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June 25, 1971 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1971-06-25

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TEL AVIV (JTA) —. Premier
Golda Meir warned that a new war
with Egypt was a possibility and
predicted that it would end the
same way as the- last one—with
the enemy's defeat.
Similar predictions were made
last Friday by Defense MiniSter
Moshe Dayan and the chief of
staff of Israel's armed forces, Gen.
Haim Bar Lev.
Mrs. Meir, addressing Labor
Zionist delegates gathered here for
the opening of the Jewish Agency
Assembly, chided Israeli peace
activists. She said their slogan,
"Peace for Territories," was
"superficial and simplistic," add-
ing "I only wish it were that
Mrs. Meir aserted that "we
do not want war, but the possi-
bility exists that the Egyptians
will launch one."
Dayan, in an interview in
Maariv, warned that unless
some progress was made toward
an interim settlement, there was
a danger hostilities would be
resumed. He stated that a partial
agreement to reopen the Suez
Canal was still possible and ob-
served that new Soviet ship-
ments to Egypt were dangerous
because they bolstered Egypt's
confidence in its military prow-
Dayan cautioned against con-
frontation with the Soviets noting
that "it seems that they also are
not jumping into a confrontation
with us."
Bar Lev, speaking to Israeli
troops on the Golan Heights, told
them to be "well prepared" for a
possible renewal of fighting.
The United States feels that so
far the 15-year Egyptian-Soviet
pact has not changed the Cairo-
Moscow relationship. Sources in
Washington said that the U. S.
position was communicated sev-
eral days ago to the leaders of the
major Jewish organizations by
Joseph J. Sisco, assistant secre-
tary of state for South Asian and
Near Eastern affairs. Sisco, said
the informants, assessed the first
treaty signed by the USSR and
Egypt as so far representing only
"more of the same" in terms of
military aid, "not massive Soviet
aid." The pact, Sisco was said to
have reported, can eventually
mean "very much or very little,"
depending on its implementation.
The friendship pact does not re-
present a setback to American-
Egyptian relations, State Depart-
ment spokesman Charles Bray
said Tuesday. State Department
sources say that while the depart-
ment considers the treaty of
"some importance," it need not
impede progress toward the actual
reaching of an interim agreement
to permit the reopening of the Suez
However, the department has
not yet assessed whether the pact
actually has interfered with the
Bray refused to comment on
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba
Eban's comment that the signing
of the pact had diminished pros-
pects for an interim agreement.
The department, according to
Bray, remains "not discouraged,"
but has become "reflective."
A State Department spokesman
termed "premature" a proposal
by Rep. William S. Moorehead,
Pennsylvania Democrat, to author-
ize President Nixon to give Egypt
$55,000,000 to help clear the Suez
Canal. The spokesman added, how-
ever, that there was "no reason"
why the United States would not
participate in financing such a
The resolution is co-sponsored
by 12 members of the House, in-
cluding three members of the pow-
erful House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee—Reps. Lee H. Hamilton,
Democrat of Indiana; Seymour
Halpern, Democrat of New York;
and William Broomfeld Re-
publican of Michigan.

Increased Egyptian activity along
the Suez Canal front was noted
June 20 in the disclosure by Israel
that three Egyptian soldiers and
two civilians were captured in the
Sinai earlier this month.
An official communique describ-
ed the soldiers as a staff sergeant,
a lance corporal and a private who
crossed the canal in a rubber
dinghy, apparently on an intelli-
gence-gathering mission.
The civilians were not identified.
The group carried Kalashnikov
rifles and two frogmen suits. Israel
filed a complaint with the United
Nations Truce Supervision Organ-
ization (UNTSO) over another
overflight of Israeli positions Sat-
urday morning by two Egyptian
Sukhoi-7 fighter-bombers. It was
the second such overflight report-
ed this month. As in the previous
incident, Israeli anti-aircraft guns
opened fire.
Gaza Strip transportation was
severely affected Sunday when 26
of the 30 local Arab bus drivers
employed by the Egged bus co-
operative suddenly quit their jobs.
They acted under pressure from
Arab terrorists, who warned them
of violence against them and their
families if they did not leave the
Israeli-owned company.
The drivers said the terrorists
explained that by working for the
bus company, the drivers were
freeing Israelis for army service.
Egged may try to recruit Israeli
Arabs or West Bank drivers to
man its Gaza buses, which are
used for both internal transpor-
tation and runs between Israel
proper and the strip.
Thant Deplores Attack
on Israel-Bound Tanker;
Rogers Condemns Incident


12—Friday, June 25, 1971

New War With Egypt Possible, Golda. Warns

—Secretary General U Thant de-
plored the attack on the Israel-
bound Liberian tanker Coral Sea
in the Straits of Bab el-Mandab
at the southern end of the Red Sea.
He warned that such incidents
"could all too easily become a
serious threat to peaceful com-
munications between nations" un-
less the international community
condemns them at the outset.

Joe Sacco Says:

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Southfield Gets
15-Story Hotel

Landmark Properties Co. has be-
gun development of a 15-story, 325
room Sheraton Motor Hotel and an
18-story, 360,000 square foot office
building in Southfield.
Construction of both buildings,
plus a 450-car parking structure,
is scheduled to begin this Septem-
ber on a 12.1 acre site at the junc-
tion of Telegraph Road and North-
western Highway.
Landmark Properties Co. is a
partnership consisting of Nelson
Dembs and Associates and Fisher-
Southfield Co. Nelson Dembs As-
sociates includes, in addition to
Mr. Dembs, Jack Friedlander,
Jack Taylor, and Jack Schon. Fish-
er-Southfield Company is a wholly-
owned subsidiary of the Fisher-
New Center Company.
The motor hotel, to be known as
the Sheraton Southfield Inn, will
be operated under a Sheraton
franchise by the Berry and Sey-
burn organization, which also op-
erates the two 300-room Howard
Johnson motor lodges and restu-
rants in Detroit and the Hotel Na-
varro in New York.
The Landmark office building,
also to be managed by Berry and
Seyburn, will have a gross area of
360,000 sq. ft. and will tower 18
stories over Northwestern, Tele-
graph, 1-696 and 1-96 highways.
Harold Berry is president of
Fisher-Southfield Company.

AZ Federation Sponsors
Israel Fairs Programs

A program designed to promote
greater use of Israeli products in
the U.S. through the sponsorship
of Israel Fairs by communities,
organizations and congregations
throughout the United States, has
been adopted by the American
Zionist Federation, it was an-
nounced by Rabbi Israel Miller,
Rabbi Miller announced that
Mrs. Beatrice G. Weiss will head
the department of Israel fairs and
exhibits for the Federation.

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