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November 03, 1961 - Image 38

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1961-11-03

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Nationwide Tributes Paid to Memory Funeral Service Next Week
! of Morris L. Schaver: Leader Dead at 67 Dr. Orecklin Dies While on Visit

in Italy; Noted Dermatologist Was
Zionist, Allied Campaign Leader

Mr. Schaver, in addition to
retaining synagogue member-
ships, also interested himself in
the Chabad Chasidic movement
Dr. Leo Orecklin, 60, of 18655
and was chairman bf the Detroit
Friends of Chabad Vocational Oak Drive, for 37 years a promi-
nent practicing dermatologist,
The Morris and Emma Scha- died last Saturday in Florence,
ver Publication Fund for Jew- Italy, where he had been vaca-
ish Studies made possible the tioning with his wife, Bessie.
The body will be flown back
recent publication by Wayne
this country for burial and
State University Press of C.
Bezalel_ Sherman's "The Jew funeral services will be conduct-
Within American Society." In ed next week. Kaufman Chapel
1958, with the aid of this should be‘contacted for the time.
Surviving him besides his wife
fund, the WSU Press pub-
two sons, James Robert, a
lished "Onions and Cucumbers
and Plums," a collection, in an University of Michigan Medical
English translation, of 46 Yid- College freshman, and Carl War-
dish poems by Sarah Zweig ren, a junior at Wayne State

Scores of messages arrived
here this week from leaders of
national movements, paying
tribute to the memory of Morris
-L. Schaver, community leader
who died last Saturday morning
at the age of 67.
The deceased, whose late resi-
dence was at 25259 Ingleside,
Southfield, had returned less
than a week earlier with his
wife, Emma Lazaroff Schaver,
the famous soprano, from an-
other of their periodic trips to
Israel and to Europe.
Surviving him besides his wife
is his son, Isaac, a Wayne State
University student; two brothers,
Nathan and David, and a sister,
Mrs. Morris Pack, of St. Louis.

More than a thousand,
among them leaders in all
walks of life, packed the Mor-
ris L. Schaver , Auditorium
that had been named in his
honor, in the Hayim Green-
berg Labor Zionist Institute
on Schaefer, Sunday after-
noon, to hear Rabbi IVIorris
Adler and other leaders de-
liver the eulogy for his friend
and an associate in many
movements here. Many in the
gathering of mourners were
from out of town, including
Labor Zionist 16ders from
New York and members of
Mr. and Mrs. Schaver's fami-
lies in St. Louis and Los

Delivering eulogies to Mr.
Schaver, in addition to Rabbi
Adler,. were M. Goldoftas, who
spoke in behalf of the Farbpnd
and Volkshule, in which the de-
ceased was ' deeply interested;
Meyer L. Brown, of New York,
president of the Jewish Teach-
ers Seminary and national
leader of Farband; Rabbi Aaron
Kazarnovsky, of Brooklyn, N.Y.,
representing the Lubawitcher
Rebbe, and the. Chabad move-
ment which the Schavers aided
generously, and Aleph ,Avrech,
of New York, representing the
Vaad Hapoel.
The El Molei Rachamaim and
appropriate Psalms were chant-'
ed by *Cantor - J. • H. Sonenklar.
Military tributes were paid to
Mr. Schaver by delegations from
Rosenwald Post of the American
Legion_ and the Jewish War
Veterans with which he was af-
Mr. Schaver was president of
the Central Overall Supply Co.
He made his way to fame and
wealth the hard way. He was
laborer at the Ford Motor Co. .
upon coming to Detroit, owned
a grocery store and during the
years of transportation problems
in Detroit, after World War I,
he drove a jitney, before enter-
ing the overall supply business.
Playing a leading role in
Poale Zion and Histadrut affairs,
he was known in world Zionist
circles. When the Labor Zionist
Movement • in this country still
was known as the Poale Zion-
Zeire Party of America, he
served as its treasurer._
He was the founder of the
Histadrut Labor Zionist Cam-
paign here, served for many
years as its chairman and in
recent years as honorary chair-
Active in the Israel Bond
drive, Mr. Schaver also took a
deep interest in the Jewish Na-
tional Fund and was active in

Shrinks Hemorrhoids

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the Allied Jewish Campaigns. A
JNF forest was planted in Israel
in his honor.

