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April 24, 1964 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-04-24

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Friday, April 24, 1964


Beth Abraham to
Honor Brothers,
Drs. Newman

Comedian Joey Russell will head
the entertainment at the Cong.
Beth Abraham Testimonial Dinner
0 p.m. Sunday, in the Jewish
The dinner will honor Dr. Harry
Newman, president of the con-
gregation, and his brother, Dr. Max
Karl Newman. Congressman James
Roosevelt of California, eldest son
of the late President and Mrs.
Roosevelt, will be guest speaker.
Rabbi Israel I. Halpern, spiritual
leader of Beth Abraham, will deli-
ver the tribute. Cantor Shabtai
Ackerman will lead in the singing

Dinah Lee Marries
Frederick Scherock




Dinah Katherine Lee became the
bride of Frederick Rudolph Sche-
rock at a ceremony recently at the
Furniture Club. Rabbi M. Robert
Syme officiated.
Parents of the newlyweds are
Mrs. Katherine Lee of Morang Dr.
and Mr. Kenneth L. Lee of Coiling-
ham Dr., and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Scherock of Oak Dr.
Attendants of the bridal couple
were Annabelle Nahabedian, ma-
tron of honor; Janice Scherock,
bridesmaid; Michael Weigler, best
man.; and Stuart Frankel, usher.
The couple are residing in Royal

SOC Hadassah to
Host State Parley


of the national anthems and in the
Birkat Hamazon.and Judge Nathan
J. Kaufman willb e toastmaster.
William Genseris the testimonial
committee chair-man, with Sam
Kaufer, cochair-man. The dinner
is on behalf of Israel Bonds.
Joey Russell has starred at Gros-
singer's, in night clubs throughout
the U.S. and on television.
The two honorees have lived
in Detroit for over 50 years. Dr.
Harry Newman graduated from
the University of Michigan Den-
tal School in 1929 and has prac-
ticed here ever since. He has
held every office at Beth Abra-
ham and has been active in Jew-
ish communal affairs.
Dr. Max Karl Newman graduated
from the University of Michigan
College of Medicine in 1934 and
has trained at the Mayo Clinic
the Cleveland Clinic and the
University of California in Los
Angeles. He is director of physical
medicine and rehabilitation at
the Jewish Home for the Aged,
Carmel Hall and for the Veterans
Administration. He also is medical
director of the Muscular Distrophy
Clinic and special lecturer in physi-
cal medicine at the University of
Michigan, University of Illinois and
University of Texas.
For tickets, call the Israel Bond
Office, DI 1-5707.
* * *
The leadership reception last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Farber in advance of the
dinner resulted in Israel Bond sub-
scriptions totaling nearly $18,000.
Together with the Israel Bond
purchases at the reception in the
home of Cantor and Mrs. Shabtai
Ackerman, advance Bond sales total
nearly $40,000.

Election of Officers Set
at Hillel Day School

The annual election of officers
of Hillel Day School will be held
8:30 p.m. May • 6, at the Jewish
Center, Oak Park.
The president and members of
the board will present reports on
the activities and progress of the
school. Guest speaker will be Prof.
Leonard Moss, chairman of the
sociology department, Wayne State
The meeting is open to the
public. Refreshments will be

Bonds to Honor Joanne Rosenthal
Dr. Appel May 2 at to Wed Chicagoan
Kalamazoo Fete


South Oakland County Chapter,
Hadassah, will host the 1964 Mich-
igan Regional Conference at North-
land Inn May 5-7.
An awards luncheon 12:30 p.m.
on May 5 will open the conference.
Mrs. George Romney will bring
greetings from the state of Mich-
igan and will be presented with
an honorary membership in Ha-
dassah. National adviser for the
conference, Mrs.
Moses P. Epstein,
will be the key-
note speaker.
Workshops will
follow the lunch-
eon, and a plen-
ary session, open
to husbands and
guests will be
held on human
rights May 5.
Panel including Mrs. Epstein
Rev. Nicholas Hood, Fr. James
of the Jewish Community Coun-
cil will discuss "Our Heritage of
Liberty and Equality." A recep-
tion for conference delegates will
On May 6, consecutive work-
shops for organization, leader-
s h i p training, membership,
fund-raising and programming
will be held. Films and visual
aids will be on display through-
.out the conference. At the eve-
ning banquet at Shaarey Zedek
Synagogue, Mrs. Epstein, for-
mer national president of Ha-
dassah, will speak on "Zionist
Affairs in Our World of Today."
The closing session will be a
continental breakfast 10 a.m. May
7. This will be an education meet-
ing at which Mrs. Morris Adler
will speak on "The Book of
For information call the Ha-
dassah office, LI 7-2320.

Habonin Plans `Neshef;'
to Attend Summer Camp

Habonim will hold its annual
"neshef" program 8 p.m. May 22
at the Labor Zionist Institute.
The program will be directed by
Bruce Kutnick, Dave Wasserman,
Marcia Robins, and Maika Turtel-
taub, and will be coordinated by
Dov Feinberg, Habonim leader. The
public is invited.
* * *
Most of the members will attend
Midwest Camp Habonim in Three
Rivers this summer, for which a
few openings remain.
For information on the camp,
call Mrs. B. Schiff, LI 4-4827.

