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July 19, 1974 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1974-07-19

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Friday, July 19, 1974-13


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U.S. Jewry Asked Not to Forget Needs
of Kinsmen Who Will Remain in USSR

the Soviet Union, "Major
cities are without rabbis, and
there has been no training
of religious leaders for a
number of years."
This was an observation
of Rabbi Arthur Schneier of
the Park East Synagogue
and of Rev. Thurston N.
Davis S.J. of the United
States Catholic Conference
in a press conference follow-
ing their recent trip to the
Soviet Union and Poland.
The two clergymen were
distressed that the emphasis
has been on the emigratioin
of the Soviet Jews rather
than on the continuation of
a Jewish spiritual, religious
and cultural life in Russia.
Rabbi Schneier said that
"even if the rate of emigra-
tion is accelerated, we must
reckon that the majority of

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the 3,000,000 Soviet Jews
will remain in the country
and should have the right to
perpetuate their religious
and cultural heritage."
Both Rabbi Schneier and
Father Davis expressed hope
that the American Jewish
community will consider this
factor as well as that of emi-
They also made observa-
tions regarding the neglect
of Jewish cemeteries and
synagogues in the USSR and
The centuries-old cemetery
of Odessa is in danger of re-
moval under a law which
states that any cemetery
which has not had a burial
for 25 years can be liqui-
dated. The Nozik synagogue,
the only remaining one in all
of Warsaw, is a shambles.
Windows are shattered and

the area is surrounded by
mud and dirt, the clergymen
Rabbi Schneier and Father
Davis succeeded in securing
a promise from the Polish
director of religious affairs,
Kazimierz Kakol, that within
six months, the Nozik syna-
gogue would be fixed and
designated an historical land-
They also obtained a guar-
antee that 10 Soviet Jews
would be allowed to go to
Budapest to study in East
E u r op e's only remaining
rabbinical seminary, the men
New York City Councilman
Howard Golden has intro-
duced a resolution urging
President Nixon and Con
gress to protest the "dese-
cration and destruction" of
Jewish cemeteries in Eastern
The Democratic lawmaker
introduced the resolution
after conferring with repre-
sentatives of the Greater
New York Conference on So-
viet Jewry and the 1,000-
member World Conference
of European Rabbis. Both
organizations have also urged •
the federal government to
take action to prevent dam-
age to the cemeteries.
Golden cited reports that
the governments of the Soviet
Union, P ol a n d, Romania,
Czechoslovakia and Hungary
have decided to appropriate .
and destroy over 1,000 old
Jewish cemeteries within
their boundaries and replace
them with housing, other de-
velopments and parks.
He noted that it has also
been reported that grave-
stones in many cemeteries
in Eastern Europe have, dur-
ing the past three decades,
been_ destroyed, removed and
used for other purposes.
In Grindelwald, Switzer-
land, Simcha Raz, director
general of the World Hebrew
Union (Brit Ivrit Olamit)
told the closing session of
the European Hebrew As-
sembly that some 10,000
books in Hebrew have been
sent to the Soviet Union.
He said the WHU's next
publication will be "Jewish
Thought in the Soviet
Union," with contributions
by Soviet Jews. This is a
followup to volumes on Jew-
ish thought in Europe and
the United States.
More Harassment
Seen in USSR
sources in the Soviet Union
report that Jewish visa ap-
plicant V la dimir Kishlik
from Kiev was again beaten
up Sunday night by four un-
identified persons, and later
taken to a hospital.
Kishlik, 'a night watchman
at a Kiev boat pier, had suf-
fered at the hands of hooli-
gans some three weeks ago.
Sources also reported that
Jewish prisoners of con-
science at the notorious
Perm camps have started a
chain of hunger strikes, with
each prisoner fasting for one
They are demanding an
improvement of their ap-
palling conditions, as well as
the release of all prisoners

serving jail terms solely for
their desire to go to Israel.
Perm prisoners had staged
a hunger strike during Presi-
dent Nixon's visit to Moscow.
Valery Panov, who re-
cently emigrated to Israel
from the USSR, said in an
interview with Dutch tele-
vision in Jerusalem that
Jews everywhere must sup-
port Israel in its struggle
for existence. "Israel has the
right to exist and each Jew
must contribute his utmost
to see that it does."

Deny Mondale Prepared
to Withdraw Support to
Jackson Amendment
top aide to Sen. Walter Mon-
dale (D. Minn.), bluntly
denied to the Jewish Tele-
graphic Agency that Mon-
dale was prepared to with-
draw his support to the Jack-
son Amendment.
Mondale, in Minnesota for
the weekend, was personally
. unavailable here to respond
to a statement by Prof. Fred
Warner Neal of Claremont
Men's College in California
where he is international re-
lations professor, and who is
a prime organizer of a pro-
Soviet American detente com-
mittee, that "Mondale has al-
ready indicated to me his
disenchantment for support
for the Jackson Amendment
to the trade bill and is hope-
ful that our committee can
give him some 'protective
coloration' if and when he
backs off publicly."
"It is just unbelievable,"
said David Aaron, Mondale's
foreign policy adviser. "I am
infuriated by this attempt by
Neal to exploit the senator.."
Aaron said that he told
Neal that Mondale "supports
the Jackson Amendment and
is personally committed to
it. He feels very strongly
about its purposes. He wants
a trade bill but he wants the
Jackson Amendment in it.
I made this clear to Neal."

SSSJ Urges Ban of U.S.
Crime-Control Equipment
Student Struggle for Soviet
Jewry sharply attacked the
scheduled participation of
Am e ri c an crime control
equipment firms in a "Crim-
technika 74" exposition in
Moscow this August as "a
completely immor al act
which can only further the
ability of the KGB to wipe
out any voice of dissent in
the USSR."

"This exposition should be
called 'Repression' 74," a
SSSJ spokesman declared.
The equipment will be used
to wipe out the Jewish emi-
gration movement and the
few voices of freedom that
can still be heard in Russia.
"It seems that President
Nixon's statement that the
U.S. cannot involve itself in
the 'internal affairs' of the
USSR and his lack of reac-
tion to anti-Jewish brutality
during his recent Soviet visit
will give the Kremlin license
to extend the Gulag Archi-
pelago to every home in the

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