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October 12, 1979 - Image 23

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1979-10-12

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Friday, October 12, 1919 23


Women in Broadcast to Speak for Women's League Program

Broadcaster Jennifer
Moore of WDIV-TV and
WJBK Special Projects
Producer Wendy Robins
will address an "All
President's Day" meeting of
the League of Jewish
Women's Organizations of
Greater Detroit noon Oct.
25 at Young Israel of Oak-
All presidents of Jewish
women's organizations in
the area will be honored.
Mrs. Stanley Baar is
president of the league.
Ms. Moore is a reporter,
business editor and
weekend anchor for
WDIV-TV. She was a re-
porter and anchor on WJR
radio, a reporter at
WEWS-TV in Cleveland
and news director for
WHLQ-FM in Canton,
She was named Woman
of the Year in Broadcast
News by the Detroit
Chapter of American
Women in Radio and
Television in 1978. For
the past two years she
has received the Associ-
ated Press Award "for
excellence in individual
She won an Emmy Award
for her television special re-
ports, "They Just See Blue."


iated with WJBK/WDEE
Radio as assistant to the
promotion-music director.
She was a part-time news
editor, secretary to the news
director and first woman
news editor at the Mutual
Broadcasting System in
New York City.
She received an Emmy
Award for special re-
ports on cardio-
pulmonary resuscitation
training; special citations
from ' the Southfield
Board of Education and
mayor of Southfield "far
CPR special reports" and
Ms. Moore earned a BA de- the March of Dimes
gree in broadcast jour- Award "for special re-
nalism from Pennsylvania ports on birth defects."
State University, where she
Ms. Robins received the
was elected to Phi Beta
AFTRA Golden Mike Spe-
Kappa honorary.
Ms. Robins has been news cial ,Award "for investiga-
producer, news writer and tive reporting on Detroit
assistant to the special proj- abortion clinics." She was-
ects unit director for graduated from the Univer-
WJBK-TV. She was affil- sity of Michigan with a BA

Admission is free and the
public is invited.

LES will go to Camp
Tamarack today through

Wins Award

Allen M. Wolf of South-
field, a radio news coor-
dinator for WWJ radio, has
been named one of 25 broad-
casters to be honored with
the 1979 Armstrong
Awards "for excellence and
originality in radio pro-
Wolf received an honora-
ble mention award for his
documentary, "Prognosis:
Vasectomy." He received
the award at the National
Radio Broadcasters Asso-
ciation convention last
week in Washington.


for your party





Diamonds and Fine Jewelry

These services done on premises

• Jewelry Repair
• Watch Repair
• Restringing


No Job Too Small

Sunday. The weekend in-
cludes volleyball, ping
pong, tennis, games and


Schools will hold adult Yid-
dish classes one evening a
week for 10 weeks begin-
ning 7 and 8:30 p.m. Thurs-
day. Beginner classes will
be held at 7 and the ad-
vanced class at 8:30.
There is a charge. Classes
will be held at the Work-
men's Circle Center, 26341
Coolidge, Oak Park. Sima
Abramovitz will be the in-
To register, call Work-
men's Circle, 545-0985.

Large selection of rings
watches and other fine jewelry
14 and 18 K GOLD


itc -AN

degree in music history.
Topic for discussion will
be "Today's Woman in the
Business World." Mrs.
Seymour Ribiat, president
of the Young Israel of
Oak-Woods Sisterhood, will
recite the invocation. Petite
luncheon will be served.
Vice President of Program
is Mrs. Alan Weiner. Ar-
rangements Chairman of
the Day is Mrs. Henry

Yiddish Classes
Begin Thursday


* *

SOLO FLIGHT will pre-
sent "An Upbeat Evening
With The Simple Gifts," a
musical group, 8 p.m. Tues-
day at Temple Beth El.
There is a charge, and re-
freshments will be served.
Singles age 30 and up are

"Where the customer comes first"
Quality jewelers for 3 generations

Mon.-Fri. 9 to 5 Sat. 9-3
All bankards honored
23077 Greenfield Advance Bldg. suite 389 Sfld.





Disc Jockey


"The Best Disco In Town"


Parties, Dances & Special Occasions

, •44`..$5,•• .

546-5797 - 544-0454


Vabe Shoes

ihrli teens

doctor's shoe prescriptottS
correctli fitted

• dingo
• foot traits
• hush puppies
• dexter
• weber
• chi Id! ife-tico

heatioarters for

Capezio danceWecIr

• bass
• keds
• converse
• bata
• danskin
• lazy bones


Ann Page? Funny, it doesn't sound Jewish.

But what's in a name? All the Ann Page and
A&P products you see here are certified
Kosher and carry the respected
As a matter of fact, you'll find more than
450 Kosher Ann Page and A&P
brand products in A&P stores.


Every thing from salad dressings to candy.
Coffee, tea. juice. Pickles, puddings, pre-
serves. Noodles and nuts. Cream cheese
and crackers. A whole range of seasonings.
Even detergents. At A&P, we
care for our Kosher customers.

.11 wile at iarrnitlton RAtirrnilltoti

CA C w i M

t'M . ',. Z

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