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December 12, 1975 - Image 54

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1975-12-12

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54 December 12, 1975


Mythical Bi-National State

Dr. S. I. Levenberg, prom- Peace for us means Israel's
inent British Zionist, ex- destruction , and nothing
posed the Arab aims to de- else.'
stroy Israel in this
This is in sharp contrast
statement published in the with a statement just made
London Observer:
by Yigal Allon, the Israel
Dr. Musa Mazzawi's at- Foreign Minister: 'We have
tack on your fair and bal- to find a solution which will
anced editorial of 9 Novem- satisfy Israel by providing a
ber clearly underlines the defensible border on the one
situation in. the Middle hand, and enable Jordan
and the Palestine Arab com-
Dr. Mazzawi claims that munity to decide their fu-
the Zionists have so far re- ture.'
fused to share the land with
the Arabs in a bi-national,
non-sectarian state pro- Scientists Receive
posed by the Palestine Lib- Hebrew U. Awards
eration Organization.'
No such offer was ever
made. Let me quote Far- Prof. Maimon M. Cohen, the
ouk-el-Kaddoumi — the geneticist who first linked
`Foreign Minister' of the chromosome damage to the
PLO — who was asked by drug LSD, was one of three
Newsweek (17 November): scientists to receive the Mor-
`Are you saying that if Is- ris J. Kaplun International
rael withdraws to its pre- Prize of Hebrew University
1967 borders and recog- of Jerusalem.
The awards, presented by
nizes the national rights of
the Palestinians to a sepa- the American Friends of
rate state of their own, the Hebrew University, consist
PLO would be prepared to of $5000 research grants
accept the reality of Is- which are given annually to
rael's existence?' Answer: men and women who have
`No.' Mr. Farouk-el-Kad- made "outstanding contri-
doumi further stated that butions in their particular
`this Zionist ghetto in Is- fields to the knowledge of
rael must be destroyed.'
mankind and to the pursuit
How effective a 'bi-na- of peace."
tional state' would be has
Prof. Cohen, genetics
just been demonstrated in chair-man at Hebrew Uni-
Cyprus. As to a 'non-sectar- versity and formerly at the
ian state,' it doesn't exist State Medical School in Buf-
anywhere in the Arab falo, was given the award
world; the collapse of Mus- for medicine. Dr. Emanuel
lim-Christian co-operation R. Piore, recipient of the
in Lebanon shows the dis- award for technology, is for-
crepancy between theory mer vice president and chief
scientist of IBM. Arnaldo D.
and practice.
What the PLO 'double Momigliano, professor of
talk' amounts to is the es- ancient history at the Uni-
tablishment of a Palestinian versity of London, was
state in place of Israel.
awarded for his work in the
To quote Yasir Arafat: field of humanities.
`The goal of our struggle is
The award is named after
the end of Israel, and there the late Morris J. Kaplun, a
can be no compromises or Polish-born real estate bro-
mediations. We don't want ker who came here as a ref-
peace, we want victory. ugee before World War II.

Political Scientist Hannah Arendt

NEW YORK — Hannah
Arendt, a political philoso-
pher who excaped Hitler's
Germany and later scruti-
nized its morality in
"Eichmann in Jerusalem"
died Dec. 4 at age 69.
Dr. Arendt was university
professor of political philos-
ophy at the New School for
Social Research at the time
of her death.
Dr. Arendt was the au-
thor of eight major works
and developed a reputation
as writer and scholar with
the publication of "The Ori-
gins of Totalitarianism" in

The work analyzed the
two major forms of 20th-
Century totalitarianism —
Nazism and Communism
— and Dr. Arendt linked
their origins to the anti-
Semitism and imperialism
of the 19th Century.

