42—Friday, December 5, 1969
cairth „Announcements
Nov. 29 --To Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Nov. 6—To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Hurwitz (Sheila Linsky), 30550 • Krause, 29841 Everett. Southfield,
Woodstock, Southfield. a daughter, • a son, Jonathon David.
* • *
Samantha Lynn.
Oct. 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Nov. 24—To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Waldman (Nancy Harold) of St.
Panitch ('Leda Moss), former De- Paul, Minn., a daughter, Susan
troiters of Evanston, Ill., a son, Naomi.
Jason Lee.
• * •
Nov. 24—To Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Soviet Jews Afraid
L. Finn (Ann Daitch), 18140 Alta to Apply for Emigration
Vista, Southfield, a son, William
JERUSALEM — "If they could,
most of the Jews of Russia would
• • •
Nov. 23—To Dr. and Mrs. Nor- come to Israel. But they are afraid
man I. Lynn (Diane Barr), 2310 even to ask for permission to leave,
Coolidge. Troy. a son, Jeffrey Da- for wear of losing their jobs," a
traveler from the Soviet Union,
• • •
recently told the press in Haifa.
Nov. 20—To Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
She said that Soviet Jews are
vin Freeman (Norrine Koven), suffering from discrimination and
14661 Talbot, Oak Park, a son, anti-Semitism, and their great
Jeffrey Stuart.
fear is that the future will be
• • •
even worse. "Gradually the uni-
Nov. 19—To Mr. and Mrs. Wil- versities and the more important
liam Rosen (Susan Philko of Port jobs are being closed to them."
Huron), 24060 Jerome, Oak Park, The fact that a citizen is a Jew
a son, Martin Gary.
is registered in everybody's pass-
• • •
port, she said. Even the young
Nov. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Law- Jews want to come to Israel, and
rence Sklar (Carol Perlin), 27406 indeed are perhaps more pre-
Everett. Southfield, a daughter, Israel than their elders. They get
Laura Beth.
their news from Israel over Is-
* * •
rael's Russian language broad-
Nov. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Sey- casts. None believe the Soviet line
mour Miller (Adele Zelickman I, denouncing Israel as an aggressor.
29530 Everett, Southfield, a daugh- "But the Jews are not alone in
ter, Leslie Gayle.
this. The more intelligent Rus-
• S •
sians also laugh at the official re-
Nov. 16 — To Mr. and Mrs. ports of Israel's aggression," she
Stephen M. Landau (Sylvia Leib), said. However, whenever such a
24654 Rensselaer, Oak Park, a son, report does appear in the news-
David Warren.
papers, "The Jews tend to hide,
* •
because it always results in some
Nov. 15—To Dr. and Mrs. Jay manifestation of anti-Semitism
M. Richman (Geta Aaron), 25401 from the common people," she
Briar, Oak Park, a son, Anthony stated.
• • •
Nov. 14—To Mr. and Mrs. Mich- New Ashkelon School
ael Saywitz (Judy Utley) former
Detroiters of Homewood. Ill., a to Benefit Retarded
son, Jeffrey Alan.
ASHKELON — Thursday was
a red-letter day in the history of
Nov. 12—To Mr. and Mrs. Ar- this immigrant town in the south
nold Collens (Dorothy Tann), 27848 of Israel. It witnessed the inaug-
Kendallwood, Farmington, a son, uration of the Godfrey Family
Howard Michael.
School — the most modern and
• • •
best equipped school in that fast-
Nov. 10—To Mr. and Mrs. Aaron developing town on the Mediter-
Higer (Francine Stewart), former ranean coast — and the end to
Detroiters of Miami, a daughter, Ashkelon's institutions housed in
Pamela Thea.
makeshift dwellings.
• • •
The Godfrey Family Schoo I,
Nov. 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Goldstein (Barbara Shultz), 27451 named for a benefactor of the
Sutherland, Southfield, a daughter, Joint Palestine Appeal in Great
Britain, J. L. Godfrey of London.
Wendy Beth.
will serve some 300 retarded chil-
dren in the area, endeavoring
to transform them into useful and
productive citizens of Israel.
Situated on a site which had
hiterto been occupied by a m'abara
—a tin and wooden shanty camp
LI 7-9489
which afforded temporary shelter
t oimmigrants who arrived in the
peak years of aliya and who have
since been housed in permanent
dwellings in Ashkelon—the school
is surrounded by gardens.
Experienced Mohel
Serving in Hospitals & Homes
Recommended by l',:.sicians
Leo Goldman
Expert Mohel
Serving Hospitals and Homes
LI 1-9769
LI 2-4444
Christian-Jewish Unit,
Asks Oberammergau
' to Delete Bias in Play
— LONDON (JTA)—The contro-
versial Oberammergau passion
' play, slated to be presented in the
West German village in 1970, has
1 drawn the attention of the Interna-
tional Consultative Committee of
Organization for Christian-Jewish
A spokesman said that the Com-
mittee, following a Luxembourg
meeting, sent a letter to the town's
authorities asking that any portions
of the play which might give anti-
Semitic offense to Jews be deleted.
Dropsia to Dedicate Library
PHILADELPHIA — An illustrat- line Feinstein Foundation provid-
ed lecture on his recent biblical ed the physical Improvements an
archaeological excavations on the furnishings for the establishment
West Bank of the Jordan by Dr. of the rare book rooms.
Dr. Abraham I. Katsh, presi-
William G Dever will mark the
dedication of the Rare Books dent of Dropsie University, said
Library at the Dropsie University the gift made it possible for the
institution to set aside special
Dec. 15.
