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May 23, 1969 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-05-23

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Science-Based industries in Israel Are Fostered at Robert I Szold
grant of 53,000 given last August

cerned with the proposed estab-
(Copyright 1969, JTA Inc.)
lishment of a faculty of applied
JERUSALEM — Visualizing the science and technology at the
need to bridge the gap between
Hebrew University.
Israel's scientific and industrial
Dr. Morton B. Prince, manager
communities, Palestine Endow- of the physical instrumentation
ment Funds, Inc., New York, a group of Electro-Optical Systems,
charitable and educational mem- Inc., will leave for Israel soon. He
bership corporation, founded the will deal with the proposed estab-
Robert Szold Center of Applied lishment of an Institute for Re-
Science at the Hebrew University search in Solid State Physics.
of Jerusalem three years ago.
Directing the operations of the
Honoring Robert Szold, the ven- Robert Szold Center is a two-man
erated New York attorney and one team, assisted by a committee at
of the architects of the state of the Hebrew University which
Israel who in 1922 founded PEF, screens and evaluates projects for
the Center was set up with an ini- viability. The two-man team con-
tial PEF grant of $500,000. To date sists of Sidney Musher, vice presi-
is has already subsidized 22 dif- dent and trustee of Palestine En-
ferent projects, ranging from "the dowment Funds, of New York, and
development of a prototype of an Prof. Alex Keynan, chairman of
analog spectrum accumulator" to the Authority for Research and
grants for American scientists and Development of the Hebrew Univ-
other experts as "Robert Szold ersity, and formerly chairman of
Israel's Research Council.
Center Visitors."

Among the latter, two promin-
ent recent visitors were Dr. Shir-
leigh Silverman, associate direc-
tor of the National Bureau of
Standards at Washington, and
Detroiter Dr. Julius Harwood,
head of metallurgy in the Scien-
tific Laboratory of the Ford
Motor Co. Their investigations
and recommendations were con-

Citing a typical example of a to the Hebrew University has
successful project carried out wit h now resulted in a further grant
the help of the Robert Szold Cen- I
of $20,000 from a major Amer-
ter, Musher said that a $4,000
ican pharmaceutical company to
grant to Prof. A. Marinov of the
department of physics at the He- continue this research.
Over all, the activities of the
brew University resulted in the
development of germanium detec- Robert Szold Center are destined
tors, an important tool in nuclear to have far-reaching effects not
spectroscopy. Commercial produc- only through the direct financial
tion of the germanium detecto r grants for applied research, but

has now been turned over to an by virtue of their fostering indus-
Israeli firm for manufacture in trial production and export trade,
Jerusalem, thus adding an impor- quite apart from acting as seed
tant new item to the grossing list money that stimulates major for-
: eign companies to join in Israel
of Israel-made exportable goods.
Two grants that may have major ventures.
effects on food production have re-
cently been given for the purpose
of exploring the possibility of de-
veloping salt-water fish ponds. The
studies now proceeding for this pro-
ject concern the rearing of micro-
organisms as food for marine fish

larvae and the study of life cycle
Musher is also chairman of the and food relations of one of the im-
Israel Research and Development portant species of commercial
Corp., which has been established fishes from Eilat.
In the pharmaceutical field. a
to promote science-based industry
Palestine Endowment Funds
in Israel.

Boris Smolar's

'Between You
and Me'