He was a generous contrib-
utor to many fundt and he
established many projects in
Israel. The Schaver Library in
the Beth Berl • Institute, a._
Sports Stadium and many
other centers function in Is-
rael as - evidences of the .
Schaver interest in Zionism
and the Jewish State.

He had been honored by being
elected as a delegate to World
Zionist Congress and World
Jewish Congress sessions over-
seas. Together with Mrs. Schaver
he made perennial visits to
Israel. His investments there at-
test to his practical role in
Born in Poland, Mr. Schaver
came to this country in 1913.
He enlisted in the .U.S. armed
forces in 1917, even before he
had acquired American citizen-
ship. He served with the 32nd
Division 12th Infantry Machine
Gun Division, arrived in France
on March 4, 1918, and served
in all of his division's engage-
ments, including the offensives
at Aisne, Meuse, Oise-Aisne,
Marne and Argonne and the de-
fensive - sector of Alsace - Lor-
He-.was assistant Town Major
with the Army of Occupation, in
Germany. His superior, Captain
William Haze, attested: "This
soldier's character is excellent
and as a company runner he
was absolutely fearless under
fire, always willing to go any-
where at any time and exhibited,
exceptional devotion to duty. I
consider him one of my most
valuable men, worthy of being
entrusted with every confi-

Mr. Schaver accompanied
his wife to the DP camps
where she 'sang at concerts
for the survivors after the last
war. He accompanied her to
Poland on their trip last
month when she sang at con-
certs in several Polish Jewish
communities. He utilized that
trip to accomplish a lifetime's
dream — that of transferring
the last remains of his parents
to Israel.

He secured the cooperation of
the governments of the United
States — through Congressman
John D. Dingell -- as well as
those of Israel and Poland, and
the transfer was completed after
his visits at the graves in War-
saw of his father, who died 56
years ago, and his mother, who
passed away 42 years ago.
While in Jerusalem, prior to
going to Poland, Mr. Schaver
purchased plots for the reburial
nd additional adjoining plots
or his family. In accordance
ith his last wishes, his body,
mporarily interred in the Far-
and Cemetery here, will be re-
nterred in Jerusalem.
Mr. Schaver was a member of
Congregation Shaarey Zedek and
a score of local and national
organizations. He was an active
leader in Farband and was for
a number of years president of
Farband's Arlazaroff Branch.

The Schavers _ had gone to
France 13 years ago in the hope
of adopting one of the surviving
orphan children. They fell in
love with a little boy whose
parents had died in Poland at
the hands of the Nazis and who
was rescued by a brave Jewish
woman who had helped bring
more than 100 of them to Israel.
The Schavers adopted the boy
and named him Yitzhak—Isaac
— the Wayne State University
student who has brought them
so much joy. Isaac has been to
Israel with them and last sum-
mer he went there on his own
to join an archaelogical expedi-
tion, later meeting his parents
in Jerusalem before they left
for Poland.

Isaac was brought to this
country as a result of legaliza-
tion of his ; entry that was
made possible by a special
Congressional Bill sponsored
by the late Congressman John
D. Dingell and Senator Arthur
H. Vandenberg and signed by
President Harry S. Truman.

Mr. Schaver was active in the
America-Israel Cultural Society,
on whose board he served for
several years.
He was a board member of
AMPAL — American Palestine
Corporation, in addition to serv-
ing on the boards of other cor-
His interest in music "led him
to the founding of the Detroit
Friends of Music, of which he
was president, and he sponsored
many musical functions here.
He was a member of the
boards - of Sinai Hospital and the
Jewish Welfare Federation.

