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September 21, 1990 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1990-09-21

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- Sharing Food to Relieve Hunger -



Forgotten Harvest is a non-profit prepared
foods program established to collect viable
food from restaurants, caterings and other
health department-approved sources and
deliver to soup kitchens and shelters.

The Mazon Council of Metropolitan Detroit
founded Forgotten Harvest to address the
problem of hunger on the local level. Forgot-
ten Harvest is now a separate, non-
denominational organization.

Target Population Forgotten Harvest operates in Oakland Coun-
ty within which 80 feeding agencies are ser-
ving 300,000 meals monthly to 15,000

How It Works

Those who wish to donate prepared foods,
dairy, produce or baked goods should call
Forgotten Harvest to register as a donor.
Then, whenever food is available for dona-
tion, either regularly, sporadically or on an
emergency basis, Forgotten Harvest will send
its refrigerated van to transport the food to
the feeding agencies which can best utilize it.


Forgotten Harvest strives to meet the com-
munity's response to help those less for-
tunate. Calls are answered promptly seven
days a week.

Call to Action

Forgotten Harvest needs funds! Its 1990
refrigerated van was donated. Its Board of
Directors and Advisory Board is comprised
of concerned and dedicated volunteers. But
operating expenses must be covered. Con-
tributions are necessary!

Tax Status

All donations, including food donations, are
tax deductible as allowed by law.

How To Give

Make checks payable to FORGOTTEN HARVEST
and mail to: Forgotten Harvest

31275 Northwestern Hwy., Ste. 243
Farmington Hills, MI 48018

No gain.No pain.

Keeping your weight at a moderate level may scale
down your risk of heart attack. So maintain a healthy
diet and lighten up on your heart.

ip American Heart Association



ALYN Hospital Group
Forms In Detroit


Staff Writer


ome of the children
have no joints; their
hands don't bend.
Others don't walk; they play
floor hockey in wheelchairs.
These are the children of
the 50-year-old ALYN
Hospital, Israel's only long-
term, nonsectarian or-
thopedic hospital and reha-
bilitation center for
physically handicapped
To help raise money for the
hospital, a 93-bed facility in
Jerusalem that also treats
over 5,000 children each
year in outpatient clinics
throughout Israel, a small
group from metropolitan
Detroit recently formed the
Detroit Friends of ALYN
Hospital, creating the ninth
chapter in the United States.
ALYN comes to Detroit
through Ann Baruch, a
Detroit native who has been
involved with the hospital
for many years. An educa-
tional meeting is slated for
Oct. 9 at the home of
Leonard and Bluma Siegal.
The group's first parlor fund-
raising meeting is scheduled
for Nov. 29 at the home of
Steve and Arlene Victor. For
more information, contact
Anaruth Bernard at 569-
The group hopes to hold
one major fund-raiser each
ALYN is the Hebrew
acronym for Agudah
Le'ezrat Yeladim Nachim,
the organization to aid han-
dicapped children. It is a
non-profit organization
which treats all children,
regardless of religion or eth-
nic background, who suffer
from crippling diseases or
from trauma after accidents.
Many of the children are
socially and economically
deprived and come from
Armenian and Arab
families. The hospital
operates on a $4.25 million
budget. Of that, 25 percent
comes from donations and
the rest is funded through
the Israeli government's
health-care system.
The government funds do
not cover costs for the pur-
chase of equipment for
medical, educational, reha-
bilitational or household
Pam Lippitt, vice-chair of
the newly formed Detroit
chapter, visited ALYN about
six years ago.
"I was there right after the

first child got an electric
wheelchair," Ms. Lippitt
said. "What struck me the
most was when I saw the
kids coming out of the lun-
chroom, all forming a train
attached to the kid who had
the electric wheelchair.
"They had a little parade
out of the lunchroom," Ms.
Lippitt said. "The child with
the electric wheelchair
became king of the castle be-
cause he could pull all of the
other children."
Rae Scharfman, also a
board member, visited the
hospital in May.
"I hadn't heard of it and
Arm Baruch asked me to go

Twenty-five percent
of the budget must
come from

visit," Mrs. Scharfman
recalled. "It was a wonder-
ful, warm, loving hospital.
"Some of the parents reject
these children and they live
there all of the time," Mrs.
Scharfman said. "The love
from the volunteers and staff
just radiates throughout the
whole place."
ALYN was founded by a
New York orthopedic
surgeon, Dr. Henry Keller,
an ardent Zionist who died
in 1943. For many years, Dr.
Keller worked in New York
and in Israel before moving
to Israel in 1939. ❑

Federation Group
Greets Newcomers

Shalom Detroit, the
welcoming committee of the
Jewish Welfare Federation
Women's Division, will hold a
gathering for newcomers to
Detroit 10:15 a.m. Oct. 17 at
the Maple-Drake Jewish
Community Center.
New Detroit-area residents
will meet each other, the
Shalom Detroit Committee
and learn more about the
community. Doreen Herme-
lin, Women's Division
president, and Lisa Brody,
Shalom Detroit chairman,
will discuss both Federation
and the Women's Division.
The gathering will include
refreshments and activities
for children.
If you are new to the area,
or know of someone who is,
call Ellen Krivchenia at
Federation, 965-3939.

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