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May 21, 1965 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1965-05-21

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Purely Commentary

Commonweal's 'An End to
Dilemmas and Peace Pleas

the Shame' Plea

By Philip


The Liberal Catholic Viewpoint on the Deicide Issue:
Commonweal Says 'There Must Be No Compromise'

But it is not a unified gesture. There are Arab and Moslem states
that are not acting so irrationally, and it is doubtful whether West
Having dealt, in our last issue, at considerable length, with the Germany has much to lose from the new madnesses.
Surely, those who are aware of the facts know that besides West
interpretation of Pope Paul's "slip" on the deicide issue in an article
by Michael D. Zeik in Commonweal magazine; and in our issue of Germany there are close to 60 states, among them the leading nations
April 23 with the position that was taken by the Pilot, the organ of of the world, that have diplomatic relations with Israel. Would the
the Boston Archdiocese, we are now in a position to present another Arab states consider breaking ties with all of them? Therein lies the
nonsense of Arab action: their failure to recognize the reality of Israel's
viewpoint—again from Commonweal.
In an editorial in its issue of May 14, under the heading "An End existence and their blindness to the acknowledgment of Israel's status
to the Shame," Commonweal's editors expressed the following demand by nearly all of mankind.
It is doubtful whether the Arabs will learn the facts of diplomacy
that "there must be no compromise":
Unless he is blind and insensitive, no Catholic can contemplate too soon, but their present madness can not possibly go on forever.
the long, bloody history of Christian anti-Semitism without shame. Therefore we await and hope for peace.
If he works at it., he can of course devise many excuses to explain
away Christian barbarity: medieval ignorance, intrusive pagan An Unjustified Suspicion
There are suspicions and negativisms in public discussions of the
influences, faulty biblical exegesis, and on and on. But the facts
of history cannot be changed and no array of ingenious explana- Middle East issue that cause genuine distress.
A typical example is offered in the usually fair and pragmatic
tions can wash away Catholic guilt. That guilt must be confessed.
Even more, the Church has the inescapable duty of using every Christian Science Monitor. But in its discussion of the Bonn-Israel
means at its disposal to rid its body of the disease of anti-Semitism. diplomatic pact the Monitor went off on an unfortunate tangent.
First indicating that the break in relations with Bonn, on the part
At the end of the third session of the Council it was generally
believed that the Fathers had taken a decisive step in that direc- of the Arab nations, "is not a full one: links are likely to be main-
tion. By an overwhelming vote on the last day of the session a tained at consular and trade levels, because the existing economic ties
draft declaration on the relationship of the Church to non- between West Germany and the Arabs are too, valuable for either
Christians, which included a section on the Jews, was approved. party to sever," the Montor editorial states:
"Eventually the Arabs may well have to recognize that Israel is
The draft, from all reports, was a strong one, repudiating anti-
Semitism, rejecting the charge that the Jews are a cursed people, here to stay. But neither the Israelis nor other non-Arabs are likely to
and specifically denying that the Jewish people, either past or hasten that day by treating Arab feelings with scorn or disdain."
How did the Monitor arrive at the curious idea that Arab feelings
present, can be condemned as deicides. The vote was taken as a
striking victory for the forces of enlightenment, though no one are treated with disdain? Why introduce such a negative and unwar-
could claim that it had been an easy victory. There had, in fact, ranted note into a serious discussion? Doesn't a comment like this one,
been one crisis after another. The second session ended on an arising out of unmerited suspicions, in itself inflame passions and
:ominous note when a chapter on the Jews was not allowed to hatreds?
The Monitor did not render a good service with such an editorial
come to a vote. Between the second and the third session, the
draft was considerably weakened, and only by dint of vigorous comment.

protests was its original strength restored during the third session.
During these struggles, the source of opposition became clear:
conservative members of the Curia and bishops from Arab nations,
the latter responding to political pressure at home. In any event,
to judge from the vote, that oppostion had been overcome.
So the matter stood until recent weeks. Then, in a long story
in the New York Times, it was reported that the draft was again
running into serious trouble. How could this be possible?
According to the report, the draft was submitted to an ad
hoc, extra-conciliar commission of four men. Their task was to
Clear up a few details in line with the difficulties • expressed by
some 242 fathers who had voted only conditional approval. On
that commission, supposedly, is Bishop Luigi Carli of Segni,
Italy, who has gone on record as holding that the Jewish people,
both past and present, are responsible for the Crucifixion and
thus for "deicide." That purported fact, together with the Pope's
Passion Sunday address with its reference to the Jewish "people"
who rejected and then killed Christ, the persistent opposition of
the Middle Eastern bishops and conservative Curia members, all
spell extreme danger to the draft. So the story went. Since then
the Secretariat for Christian Unity has denied that the draft has
passed from their hands to any other commission.
Once again, then, rumor is king. Where does the truth lie?
We do not know, but it is surely difficult to overlook the Pope's
address. That in itself is cause for alarm; it is difficult to believe
that, on such a delicate matter, the Pope could have made a slip
of the tongue. Nor is it unreasonable to suspect that the Holy
See could give in to political pressures. This it has done in the past.
The wisest course at this point is to assume the worst. There
is probably no real danger that the majority wishes of the fathers
'expressed at the end of the third session will be ignored. The vote
of approval for the draft cannot be set aside. Where the real
danger lies is in the possibility of a compromise solution: a
Strategic word changed here or_ there, the introduction of am-
biguities and murky language: All of this could be done in the
name of Church unity or for the sake of a final unanimous vote.
There must be no comnromise. There must be no carefully
worded statements which can be read in more than one way.
There must be no sops thrown to the opposition. In short, the final
declaration must be direct and unequivocal, subject to one and
only one reading. It is shameful enough that the Church has taken
two thousand years to come to grips with its guilt. This shame
has been compounded by the long struggle with the Council to
-achieve a strong position. No wonder many Jews have been
pessimistic; they have suffered to long -to take an optimistic
view. If the Council fails, or if it equivocates, the Church will
stand condemned. That judgment will be justly deserved.

