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August 01, 1969 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-08-01

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10—Friday, August 1, 1969


Flint News

Plane Crash Takes the Lives
of Mr., Mrs. Sanford Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Schwartz, of Michigan and was a substitute
leading members of the Flint Jew teacher in the Flint Public Schools.
ish community, were killed in a She was a life member of Hadas-
crash of their small, rented plane sa h.
The couple, who resided at 3413
south of Cleveland Sunday. -
Mr. Schwartz. vice president of Las Palmas Ct., leaves a son, Wil-
and a daughter, Bethany.
Royalite Co., manufacturers of
lighting fixtures, was a member of Besides her father Jack, Mrs. Sch-
the Flint Jewish Community Court- wartz leaves a brother, Harvey.
cif Board of Governors. Mrs. Sch- Mr. Schwartz leaves his mother,
wartz. the former Ruth (Vonne) Mrs. Rose Schwartz of Los Angeles.
Following services at Reigle Fu-
Shaprow, was the daughter of Jack '
Shaprow. owner of Royalite and neral Home. Mr. and Mrs. Sch-
prominent Flint leader. She was wartz were buried at Machpelah
former president of the PTA and Cemetery. Flint.
school board member at Cong.
Beth Israel. where she and Mr.
Schwartz were members.

The couple was on the way
from Youngstown to Toledo when
they stopped at Welcome Airport
in Northfield, 0., for weather
information. Their Cardinal Cess-
na bounced before it took off, hit
the top of a small tree and then
skimmed the top of a barn, land-
ing in a field.


Aug. 6—Willowood Twilight golf
7—Beth Israel Board Meeting.
8 p.m.
. *
Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary

will sponsor a theater party 8:30

Mr. Schwartz, 38. known to his
p.m. Aug. 9 at the Musical Tent.
friends as Bud, was formerly :in
Tickets for the play, "Once Upon
the board ,,Of directors at Beth Is- a Mattress:' may be obtained be-
rael and was past president of Wil-
fore Monday from Mrs. Irving
lowood Country Club. Both he and
Berner, 234-1056; Mrs. Ruben Wis-
Mrs. Schwartz were members of nudel, 787-8362; or Mrs. Jerome
fie Flint Swim and Racket Club.
Yale. 785-6821.
Born in Ohio, he was graduated
from law school at the University
of,California. at Los Angeles. He
IA as a member of the University
Club in Flint.
Mrs. Schwartz. 35, a native of
Michigan. attended the University

Youth on
the Move

Freya (;crshinzon Bride
of '''v

Swimmers in the Flint Recreation
and Park Board's city champion-
ships last week were Steve Sor-
scher; Brian Kronick, first place in
diving; Scott Price; Paul Seigel;

and Eric Sorscher.

Comings ...
. . . Goings

William Goldberg. 3302 Mallery,
is new president of the South Flint
Kiwanis Club. He has practiced law
in Flint since 1935.

Euromart OK for Israel
Depends on Approval
for Arab Lands: France



Freya Sue Gershinzon, daughter
of the Max Gershinzons of Green-,
brook Ln., became the bride of ,
Gary Allen Fahey Sunday after- .
noon at Temple Beth El. Mr.
Fahey, son of the Donald Faheys
of Detroit, married Miss Gershin-
zon before Rabbi Leon Fram of
Temple Israel. Detroit.
Following their honeymoon trip
in Michigan. the couple will reside
in Troy.

The bride wore an organza
gown with hand-clipped Chan-
tilly lace applique, Sabrina neck-
line and A-line skift. A fan-
shaped chapel train was secured
at the natural waistline, and a
matching camelot cap held a
bouffant tiered shoulder illusion
veil. The bride carried a cascade
of gladamelias and ivy.
Attending the bride were matron
of honor Mrs. Stephen Herman of
New York, the bride's sister; Janice
Fahey of Detroit, junior brides-
maid; and Dawn L. Gershinzon,
flower girl.
James Geyer of Detroit was best
man. The bride's brother, Barry
Lewis Gershinzon, was an usher, as
was Michael Fahey, the bride-
grooms' brother.

JERUSALEM (JTA) — A report
from Brussels that France had no
objection to a preferential trade
agreement for Israel with the
European Common Market if the
other five Euromart members
would give similar favorable con-
sideration to applications from
Arab countries was under inten-
sive study in the Israel Foreign
French Foreign Minister Mau-
rice Schumann told his five col-
leagues at the Brussels meeting
that preferential treatment for Is-
rael would be a political decision
and could be envisaged only within
the framework of similar coopera-
tion with other Mid East countries.
Sources here said that the re-
port marked the first time
France had expressed readiness
—even if conditional — for the
principle of Euromart preferen-
tial treatment for Israel. They
added that it was not clear to
what extent the parallel approach
to the Arab countries would
bring about complications and
delays in a specific agreement.
They pointed out that Israel has
never opposed applications from
other Mid East countries seeking
association with Euromart but has
objected to this being made a con-
dition for consideration of Israel's

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