Site of New Yeshiva
Dedicated in E. Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (JTA) — The site
of the new Porat Yosef yeshiva in . 1 1
(Copyright 1969, JTA Inc.)
East Jerusalem. the only major
Sephardic rabbinical seminary in
Israel, was dedicated recently amid JEWISH TIES: Jewish communities in the United States are ss ell or-
the rubble of the old building that ; ganized. Their institutions are well conducted. Their professional staffs
acs destroyed by the Jordanian
are well trained. Their fund-raising campaigns are successful. In fact.
Army in 1948.
The dedication ceremonies were they now serve as an example to Jewish communities overseas.
attended by Mayor Teddy Kollek
In the center of Jewish community organizations in this country
of Jerusalem. Sephardic Chief and Canada stands the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare
Rabbi Isser Untermann and the
Funds, the central advisory body of the communities. The CJFWF rot
Sephardic Chief Rabbis of Tel Aviv
and Jerusalem. The yeshiva has only advises but also coordinates the work of the communities. It is the
been housed in temporary quarters "clearing house" for all phases of activities conducted by the organised
m West Jerusalem for the past Jewish communities, as well as a forum for exchanging ideas and
During the last few years. CJFWF leaders have also begun to
pay attention to the activities of Jewish communities in other countries
and to exchange experiences with them. Guidelines provided by the
CJFWF to communities in the U. S. can now be found in France and
in Belgium, translated into French by the central Jewish bodies there.
Those communities follow them as much as possible and benefit from
their direction. Contact is being maintained between the CJFWF and
British Jewish leadership. Close cooperation has been established be-
tween the CJFVs'F and Jewish communal institutions in Israel. -
Now CJFWF has decided to look into organized Jewish communal
life in Latin American countries. It sent a delegation of selected com-
munal leaders to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay to meet with .le%%ish
communal leaders and to exchange views and experiences on Jewish
communal needs. It was not a "big brother" operation. although the
How Many Distressed Jewish community in the United States is about eight times larger than
the approximately 700,000 Jews living in all of the South American
Teenagers countries. The discussions were conducted on the basis of mutual inter-
ests, each side learning from the other. While in the field of community
do we meet whose children are faced organization. Latin American Jewish leaders had much to learn from
with a multitude of problems, un-
the CJFWF leaders, the latter had much to learn from Jewish leaders
able to cope with new and ever
changing situations. Parents who now in Buenos Aires about the system of Jewish education and in other
regret their failure to instill in rite:, areas of Jewish life.

If You Have Just

Made Your Blessing
Over Sabbath Candles
. . . consider this


children on inspiration toward Ju-
daism and a commitment toward
spiritual values.



16—Friday, May 23, 1969

The CJFWF leaders. visiting Buenos
Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Montevideo found the Jewish
communal leaders there deeply committed and dedicated to .Jewish
There seems to be genuine agreement
responsibility. They established that though the history of those Jewish
that the attitude of the Jewish teen-
communities may be different, the goals for the future of Jewish life
ager and college student is a direct
result of his exposure to and relation- are very similar to the goals of the Jewish communities in the U.S.
ship with his Jewishness during his
This was the first formal contact between American and South
formative years.
American Jewish communal leaders and both sides were impressed
each other. The CJFWF delegation was especially impressed with
offers your child on environment of the fact that the Jewish leaders in South America are giving the utmost
priority to Jewish education — with innovation, high standards and
religious educational development to
obvious impact. More than 21,000 children attend Jewish schools daily
meet the challenges of a swiftly
changing society.
in Buenos Aires and are being taught by extremely competent and
imaginative teachers.
Isn't it time to implement your
On the whole, the CJFWF delegation noted that the Jewish commu-
nities in South America carry the same responsibilities—and face many
of the same problems—which the Jewish federations do in the U.S.
Registration now
They are concerned not only that Jews shall survive but that Jewish
1969-70 School Year
life shall survive. They maintain family welfare institutions, hospitals
and clinics, homes for aged, child care agencies, youth and adult cul-
tural and recreation centers, and community relations programs.
They share the same concerns as the Jewish communities in this
country regarding college youth and faculty. They are eager to bring
young people into community responsibility. They are greatly inter-
' ested in what Jewish organizations in U.S. are doing in the field of
strengthening Jewish identity both in the cities and On the campuses.
The American Jewish communal leaders found that some of the
Hebrew Day School
Jewish communal services in South America are advanced in a number
of respects. Others are in stages of development which Jewish agen-
cies in the U. S. have been through. All are most eager for the CJFWF
24061 Coolidge Hwy.
to send them information of what it is doing and how it is done. "They
copies of the CJFWF studies and reports, in a continuing flow,"
I said Louis J. Fox, CJFWF president, who headed the delegation, "and
I we asked them to do that for us regarding their experience."



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