Mrs. Esther Rosen
Is Dead at 74

A member of the Jewish Cen-
ter Mothers Club, Bnai Brith
Pisgah Lodge and the Detroit
Ladies Aid SOciety, Mrs. Esther
Sodus Rosen, 22534 Avon,
Southfield, died Oct. 27 at the
age of 74.
Surviving are two sons; Isa-
dore A. and Alfred; a daughter,
Mrs. Maurice Beckerman; two
brothers, John Sodus and Abra-
ham Sodus of Woodhaven, N.Y.;
a sister, Mrs. Sophie Sallan of
New York; and seven grand-

In behalf of the Lands-'
manshaften Council of De-
troit, we, the officers
signed below, record with
profound sorrow, the death
of one of our community's,
and nation's, most active
leaders. De •
has built for
n image of
or and virtue,
stry, and of un
otion to Israel
His passing
in the heart
of us that
to fill.
Jeru e.
Mono y
Sol S
of Organizations
Sidney Geyer,
Rubin Galchinsky,
Members of
Steering Committee



University; a brother, Dr. Ar-
thur Orecklin, a Toronto chi-
ropodist, and a sister, Mrs. Ethel
Metzger of Huntington Woods,
Born in Russia, Dr. Orecklin
was brought to Toronto as a
youth and was graduated from
the Toronto University Medical
School. He interned • in Provi-
dence Hospital, Detroit, in 1923
and 1924 and has specialized in
dermatology, continuing his
medical practice here uninter-
ruptedly for 37 years.
He had held the post of chief
of the department of dermatol-
ogy at Women's Hospital and
was the senior attending physi-
cian in dermatology at Sinai

He was a Diplomate of the
American 'Board of Dermatology
and a Fellow of the American
Dermatology Society and the
Michigan Dermatology Society.

A dedicated Zionist, Dr.
Orecklin visited Israel twice
with Mrs. Orecklin, partici-
pated in many Zionist activi-
ties, played an active role in
the Zionist Organization of
Detroit and assisted physi-
cians' movements in Israel,
personally sponsoring physi-
cians' scholarships in Israel.

His numerous communal ac-
tivities included leadership in
the Allied Jewish Campaign. For
several years he was chairman
of the campaign's -professional
He served as president of
Maimonides Medical Society and
of Phi Lambda Kappa Frater-
nity and was a member of Tem-
ple Israel, Town* and Country
Club and other national and
local movements. -
He was the author of a nutri-
ber of scholarly professional
papers on dermatology and other
medical subjects.

Jeweler 35 Years,
Tobias Garon Dies

In the jewelry business in De-
troit for 35 years, Tobias Garon,
17500 Oak, died Nov. 1.
He was owner of the Michigan
Jewelers Supply Co. Mr. Garon
was affiliated with the Michigan
Jewelers Association, the Michi-
gan Building Wholesale Jewelers
Association,- the Watchmakers
Guild and Temple Beth El Mos-
lem Temple and Detroit Consis-
Surviving are his wife, Mollie;
a daughter, Mrs. Robert B. Golby;
his father, Julius Garon; a sister
and a brother, Mrs. Ann Green-
berg and Harry Garon, both of St.
Paul, Minn.; and two grandchil-

We Mourn Jewry'
Death of Mori.'
. Schav
e so
as a


passing of our dear frie
a great
o all of us . . . It r
n irre
loss to us and to the e
. We
extend our
s to
Emma La
n, Isaac
and corn-
fort in t
ement .
y Morris L.
Schaver's ork
certain it will,
, as we
devotion of his rviving wife and
son and he entire dev d Schaver-Lazaroff




deepest sympathies to Mrs. Emma Schaver, Isaac
and the entire family on the passing of our dear
friend and most distinguished executive


May h


ss you with
you may not



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