German Sent Home
After Nazi Epithet

Geriatric Center Aiding Jews
May Get Funds From Boxer

HAIFA — A superintend-
ent was removed from the
German freighter m.s. Sally
and flown home to Ger-
many after declaring "We'll
bury them all yet" within
earshot of a concentration
camp survivor.
The survivor is Adam Chi-
sik, an official of the Marine
Officers Union. The super-
intendent insulted him in
German, assuming that
Chisik did not understand
the language.
Chisik had boarded the
ship in Haifa at the request
of the German Seamen's
Union and the International
Federation of Transport
Workers to seek back pay
due Filipino sailors aboard
the ship.
He made the pay proposal
to the freighter's captain in
the presence of the superin-
tendent, who then made the
Chisik demanded the su-
perintendent's removal;
after the freighter's owners
in Germany were contacted,
the German was flown

Woman Rabbi Reports Pressure

Rabbi Sandy Sasso, the
woman half of the first
practicing rabinnical cou-
ple, has reported that when
she began to search for a
pulpit after ordination by
the Reconstructionist Rab-
binical College, she came
under subtle pressure not to
take a congregation.

On the basis of her pulpit- seven women candidates at
hunting experiences, she the Reconstructionist Col-
expressed doubts that lege and several more at the
women rabbis coming after Hebrew Union College -
her will be able to find pul- Jewish Institute of Religion,
pits. She said there are now the Reform seminary.

AJCongress to Honor El Al

NEW YORK — El Al Is- president of the AJCon-
rael Airlines will receive the gress.
She reported that people 1975 Stephen S. Wise Replacement Seen
tried to steer her into an ed- Award for "distinguished
ucational career. Rejecting service to Israel," an- for Dinitz's Post
such pressures, the 28-year- nounced the American Jew-
ish Congress.
Well informed sources sub-
old rabbi, the second woman
to be ordained in the United
The award will be pre- mit that after Simha Dinitz
States, reported that she sented at the annual awards completes his three-year
was asked questions by se-
dinner Dec. 20 at the Wal- term as Israel's ambassador
lection committees she said dorf-Astoria Hotel in New in Washington, he will be
were not asked of male ap-
York City. Mordechai Ben- replaced by General David
Ari, president of El Al, will Elazar, commander of Is-
rael's army during the Yom
Most often, she told the
accept the award.
Kippur War.
Cleveland Jewish News, she
Even during the premier-
Stephen Wise Awards
was asked about the possi-.
will also be presented to Is- ship of Golda Meir Elazar
bility of her becoming preg-
rael's Ambassador to the expressed his wish for a dip-
nant. She said she told one
U.S., Simcha Dinitz; Israel's lomatic mission after the re-
interviewing committee she
Ambassador to the UN, port of the Agranat Com-
believed in family planning.
Chaim Herzog; and Lillian mission became public.
She was finally engaged
Golda Meir did not grant
and. Martin Steinberg, lead-
by the Reconstructionist
Elazar's wish at the time be-
ers of the AJCongress.
Manhattan Havurah, a
cause she was afraid that
78-family congregation in
The award to El Al marks such an appointment might
New York City. Her hus- the first time that an Israeli be interpreted as a demo-
band, Rabbi Dennis Sasso,
commercial institution has tion because of his errors
also has his congregation
been so honored, according during the Yom Kippur
In New York.
,,to Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, War.

She stirred the most con-
troversy with the publica-
tion in 1963 of "Eichmann in
Jerusalem, a Report on the
Banality of Evil," which
grew out of her coverage for
The New Yorker of the trial
of Adolf Eichmann for his
role in the "final solution of
the Jewish-problem" in the
Hitler era.

official of Self-Help Com-
munity Services said that
the organization expects an
initial payment of $50,000
from heavyweight cham-
pion Muhamad All on his
promise to give between
$100,000 and $150,000 to
enable a geriatric center
serving mainly handicapped
Jews in the Washington
Heights section of Manhat-
tan to continue to operate
for another year.
Prior to the champion's
promise of the gift, the Hill-
side Aged Program Center
had been scheduled to shut
down on Dec. 31 because
funds of the sponsoring
agency had run out. Self-

Kissinger, CIA
`Betrayed Kurds'

Henry Kissinger scuttled
the revolt of the Kurdish na-
tionalities in Iraq earlier
this year, according to one
of the aides of the defeated
General Mustapha Barzan.
The Kurds believe the
American Secretary of
State cut off aid to them —
supplied through Iran and
the Central Intelligence
Kissinger hoped that
Iraq, free of Kurdish prob-
lems he had helped to fer-
ment, would renew its ri-
valry with Syria, weakening
opposition in Damascus to
the Egyptian Israeli with-
drawal pact he was working
out last spring at great cost
to the Kurdish movement.

