner rolls, a poached,
decorated salmon with cucumber dill
sauce to begin the meal. The special
Jewel salad consists of four types of
lettuce, walnuts, mandarin oranges
and dried cherries. The salad makes
a wonderful presentation along with
the relishes.
Sorbet is served before the main
dish. The entree is rack of lamb with



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mint jelly, wild rice, asparagus
wrapped with carrots. For dessert he
suggests a chocolate basket filled with
fresh berries, served on a white
dinner -plate presented with syrup on
the bottom. On a separate table, he
displays a fruit cornucopia with exotic

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as we enfer- our new season

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Your custom designed Jewish wedding

contract on m9 handmade

p a per .

Specializing in Hebrew cal ligrapk9 as

well as Hebrew/ nglisk invitations and

Naomi 151urnen6erg


10 Brides 1991

Local florists can provide
chuppahs for garden

(515) 5+1-5

Mr. Tewel describes one garden
wedding as breathtaking. "The
chuppah was directly in front of the
lake, with the home sitting on a hill."
The terrain gently sloped down to the
lake. The tent was filled with tables
covered with black tablecloths and
white napkins for a dramatic effect.
Paul Kohn, of Quality Kosher
Catering, has also catered many
elegant and dramatic weddings. He
envisions an early afternoon home
garden wedding as less formal than
an evening affair but equally
"A mime could greet the guests as
they arrive up the walk toward an
exotic juice bar," says Mr. Kohn. The
juice bar would be filled with glasses
of mango, kiwi, cranberry and other
juices with vivid colors. A bottle of

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