* *
Eshkol's Appeal: Old But Ever New

Levi Eshkol's peace offer to the Arabs, in an important speech he
delivered in the Knesset on Monday, was accepted as sensational news
in newspapers in democratic countries. Actually, it was not a new
offer. Time and again, both Abba Eban and Golda Meir made similar
offers to the Arabs from the rostrum of the United Nations,
It is doubtful whether the newest plea, like the preceding ones,
will strike listening ears. The Arabs are out to do us harm and they
refuse to listen to reason.
We say us because when they attack Israel and the Zionists they
really mean all the Zionists and therefore all of us who are related to
Israel in an historic kinship.
Nevertheless, the new peace offer is significant. It emphasizes
anew that Israel seeks peace. Let the world know whence come the
war threats and who are the saber-rattlers who refuse to listen to
Prime Minister Eshkol's speech undoubtedly adds to his stature.
It is most unfortunate that a campaign against him has been launched
by David Ben-Gurion and a group of his very able and prominent
associates. But it is daily becoming more doubtful whether the B-G
opposition can stem the tide of Eshkol's popularity. Levi Eshkol has
proven a good leader and an able spokesman for Israel, and from
all indications he will be retained in office when the final results are
announced after the forthcoming election.
* *

Jewish Chaplain
in Santo Domingo

Republic — Chaplain (Capt.) How-
ard M. Graber, Jewish post chap-
lain at Fort Bragg, N.C., arrived
in Santo Domingo on May 4, with
the 15th Field Hospital, which is
treating Dominicans as well as
wounded and sick A m e r i c an
soldiers, according to w or d re-
ceived by the National Jewish
Welfare Board Commission on
Jewish Chaplaincy.
Carrying a dying Dominican
baby in an ambulance, while on a
mercy mission the day after his
arrival, Ch a plain Graber was
caught in the middle of sniper fire
and gun fighting, he reported.
The only chaplain assigned tO
the field hospital, Chaplain .Graber
flies his chaplain flag in front
of his office and on his jeep.
* *
lain Garson Goodman, J e w i s h
chaplain at Camp Lejeune, N.C.,
spent 68 sleepless hours serving
Jewish men of the Camp Lejeune
Marine Corps battalion who were
on shipping orders for Santo
In a report to the National Jew-
ish Welfare Board Commission on

Jewish Chaplaincy, Chaplain
Goodman said he covered mare

than 100 miles by foot and jeep
in the embarkation and staging
areas as he conducted 11 Sabbath
services for Jewish officers and

men outfited in full combat gear
and distributed kosher canned

foods and prayer books provided
by JWB to them. Just before they
shipped out, he wrote 250 letters
assuring parents of their sons'
welfare and mailed a stack of
Mothers' Day cards.

Israel, Moscow to Trade
Visits of Orchestras

TEL AVIV (JTA) — The Israel
Philharmonic Orchestra and the
Moscow State Orchestra will ex-
change visits in May 1966 under

an agreement signed in Moscow.
The agreement was signed by

Tzvi Haftel, Israeli orchestra
manager, who is -currently in

A Soviet plane will fly the Rus-
Travesty in Damascus
sian musicians to Tel Aviv and
There was a travesty in Damascus. A Jew was found guilty of take members of the Israel orch-
espionage. It provided occasion for brutality which was practiced in estra to Russia for 16 concerts In
this modern era in spite of appeals from Moslems and Christians that various cities. Violinist Leonid
there should be mercy, that a man should not be hanged for espionage. Kagan and Cellist Rostropowitz
If there are to be hangings for spying, then in the course of time will appear with the Israeli Phil-
it may become wholesale murder. The age of execution for spying harmonic next season. Vladimir
Ashkenazi, the Russian pianist,
has ended.
But the Syrians didn't merely hang a man: they left him dangling arrived here May 1 for a series
for six hotirs. That was an example to its people in humanism! Indeed, of concerts' with the Israeli orch-
what a travesty on justice — and on basic human action!

