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March 10, 1972 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1972-03-10

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Champagne to Flow_ at Donor Brunch
,COmings ::: ._
of ;Ternple' 13:4-h El SisterhOOd


Callender -


Purim Brought to Lapeer

Fanny Helen Davis, G-3100 Mill-
er, died Feb. 26 in Miami Beach.
She was,87..
Mrs: Davis had been ,a resident
of Flint and Los Angeles the last
25 years. She was a member of
Flint Senior Citizens.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
Irvin Hirsch; a son, Herbert; a
brother, Sam Edelman of- San
Francisco;-"two sisters, Mrs. Frieda
Mandler and Mrs. Sarah Levi,
both of Los Angeles; four grand-
children and_four great-grandehil-


Bar Mitzva

where she performed in "The Im-
portance of Being Earnest,"
"Berkley Square" and numerous
children's plays. Locally, she has
Dr. Brian J. Beck is
been seen in productions by the elected vice chairman the
at Flint
Actor's Guild and Center Theater, General Hospital.


Mar. 12—State CRC Meeting to
Plan Solidarity Day for
Russian- Jewry, 2 p.m.,
Temple Beth El
—USY' Meeting, 3 p.m.,
home of Susan 'Schaffer
—Hadassah Family Supper,
5:30 p.m., Temple Beth
forming Arts, has directed such
14—Temple Beth El Sister- plays as "The Tenth Man," "The
hood Donor Luncheon, Wall" and "The Rose Tattoo" for
12:15 p.m., Country Detroit's Jewish Center Theater
group. She has directed produc-
—Temple Beth El Board tions for the Detroit Opera Theater,
of Education Meeting, and the Detroit Symphony Or-
8:30 p.m.
--Rnai Brith Women Board
As an actress she has per-
Meeting, 8:30 p.m., home formed on television and radio
of Barbara Abramson
and currently she is director of
15—Israel Birthday Party broadcasting for the Jewish
Planning Committee Community Council of Metro-
Meeting, noon, Council politan Detroit. Married to Can-
tor Harold Orbach of Temple
16—Hadassah Tour Through Israel, she is the mother of four.
Artrain, 11 a.m.
,Mrs. Joyce Feurring is a grad-
—Beth Israel Board of uate of the University of Michigan,
Education. Meeting, 8

Fanny Helen Davis

_.. ;Goings

Temple Beth El Sisterhood „will
hold.its-annual donor, a champagne
brunch, 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at the
Country Squire Restaurant.
Chairmen of the event are Mrs.
James Hallem and Mrs. Clifford
Hart, assisted by Mesdames Alan
Thomson, Michael Jacoby, F.. Ed-
Wardi, llic-hard Weber, Norman
Lewis, Leo Snide, ; Jerome Arenson
and'Jamea. Etbster,"
Preceedi from the 'donor, en-
titled "Sweet-Charity," will help
support the temple religious school.
Featured hi theprogram of mu-
sic and - drama are Evelyn Orbach
and Joyce Feurring. Mrs. Orbach,
a graduate of the School of Per-

The Lapeer visiting committee
of the Flint Jewish Community
Council provided a Purim party at
the Lapeer State Home under the
chairmanship of Mrs. Esther Har-
ris. She was accompanied by Saul
Schwartz, Rabbi Gilbert Kollin,
Mrs. Fay Fames and Mrs. Irene
Bernard. airs. Harris acknowledged
a contribution to the program from
Frank Friedman.

as well as on radio and television.
She is married to Albert Feurring
and is the mother of three.

Young Leadership
Creative Seder

Saturday, April 1
7:30 p.m.


4 148.88

4 function

Det. 342-7800

So you are going to Israel?

How wonderful!

By Reservation Only

Call Flint Jewish
Community Council


Youth on
the Move

Three Flint boys won titles in
the recent YMCA diving state fi-

nals. Brian ICronick won first place
state title for the third consecu-
tive year, and Scott Price came in
third. Martin Price qualified for
the state swimming finals and won
third place in relay, fifth place in
butterfly and seventh in relay.
They were competing in the prep
s a a
The following Flint public high
school and junior high students
received all As for the second
marking period of the school year:
Gary Boren, Jan Schreiber, Joel
Kaufman, Leslie Schoichet, Deb-
orah Meerson, Sheryl Kaufman,
Jamie Steinberg, Steve Sorscher,
Eric Sorscher and Leonard Ben-

For the first, second, third time? We've been going to Israel all
this time, for over 20 years! This time, and even" time,
GREEK LINE and enjoy every moment of your journey. What
do we have for you? Just look: a luxurious, restful vacation at
sea, spacious and beautiful cabins, Continental/American
cuisine or gourmet Kosher meals, under the strictest
vision (and a Rabbi and Synagogue grace our ships, super-
sun-drenched decks, open-air and indoor swimming pools,
spacious lounges, superb nightclub entertainment, ballrooms,
the latest movies, and lectures, seminars and Hebrew lessons!
We get you to Israel in time for the major religious and
tural festivities. So ... what are you waiting for?

From New York — April 17', June 12, July 10, Sept. 5, Nov.

• Following day from Boston
Fully air conditioned and stabilized

For colorful folder, reservations, call your Travel Agent or the


2252 First National Biddlig, Detroit, Mid., TeL (313) 461-52S11

Registry: Greece

So Real So Rich. So Coed.

Robert Reznick, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Gerald •Reznick, will be
called- to the Torah as a Bar
Mitzva 9 a.m. •March 18, at Tem-
ple Beth El.

Grand Rapids
1- News Notes_

Lazarus Chapter, Bbai Brith
Girls, held its installation of offi-
cers recently. The new- officers
are Marla Reider, president; Diane
Leibson, vice president; Beverly
Niedelson, secretary; B a rb a r a
Baum, treasurer; Lynn , Pious,
counselonpast president; and An-
gela Jourden, Michigan Region
Bnai Brith Girls Council treasurer.
a a *
David Berg, writer and artist
for Mad magazine, will speak 8
p.m. Sunday at Temple Emanuel
as part of the "Spectrum 72" se-
ries. Tice Grand Rapids Jewish
Cultural Council is sponsoring the
a a a
The -Michigan State Temple
Youth conclave will be held in
Grand Rapids May 12-14.



KING ttf alts

.e... ......................


Dilly of an Honor

he's a pickle puss,-but Kurt Wald-
helm is faced with "the biggest
pack of pickles" — including the
Middle East sour variety.
So, the Pickle Packers Inter-
national has named the new secre-
tary general of the United Nations
the 1972 "Man in the Biggest
His prize is 53 jars of assorted
pickles, one for each of his 53



warning, The Surgeon
General Has Deterrnimx1
Tho!Clisrotte Smobng Is
Dangerous to Your Health.


. AL. . said-
•""- "'
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