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August 10, 1979 - Image 62

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1979-08-10

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62 Friday, August 10, 1979

Philanthropist Daniel Laven Dies

Daniel A. Laven, a leader
in the Detroit Orthodox
community and a con-
tributor to Jewish causes,
died Aug. 9 at age 79.
Born in Russia, Mr.
Laven came to Detroit in
1917, where he worked in
the sheet metal business, as
a movie operator and in the
Cadillac plant during World
War I as an inspector. In
1929 he formed the
forerunner of his company,
Central Heating Co.
A founder of Yeshivath
Beth Yehudah — two of its
buildings bear his name —
Mr. Laven was active in ef-
forts on behalf of Yeshiva
University, Bar-Ilan Uni-
versity, the Allied Jewish
Campaign, Detroit Service
Group, Jewish Home for
Aged, Mizrachi and other
causes and organizations.
He has been active in
the United Foundation
Torch Drive since 1942, is
a former chairman- of
Campaign's Building and
Real Estate Division and
was a member of the
board of the Jewish
Home for Aged for many
Mr. Laven was a founder
of Bar-Ilan University and
has been active in Bnai
Brith since 1929 as a
member of Pisgah Lodge
and a charter member of
Keidan Lodge.

Clothing Union Head Jacob Potofsky

Freiheit Founder
Melech Epstein


Active as the chairman of
the Detroit Friends of
Yeshiva University, he was
named its man of the year in


He also was honored by
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah in
1953 for his many services
to the school," which in-
cluded membership on its
president's council, execu-
tive committee and chair-
manship of the building
He also was responsi-
ble for the building of
three classrooms in the
Benevez Yeshiva in Bnai
Brak, Israel.
Mr. Laven held member-
ship in the One Hundred
Club and Knollwood Coun-
try Club.
He leaves his wife, Elise;

Melech (Michael) Epstein,
noted journalist and author,
died at Mt. Sinai Hospital
here last week at the age of
Active in the American
Communist Party for de-
cades, he split from the
party after the Stalin-Hitler
non-aggression pact in 1939
which he felt had betrayed
the party's principles.
Epstein was a co-founder
of the Freiheit in 1922, the
Yiddish-language organ of
the Communist Party, and
served as its editor from
1925 to 1929. After he split
from the party he contrib-
uted occasional articles to
the Jewish Daily Forward.
Epstein was the author of
five books in English, in-
cluding one on the labor
movement. He left an essay,
"Random Thoughts of a
Dying Man," to be circu-
lated after his death. Ac-
cording to his will, there
was to be no funeral. He do-
nated his body to the Miami
University Medical School.

J. Amber of Cleveland JNF


To: The Jewish News

Place Your. New Year Greetings in

Chatham Square
Is U.S.'s Oldest
Jewish Cemetery


NEW YORK — Each year
on Memorial Day weekend,
Congregation Shearith Is-
rael in New York holds a
special service at its
Chatham Square Cemetery,
the oldest surviving Jewish
burial place in America. Its
earliest stone dates from
At the historical Memo-
rial Day service, American
flags are placed at the foot of
the graves of some of those
Jews who served in the
American Revolution. The
tiny Jewish community of
New York played a signific-
ant role and participated
valiantly in the efforts of
the American people.
During the early years of
the cemetery's existence,
the Sephardi customcof hav-
ing flat tombstones over the
grave was maintained. By
1796, however, upright
stones were also used.
Sephardim and
Ashkenazim are buried
here, without any distinc-
tion made between the two

Holiday Issue Sept 21

There's no better way to say


to all your relatives and friends

0 11111111

The Jewish News
17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865
Southfield, Michigan. 48075


Please insert my New Year Greeting

and family

Mr. and Mrs.


Zip Code


Check Enclosed (circle one) $7.50 — $12.50 — $17.50 — More

Sow almr wow wo,

NEW YORK — Ma-:-
Fischel, a Holocaust
vivor and watercolor artist.,
died recently at age 104.
Mrs. Fischel walked more
than 1,000 miles through
three European countries to
escape the Nazis at the start
of World War II.

Belle Kay Goldman, a
member of Jewish women's
and communal organiza- lated to his union role. He
tions, died Aug. 4 at age 73. was the president of a
Born in Toronto, Ont., union-run bank in New
Mrs. Goldman was a
member of Temple Israel,
Hadassah, Pioneer Women,
City of Hope and Bnai Brith
In 1942, he became secre-
NEW YORK — Julius B.
tary of the Zionist District
Amber, president of the
She leaves her husband, Jewish National Fund of and secretary of the JNF in
Max; a son, Dr. Lawrence of Cleveland for 25 years, died
Cleveland, where he served
Pompano, Fla.; and two July 29.
for 14 years until his elec-
An attorney, Mr. Amber tion to the office of
president of the JNF of
served the JNF in Cleve-
Some 200 Guests land for 38 years as secre- Cleveland in 1955. During
his devoted service to the
tary and president.
Attend Funeral
Jewish community of Cleve-
One of nine children,
MINNEAPOLIS — Augie born in Sokoly, Poland,
land, he also held positions
Ratner had 200 invited in 1907, Mr. Amber emi-
on the boards of various
guests at his funeral re- grated to the U.S. in 1921.
Jewish communal, educa-
cently, and though he He received his AB de-
tional and social service
wasn't alive to see it Augie gree from Western Re-
organizations. He was
knew who was there.
elected to serve on the
serve University in 1931,
Mr. Ratner, 78, a former and his law degree from
Board of Trustees of Park
boxer and owner of Min- Western Reserve Univer-
Synagogue, and the Bureau
neapolis strip-tease estab- sity Law School in 1934.
of Jewish Education.
lishments, was so moved by
the number of persons who r
attended a friend's funeral
eight years ago that he took
out a newspaper advertise-
1 75 1 5 W. 9 Mile Rd.
ment wanting to find out
who would be coming to his
Suite 865
own funeral.
Southfield, Mich. 48075
He then drew up a guest
Last week, some 200 per-
sons attended his funeral at
Minneapolis' Temple Israel.



Marie Fischel,
Survivor, Artist

Belle Goldman



York and a director of
another in Chicago. He
was president of the
union's insurance com-
pany and of its housing
He played an active role
in Histadrut and took a deep
interest in Israel's welfare,
protested indignities and
fought Nazism.

NEW YORK — Jacob
Potofsky, former president
of the Amalgamated Clo-
thing Workers of America,
died Aug. 5 at age 84.
Born in the Ukraine, the
former pants-pocket maker
joined the clothing workers'
union at its founding in
1914, headed it from 1946 to
1972 and became a senior
member of the executive
panel of the AFL-CIO.
Over the years, Mr.
Potofsky filled many
other posts that were re-

two sons, Harold and
Charles; a daughter, Mrs.
Saul (Rosalie) Leach; nine
grandsons and two great-
grandchildren. Services
1 p.m. today at Ira Kaufman



Let a man leave his
father and his mother and
attach himself to his wife



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