The semiannual. Sadie Hawkins
Dance, a girl-ask-boy affair spon-
sored by the Senior Class, will be
held at 8 p.m. May 1 in the Mac-
kenzie High School gym. Square
dancing as well as social dancing
will be featured.
Dress is Dogpatch style with
prizes going to the most unique
costumes. Everyone is invited as
long as they are accompanied by
a member of the Mumford Senior
Class. Tickets may be purchased
from any member of the social
committee, Barbara Desow and Da-
vid Kerwin, cochairmen.
Dr. John Dempsey, professor of
political science at the University
of Michigan, Dearborn Center will
address the Current Affairs Club
this a f tern o o n concerning the
probable outcome - of the Republi-
can National Convention. Dr.
Dempsey's address is being used
as a basis for the mock Republican
convention to be held at Mumford
May 18.
Following its successful Ameri-
can Field Service weekend, the
Mumford AFS club is planning a
new round of activities. The club
will sell candy, using the proceeds
to provide a scholarship for an
exchange student. An Internation-
al Dinner, for which the foreign
students will prepare delicacies
from their various countries, and
a trip to Greenfield Village are be-
ing planned.
The club is taking the lead in
the formation of an Inter City
Council of AFS Clubs, the purpose
of which will be to coordinate city
wide activities for the foreign ex-
change students in the various high
schools here.
The school play, "Tovarich" is
having its second presentation at
8 p.m. today in the Mumford Audi-
torium. Tickets can be purchased
at the door.
Mumford's baseball team,
coached by Harold Grove, won its
first preseason game, defeating
city champion Redford, 4 - 3. All
Mumford's runs came on a grand
slam homer by Michael Katz.
The track team also was victori-
ous, winning its first regular sea-
son meet for coach George Cairns.
The thinclads defeated Northeast-
ern, 56-53. Taking firsts for Mum-
ford were: Cameron Lowe in the
high jump; Tony Turner, pole
vault; Ray Walker, 440-yard dash;
Ken Jones, 880-yard run; Dave
Williams, mile run and the 880
and mile relay teams.
Plans are being completed for a
unique spring concert to be held
at 8 p.m. May 8, in the school audi-
torium. Besides the regular musi-
cal numbers by the band, orches-
tra and choirs, there will be dra-
matic readings, excerpts from op-
eras, folk singing and an art and
photo exhibit, so that the entire
Fine Arts department will be rep-

Dr. Ben A. Appel, Kalamazoo
physician, will be the guest of
honor at the Israel 16th Annivers-
ary Dinner, sponsored by the Great-
er Kalamazoo Committee for State
of Israel Bonds. The dinner will
be held on Saturday, May 2, 7 p.m.,
in Welles Hal of Kalamazoo Col-
Herman B. Lando has been named
chairman of the Kalamazoo Israel
Bond Committee, which includes
Kalamazoo, Battle Creek and South
Haven, it was announced by Man-
uel Konigsberg, State Israel Bond
Chairman. The honor committee
consists of Dr. William Appel, Stan-
ley J. Besbris, Alfred B. Connable,
James S. Gilmore, Jr., Hugh Har-
per, William J. Lawrence, Jr., Mor-
ris Rose, Dan Ryan, William Slavin
and Richard H. Stiles; for Battle
Creek, Julius Brandi, Dave Brandi
and Sam H. Blyveis; for South
Haven, Jack Moscov.
Samuel Rothberg, national cam-
paign chairman for the State of
Israel Bond Organization, will ad-
dress the dinner.
Hy Sands, comedian, will be on
the program.

Interfaith Convocation
on Civil Rights Planned


Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Rosenthal
of Greenlawn Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter
Joanne Merry to Norman Gold-
stein, son of Mrs. Ida Goldstein
of Chicago and the late Mr. Abe
Miss Rosenthal is a graduate
of Wayne State University and is
now attending graduate library
school at the University of Chi-
cago. Her fiance, a graduate of
the University of Chicago, attends
Northwestern University Law
School. A late August wedding is

The Jewish Community Council
announced this week that an Inter-
faith Convocation on Civil Rights
will be sponsored by the Detroit
Conference on Religion and Race May 3rd—Detroit Institute of Arts
at the McGregor Center, Wayne
State University, 4:45 p.m. Tues-
day. The community is invited.
Patterned after a series of such
meetings which are being held in
Washington and in other cities
throughout the country, the convo-
cation will address itself to the
"moral imperative of civil rights."
Dr. Richard C. Hertz will be key-
note speaker, and Dr. Joseph Rob-
erts, president of the Metropolitan
UN 3-5730
Detroit Council of Churches, will
UN 3-8982
preside. There also will be partici-
pation by representatives of the
city's other denominational groups.






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