`All-Out War
Sought by Syria


TEL AVIV — Tewfik
Hassan, commentator of the
government-controlled Ra-
dio Damascus, said in a
broadcast on Nov. 25, five
days before the expiration
of the current six-month
mandate of the United Na-
tions Disengagement Ob-
server Force on the Golan
"Syria is working to mob-
ilize all the Arab resources,
including the sabotage or-
ganizations, both militarily
and on the oil front, to open
up an all-out Palestinian
war against Israel whose
purpose is to free Palestine
from the racist Zionist ent-
ity, and this by relying on
the internationally sup-
ported Arab strategic dept."


Dr. Arendt argued that it
was simplistic to pin all the
guilt on Eichmann. She said
that others were responsible
as we — other Germans,
other Western countries
and even the Jews, who had
assented actively or pas-
sively to the growing evil.
Dr. Arendt said she was
trying to make a calm anal-
ysis of the situation, to get
beyond the histrionics. The
book drew criticism from*
those who wanted to focus
on Eichmann, the man, as a
principal creator of the hor-
ror. Dr. Arendt said that
this was giving him a pow--
beyond his capacity.

Born of Jewish parents
in Hanover, Germany,
Miss Arendt professed no
religious affiliation, al-
Help, a non-sectarian though in later life she
agency originally charged to worked in France for
aid victims of Nazi persecu- Youth Aliya and a-s . re-
tion, still gets some repara- search director of the Con-
tions funds from the West ference on Jewish Rela-
tions and then as chief .
German government.
Larry Matloff, executive editor of Schocken Books.
director of Self-Help Com- Before leaving Europe for
munity Services, said that the U.S., she married
his organization was uncer- Heinrich Bluecher, who
tain as to whether Ali in- died several years ago.

In 1952 Miss Arendt was
tended to provide a total gift
of $100,000 or $150,000, add- awarded a Guggenheim Fel-
ing that the champion had lowship and later was in-
vited to deliver the Christian
mentioned both figures.
Ali was in New York to Gauss lectures at Princeton
attend a party at the University, beginning a.
United Nations given by teaching career that in-
the United Arab Emirates. cluded service on the facul-
At the party he tried to ties of the University of Cal-
minimize his gift offer, ifornia at Berkeley, the
saying he had a "soft University of Chicago, Col-
spot" for old people, umbia, Northwestern, Cor-
"especially the handi- nell and other universities
before joining the New
Ali's interest in the geria- School.
With her increasing fame,
tric center was reported to
have stemmed from his Dr. Arendt received many
seeing a televised report honorary degrees from
that the Hillside Aged pro- American universities in-
gram would have to close be- cluding Princeton, Dart-
cause the sponsoring agency mouth, Smith, Notre Dame,
had been unable to raise the Yale and the New School.
This year she became the
estimated $100,000 needed
for another year of opera- first woman and the first
U.S. citizen (she was natur-
Most of the 54 users of the alized in 1951) to be
center are Jews and most, awarded Denmark's Son-
though not all, are survivors ning Prize for contributions
to European civilization.
of the Holocaust.

Jews Honored Pastor Who
Saved Thousands in Holocaust

BONN — Heinrich Grue- honorary degree by the He-
ber, the Protestant pastor -brew Union College of New
who died recently and saved York. Mayor Teddy Kollek
the lives of thousands of of Jerusalem in 1972 pre-
Jews during World War II, sented him with the city's
was honored for his valor- medal and Yad Vashem in
ous efforts by Jewish organ- Jerusalem also gave him a
A 15,000-tree forest in his
honor was planted by the
Jewish National Fund. He
was a founder of the Ger-
man-Israel Society in West
Germany in May 1966, arA
became its honorary prE

During the Nazi regime,
Grueber became known
for his "Grueber office," a
privately-organized rescue
operation for Jews in the

In 1940, the Nazis ar-
rested him and several Jews
he had helped, imprisoning
him for three years in the
Sachsenhausen concentra-
tion camp and then in Da-
chau. While in those camps,
Pastor Grueber was the Grueber held secret reli-
first_ Christian awarded an gious services.

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