A gift from the Myer and Rosa- facilities to house most of the
rarest books available in the field
of Hebrew, Talmud, biblical, Mid-
Israel Pays for War
dle. Eastern and Semitic studies.
Damage Caused by Jordan As a result, the rare books, to-
gether with manuscripts and
JERUSALEM—Israel's ministry
handwritten notes that date back
of housing has made considerable to over a thousand years, will be
efforts to help Arabs in Jerusalem made more accessable for the
and the administered territories
first time to scholars and re-
with their housing problems, since
the end of the Six-Day War.
Mayor Ernst Zwink of Oberam-
mergau has given assurances that
Mrs. Feinstein, a member of
Evacuated Jerusalem Arab fatu-
no such passages appear in the
the board of governors of
revised text of the play which, ities have received grants totalling
Dropsie University, will unveil
given every decade, is already a 250,000 pounds ($75,400) to finance
the plaque symbolizing the
the purchase of new apartments,
Committee members present at and the Arab residents of 274 hous-
Dr. Dever, director since 1966
the meeting came from Austria. ing units, damaged during the Six-
Belgium, Britain, France, West Day War, have received rebuilding of the excavations sponsored by
Germany, Holland, Italy, Luxem- grants totalling 357,000 pounds Harvard University and Hebrew
Union College at Gezer in Israel,
bourg, Switzerland and Israel.
will discuss his findings in the
(The Passion Play's manage-
excavation of a settlement and a
ment has decided in principle not Israel Wants All 10,000
to alter the traditional text and
cemetery of the Patriarchal Per-
will retain passages which are re- Israeli Intellectuals
iod on the West Bank of the Jor-
garded as anti-Semitic, West Ger- Now Studying Abroad
dan River.
man television reported, adding
JERUSALEM — The needs of
that only minor points in the 100- Israel's national economy today
year-old text were being changed.) and in the next few years will en-
able the absorption of all Israeli
Now Booking - -
intellectuals studying a b r o a d,
Israel 'Largest, Most
mainly in the branches of technol-
Modern Maritime Power
ogy, was stated recently by the
minister of labor.
in the Middle East'
He pointed out that today some
and His Orchestra
HAIFA (ZINS) — Israel's mari- 10,000 Israeli students and post-
Good Music
time fleet, already the largest and graduate intellectuals were study-
most modern in the entire Middle ing abroad, of whom some 7,000
for All Occasions
East, according to the authorita- were in the U.S. with the rest in
LI 4-9278
tive Lloyds. stood at 770,000 tons
Western Europe.
by mid-1968. Comparative figures
for other countries are: Turkey-
651.000: Lebanon-295,000: Egypt
—240,000: Syria-728,000. Top spot
in maritime tonnage registry is
held by Liberia (28,000.000). Most
of these vessels are owned by for-
eign corporations, mainly Amer-
ican, who prefer Liberian regis-
try because of tax advantages and
For a Recorded Message
cheaper labor. After Liberia comes
Japan, England, Norway, U.S.A.,
Dial 864-1485
and the Soviet Union in that order.
The Soviets have greatly increas-
ed their maritime forces in recent
years. Red China's fleet is about
the same size as Israel's. Total
world maritime tonnage is now
212 million tons, a third of which
is accounted for by oil tankers.
Hanuka Greetings
$400,000 Gift for Center
at Hebrew U. Announced
NEW YORK—Samuel Rothberg,
chairman of the board of gover-
nors of the Hebrew University and
president of the American Friends,
announced at the 10th Annual
Scopus Award dinner that Samuel
Melton of Columbus. had donated
$400,000 for a Center for Jewish
Education in Diaspora at the uni-
About 1,000 persons attended
the dinner at the Americana Ho-
tel, proceeds from which will go
toward scholarships at the univer-
Prof. Yigael Yadin, Israeli ar-
cheologist and former army chief
Masada Silver Medal
of staff, was quest speaker.
Produced by Israel - •
Charles C. Bassine, New York
NEW YORK—"Masada Shall Not industrialist, received the Scopus
Fall Again," the oath taken by the Award for outstanding contribu-
people of Israel, is engraved on tions to the university's develop-
the obverse of a state silver medal ment. The presentation was made
to be issued by Israel.
by Avraham Harman. president of
The Masada silver medal, the university and former Israeli
struck in 1964, has been over-sub- ambassador to the United States.
scribed. It was. therefore. decided •
to issue the new edition according, U.S. Church College Aid
to Ephraim Levy, director, coin j Disputed in Connecticut
and medals department, govern-
HARTFORD—The first test case
ment of Israel. in New York.
callenging the allocation of tens of
Each of the 5.000 newly issued millions of dollars in federal funds
state medals will bear a serial to church-control led colleges
number as well as the mintage opened Tuesday in the U. S. Dis-
date-1969—on the rim. The medal trict Court for Connecticut.
is listed in the official Israel Gov-
Sponsored by the American Jew-
ernment Coins and Medals Corpo- ish Congress and the Connecticut
ration Catalog under No. 59922.
Civil Liberties Union. the suit was
Further information on the Ma- brought by 15 Connecticut resi-
sada State Medal, as well as all - dents seeking an injunction to halt
other official coins and medals of the flow of tax - raised funds to
Israel, can be obtained from the ' Sacred Heart University, Fairfield
Director, Coins and Medals De- University, Annhurst College and
partment, Government of Israel, Albertus Magnus College, all in
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