Syria_ Hangs Israeli as a 'Spy'
Despite Worldwide Pleas for Mercy

executed in peace time on charges
defiance of the most elementary
DAMASCUS—Rejecting appeals
precepts of justice and in spite
of espionage."
for mercy that poured in from
Israel Galin eulogized Cohen in
of appeals by scores of person-
many parts of the world, including alities and organizations asking Israel's parliament, declaring that
several cables from Detroit Chris-
There never was any doubt in our mind that, as in the instance tians, Syria e x e cute d Israeli the Syrians to abide by the cus- "Israel and the Jewish people will
of the liberal magazine Commonweal, and judging by the determined Eliahu Ben Saul Cohn after he tomary rules of justice and long remember this loyal son who
sacrificed his life for the sake of
will of the American Bishops who stood firmly by the Ecumenical was convicted as a spy for Israel.
The statement emphasized that the state of Israel, its existence
Council's decision, strong Catholic sentiment supports the movement to
Cohn was hanged in the main "without entering into details of and independence." He called the
end the horror that accompanies the deicide charge that continues to public square of Damascus.
a vague indictment in an enlight- Syrian execution "despicable bar-
plague men of good will and serves as a weapon for anti-Semites.
Before his execution, Cohn,
ened country is a foreign citizen barity."
But having presented all viewpoints on the tragic issue, we return
41, was taken to a nearby police
Editorials in Israel's leading
to our original thesis, to which we have adhered from the moment
station, where he repeated a
newspapers voiced shock over the
"the Jewish issue" became a matter of international concern: that this
prayer after a Syrian rabbi had
"barbarism" displayed by the Sy-
is a problem for Catholics, not for us.
wrote a letter to his wife and Probe of Hate Mail
rians, asserting that the action
While Jewish spokesmen who represented several national organi-
three children in Israel. He
minimal concepts of jus-
OTTAWA (JTA) — Prim e negated
zations are justifying their having injected themselves into the dis-
asked that she remarry and not
tice and humanitarianism accepted
cussions, it is our contention that the problem is not ours: it is a
leave the children fatherless.
throughout the world.
Christian issue and the Christians, primarily the Catholic hierarchy,
The body, wrapped in a long assured the House of Commons
News of the trial was withheld
should deal with it.
white sheet of paper on which that the government will look care- in Israel throughout the 40 days of
It is encouraging to know that Commonweal is fearless in the was written the military court's fully into the use of the Canadian proceedings in order not to preju-
matter. It is disturbing to hear from Catholics the admission that the verdict, remained hanging for six mails for the dissemination of dice efforts to save Cohen. Israel,
Pope "slipped." It would have been a happier situation if he had not. hours.
anti-Semitic materials by David it was learned, offered to exchange
But having "slipped," let him and his church seek atonement.
Cohn had been found guilty of Stanley, an ultra-rightist propa- any or all Syrian prisoners it was
We welcome the Commonweal assertion that political influences entering the country in disguise gandist who recently set up new holding in exchange for commuta-
should be rejected in dealing with the problem. For entirely too long and obtaining secret Syrian in- headquarters in Vancouver. He had tion of the death sentence. The
a period Arab hate-mongers have gone to Rome to propagate against formation and transmitting it to moved his base of operations from Syrians rejected the offer, just
'the Jewish people under the guise of fighting Zionism. For too long a Israel. The trial began in Febru- Toronto.
as they rebuffed all appeals for
time, Arab propagandists have been instituting economic boycotts ary.
The premier's assurance came clemency, which included requests
against non-Jews as well as Jews who do business with Israel. There
In Jerusalem, the Israel foreign in reply to a question asked in the from two European -heads of state,
should be a halt to such political indecencies. On this score more than ministry voiced "shock and out- House by Harold F. Winch, a New Pope Paul, the Argentine vice
any other, we welcome Commonweal's commendable stand.
rage" Wednesday in a statement Democratic Party member from president and countless leading
Vancouver. Winch told the govern- world personalities, including the
on the hanging.
The statement denounced the ment that Stanley's Vancouver Lebanese bishop in New York and
The New Arab Threats
fact that an "Israeli citizen has headquarters is using "Her Majes- the Syrian church.
Intelligent Arabs must be blushing with embarrassment over the
been executed in Syria after a ty's mails to send out most vicious
new angers of their leaders which have resulted in nonsensical action.
travesty of a trial without an racial propaganda against Can- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS
Because Bonn has concluded a diplomatic pact with Israel, the
opportunity for legal defense in adians, ethnically Jewish."
.several Arab states are breaking relations with West Germany.
2 FrFday, May 21, 1965

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