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April 21, 1967 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1967-04-21

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Community Council Schedules Midnight Vigil
for Soviet Jews, Ghetto Tribute, Anniversary

Hope and rememberance provide gram, which will be
shown over I Chajes' opera "Out of the Desert."
a theme for three major events in WJBK-TV at 9:45 a.m. on May 7, ! More than 1,000,000 copies of
Jewish Community Council pro- , the Council has worked closely a special prayer, "The Matzo
graing for the next several ! with Hebrew schools and syna- of Hope," calling attention to
weeks. Hope for the fate of 3,000,- gogues in assisting these groups : the continued plight of Jews
000 Jews in the Soviet Union who to prepare programs on the War- ' in the Soviet Union has been
face the threat of religious and saw Ghetto.
' distributed for use nationwide
cultural destruction will be ex-
The 19th annual celebration of in connection with the festival
pressed during a "Midnight Vigil" Israel Independence Day 7:30 p.m. of Passover, which begins at
scheduled for April 29; remember- May 14 will be held at Tem- sundown, April 24.
ance of the Jews who suffered and
pie Israel. The city-wide celebra- I The special prayer, sent to all
died during the tragic Warsawtion is co-sponsored by the Council parts of the country by the Ameri-
Ghetto experience will be observed and the Zionist Council of Detroit. can Jewish Conference on Soviet
on May 7; and Israel's 19th birth- Morris Lieberman, chairman of Jewry, will be recited at the seder
day commemorated on May 14. the Zionist Council, announced that celebrations in homes and syna-
Dr. Samuel Krohn, Council this year's theme will focus on gogues as part of the Passover
president, announced dates f o r the cultural development and service. It will also be played over
these events which will begin with achievements in Israel since the radio stations via a special re-
the "Midnight Vigil" on behalf of creation of the state in 1948, and cording made by Edward G. Rob-
Soviet Jewry. The vigil is part will feature excerpts from Julius , inson.
of a national effort involving Jew-
ish communities throughout the
country. In cooperation with local
Organizations affiliated with the
American Jewish Conference on
Soviet Jewry, the . Community
BONN (JTA) — Fifteen former for periods of three years and

Trial of 15 Nazis Accused of Killing
90,000 Jews in Lublin, Resumes


Council is sponsoring a petition ' members of the SS. Hitler's elite nearly four years.
Campaign on' behalf of Soviet guard, went on trial again Wed-
Adelbert Rueckerl, head of
Jews to culminate in the "Vigil" , nesday at Stuttgart in a proceed- West Germany's Central Office
program at the Jewish Center on ! ing that had been suspended, after for Investigation of Nazi War
April 29 from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30
a.m. Interested individuals and several weeks of testimony, to al- Crimes, with headquarters
low the court to hear five Jewish Ludwigsburg, went to Israel
organizations can obtain petitions .
from the Council office by calling witnesses in New York. The de- with some of his assistants to
fendants are accused of killing examine archives in connection
WO 2-6710,
90,000 Jews in Lublin, Poland, dur-

with projected war crimes trials.
This year .the Council has em- ing World War II.
Ile said that he and his team
barked on an effort to encourage :
Peter Pracht, chairman of the
examine, among other data,
greater involvement by youth in
district court at Stuttgart, with
some of the archives at Yad
commemorating the Warsaw
Vashem, the Israeli center for
Ghetto uprising so as to foster a several court aides and six de-
documentation of the Nazi holo-
greater awareness of the ,ignifi- fense attorneys returned Monday
cance and meaning of the ghetto'
In Munich former SS Captain
revolt. It has come to symboltie York. The five, too ill or too old to
not only the tragedy of the holo- travel to Germany, gave their Paul Reiter, 65. was sentenced
caust, but serves also as a focus testimony in an office of the West Tuesday to life imprisonment for
for the rich religious and cultural . Germany Consulate. Their names the wartime slaying of six Jews
heritage provided by Eastern were not revealed by the German in Leiban. Austria.
European Jewry. In addition to officials, lest they be harassed.
Rudolph S•hleffarth. 55, a mem-
Four former Nazis were convict- ber of Reiter's tank division was
preparing a special TV presenta-
Lion on Council's "Highlights" pro- ed at the district court at Minden sentenced to prison for aiding in
last weekend of killing an undeter- the murder of four other Jews.
mined number of Jews and deport-
Heinz Neubert • 42. a third de-
Hebrew Corner
ing to their deaths 46,000 other fendant. was acquitted.
Jews from the Bialystok area of
Budapest court imposed death
I lie. C01111(41
former Poland' during World War
' sentences Tuesday on three Hun-
Some time ago the prime minister's
II, and given prison terms rang-
Office set up a Council for Scientific .
garians convicted of murdering 250
Affairs. uhien is different from exist- log from nine to six and a half Jews and communists during
ing scientific institutions, such as the
World War II. They were among
Hebrew University in Jerusalem. the
Technion (institute of Technology) and' - Lothar Heimbach..58, the chief
19 defendants charged with the
the w e i """ n " ''''' ' i '' ue for Science defendant. and Richard Dibus • 54.
murders which took place while
which are known throughout the world.
The special task entrusted to this
were given nine-year terms. Heim- they were leaders of the pro-Nazi
council is the utilization of science . bach was a police official, and
,Arrow Cross Party.
for the urgent needs of the state.
In Beersheba the council has estab .-../"Di ibus was an officer in the SS, ,
Sentenced to death were Vilmos
fished a Institute for Negev Research'. H


Kroeszi. 56. Lajos Nemeth, 49, and
studies or climatic conditions and ar :
Wilhelm Altenloh, former corn- Alajos Sanders.- 46. The 16 other
seeking to know what sort of food,
mander of the Nazi security P° - ! defendants were sentenced to
clothing and Noising most suitable for
Inhabitants of the Negev. In addition
lice in the area was given an prison terms ranging from eight
they are •t tlith int: What plants nourish
in the Negev: 'I hey are also seeking eight-year sentence. and Heinz Er- to 15 }•ears.

a Solution to t he water problem and relis, an ex-police officer, was
have achievi.i1 the sweetening of salt
Cologne ' police reported that a
sea , water (that is to say: the extrac • sentenced to 6 1, ,2 years. Both of the grave had been desecrated in the
xcess salt by a physical pro-
e of
latter men, howeVer, were
cess). In :addition they are making ex-
Jewish Cemetery at Frechen near
Altenloh because he is ill and the
periments with the utilization of solar
other man so he could care for Cologne and that bones had been
1111111" , e , of refrigeration
At this work will make
scattered around the opened grave.
ld inlp!" - 6nt contribution to the de• his ailing wife.
The vandals were not caught. The
Velopment of the Negev.
! Both have already been in jail
(Translated b> • lirith Ivrith °lama.) •
police said that the crime did not
appear to be politically motivated
but rather that the vandals hoped
to find valuables in the coffin.
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'Valley of the Dolls'
Mark Robson has put his pro- ,
vocative filmization of "Valley of
the Dolls" before the cameras on
location at the East Coast. with .
studio work in Hollywood to follow
later this month. Judy Garland
shares star billing with Patty Duke
and Barbara Perkins.

tq7 1:n71 P

Friday, April 21,- 1967-21


Produced under strict Rabbinical supervision. Certificate on request

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