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December 01, 1961 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1961-12-01

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Attack on South _African Jews, Due to
Israers \Vote at UN, Stirs Protests

JOHANNESBURG, (JTA) — right to existence and because mier Hendrik Verwoerd's re-
Premier Hendrik Verwoerd de- it believed that the emergency marks concerning I sr,a
e l's
clared that his stand on Israel's of Israel was the fulfillment of United Nations stand over the
United Nations position on a national ideal for the Jewish South African Apartheid policy,
South Africa's Apartheid policy, people. Israel's UN vote against political circles here expressed
as it related to the status of South Africa, he declared, was astonishment that Verwoerd had
- South African Jewry, had been contrary to that context. He connected the Jewish commu-
said Israel should have sup- nity's voting record on domestic
Speaking at the Witwaters- ported South Africa, particu- issues with Israel's position on
rand annual conference of his larly on the General Assembly international problems.
National party, he deplored motion, on grounds of the right
Premier Verwoerd's
what he called "exploitation" of free speech. Israel's attitude
, by his political foes of the con- at the UN has increased South ment that Arab at
ps due
tents of a private letter he had Africa's difficulties, he said, South Africa were •
written to a Cape Town Jew, but • South Africa would con- to South Africa
s sharply
in reply to a similarly private tinue to follow its principles towards Israel
criticized here
a misinter-
letter. He said his letter was nevertheless.
pretation of fa . and his
being used to misrepresent his
Jewish newspapers replied
attitude on the question of Is- editorially to remarks by attempt to c o m
Apartheid policy with Israel's
rael and South African Jews.
Prime Minister Hendrik Ver- aims in establishing the Jew-
The Premier said it had
woerd linking -South African ish State was viewed as utterly
never been his position that
Jews to Israel's United Na- spurious.
Jewish citizens of South Af-
tions stand in opposition to
Israeli press comment was
rica did not have the right
the Verwoerd . government's
inclined 'to view Verwoerd's
to choose whatever political
Apartheid policy.
party they wished to support.
intention of warning South
Affirming South A f r i c an African Jewry that they can
This statement referred to a
remark in his letter to A. S. Jewry's position as 'a conimu- be held responsible for the
East, a former Cape Town nity. of African citizens who foreign policy of Israel as
city -councillor. The Premier cannot be held responsible for tantamount to putting on pre&
Israel's . policies, the Jewish sure here.
was reported stating in that papers
said - that, in South
letter that, in the recent
Related Story
internal politics, the
Parliamentary elections, many Jews-
on Page 39
South African Jews had fa-
vored the Progressive Party, cratic right to vote-- for what-
ever political party each voter
while few Jews voted for his favors..
National Party, a fact which
'The Zionist Record, organ of
"did not go unnoticed." Dr.
Verwoerd insisted he would the South African Zionist
be the last person to deprive Federation, said that the posi-
tion of the Jew in South Africa
Jewish voters of that right. is
that he is a - South. African
He said he strongly deplored
the action of newspapers like citizen with the full right to
the Daily Mail and the Cape join any lawful party he wishes.
Times which, he declared, Jews in fact have joined all
parties, including the Nation-
sought to infer that he wanted
to threaten that Jewish citizens alists, the paper said, adding
did not have the right of politi- that: "How many Jews voted
for the Progressive party is
cal free. choice.
The Premier told the confer- neither known nor material."
' ence that there were times The paper said that the differ-
when anti-Semitism could have ence between South Africa - an
been "talked about" but that, Israel was a "conflict of i
throughout the 13 years of ests between two soy
d as
office of the Nationalist gov- states and must be re
ernments, there had not been fiable groups of citi
in the
a single action against South struggle."
African Jews. He said he re-
The Revisionist
wish Her-
gretted that Jewish journals
ile it cri-
had been "misled by the -mali- aid said that,
ticized Africa
Israel's at te against
cious propaganda of political South
opponents into sharp comment Nations as an e he United
or, it was
on a private letter whose pub-
r to link
lication was a breach of con- wrong for the Pre
fidence." He urged that no one South African Jewis
should be led by such reactions as a group with a po
into stirring up "race hatred," Israel, or to seek to make
a for th t
and he warned people not to them- responsible
let attitudes of Israel or "ac-. policy. It was also wrong, the
tions Of some people here" to paper said, for the Premier
"conduce" to the emergencies to criticize those Jews who
voted for the party in onposi-
of anti-Semitism.
tion to his own. The Herald
Discussing his criticism of
added that there "was no con-
Israel for its anti-South
nection between Israel's vote
African stand ,at the UN, the
at the -UN and the democratic
Premier • insisted this had
right of citizens of South
nothing to do with his atti-
Africa - to express themselves
tude toward the Jewish citi-
as they wished in local elec-
zens of South Africa. He 'ex-
plained, that his position was
that, if Israel though "sep-
The - independent- Southern
arate development" was African Jewish Times said that
wrong for South Africa, then the Jews would not be inti-
Israel had no justification for midated by the Premier's letter,
existing as a Jewish State that they would stand on their
because its existence was rights ,as• citizens of a demo-
predicated on a similar cratic country and also on their
policy of the right . of the ties with • Israel and world
Jewish people to a "separate Jewry. These ties, the paper
said, have nothing to do with
He said South Africa had Israel's vote against South
supported and helped Israel Africa at the United Nations
because it believed in Israel's on which there was a difference
of opinion both here- and in

!Israel. This was a matter to
Record Civil Rights be discussed at government
i level, the paper added, and
Legislation Year
!South African Jews could not
More states enacted more ani- he hostage to force Israel's
discrimination laWs in 1961 hand at the United Nations.
than in any previous year, the
In editorial reaction in the
American Jewish Congress re- South African general press
both the Rand Daily Mail and
In its biennial survey of the star sharply criticized the
state- anti-bias legislation, the letter as mistaken in concept,
Congress said that 21 states and urged the Jews to stand
passed 39 laws this year coy- firmly on their rights as Citi-
' ering :racial and religious dis- zens • to support whatever
crimination in employment, parties they chose.
education, housing and public Tel Aviv Newspapers Resent
Pressure on So. African Jews
The Congress study was pre- Due. to Israel's Position
pared by the agency's Commis-
sion on Law and Social Action there. was no official comment
under Shad Polier, chairman. here over South African Pre-


-Morocco Arrests Jewish Teacher;
Charged as- Being 'Zionist 'Accent'

CASABLANCA. (JTA) — A Meanwhile, the second joint
teacher at an Alliance Israelite meeting was held here between
Universelle school here was ar- the five rabbis constituting Casa-
rested after police ' claimed "Is- blanca's Supreme Rabbinical
raeli documents" were found in Council and the city's Moslem
his briefcase. He was charged Kadis or religious judges. The
with "having connections with meeting, which was described as
icable; • was in preparation for
the Syrnisdeicsal Com-
e teacher, M. Marciano, was mission,
in a car when a Moroccan police and Jewish re
ders who
officer stopped him and • asked represent their respe
to see his ' ent' ication
rs. in unities before the gov
It was t
the '
• tters relati
liffi d.
ano i s
oIr p
,an has 28 county li-


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