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April 28, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1961-04-28

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Allied Jewish Campaign Near Goal

The 1961 Allied Jewish Campaign army of 2,500 workers is
racing the calendar to make every Campaign prospect a donor before
the Campaign closes Wednesday.
Paul Zuckerman, Campaign chairman, reports that more than
85 per cent of the Campaign's 26,000 prospective donors have made
"Despite the fact that time is running out I want every
solicitor to take the time necessary to secure a pledge that respects
the scope of our combined effort from each prospect, Zuckerman
said. "The Allied Jewish Campaign is not another drive, it is one
fund-raising effort in behalf of 56 separate great causes."
Zuckerman reported that the Campaign has passed the $4
million mark and is closing in on the 1960 final figure of $4,800,000.
"Of more than 20,000 secured pledges nine out of 10 are
for more, or the same amount that the pledger contributed in 1960,"
he said.
"Because only one person in 10 has found it necessary to
decrease his pledge, I have personally appealed in writing to each
to reinstate his pledge for last year's ,amount."

WSU 3-Day
Near East


Nazi Terms
Page 2


Why Eichmann
Is Tried in

Page 4

He emphasized that the Campaign was fully aware that some
decreased' pledges represent great sacrifice on the part of the giver.
I also appealed personally to each of the seven in 10 givers
whose pledge was the same as in 1960, for an increased gift," Zucker-
man said.
Praising the Campaign army, Zuckerman reminded Campaign
workers that it will be easier to secure pledges before the Campaign
closes than it will be after the closing dinner.
The Pre-Campaign Division, under the chairmanship of Charles
H. Gershenson, is exerting every effort -to bring in the remaining
gifts of $1,000 and over before the closing dinner, Wednesday at the
Jewish Community Center.
Gershenson's co-chairmen, Sol Eisenberg, A. Alfred Taubman
and Jack J. Wainger, and Pre-Campaign Cabinet members Louis C.
Blumberg, Irving Rose, Hyman Safran, Max Stollman, Phillip Stoll-
man and C. William Sucher have been meeting with division Pre-
Campaign workers to speed the Pre-Campaign solicitation.
The Campaign's seven Trade and Professional Divisions and its
(Continued on Page `,1)



IN/1 I

A Weekly Review

f Jewish Events

Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle

Vol. XXXIX No. 9

Printed in a
100% Union Shop

10, 11 and 32

17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, April 28, 1961—$5.00 per Year; Single Copy 15c

Witnesses' Experiences Document
Nazi Holocaust, Eichmann's Guilt


(Direct Telex Service from Jerusalem Courthouse to
The Jewish News)

JERUSALEM — The great drama unfolding in
Jerusaleni is assuming perfect sequence as witness
after witness substantiates the Eichmann trial and the
prosecution establishes the guilt against Jewry and
First the crimes were placed on the record; then
came an historical analyses of Jewry's sufferings; now
witnesses are presenting the case itself in their personal
It commenced this week with the appearance
of Zindel Shmuel Grynszpan, father of Herschel
Grynszpan who assassinated the German official,
Ernest Von Rath, in his Paris home in retaliation
for Germany's persecution of Jews.

The heroic deed brought the tragic series of synagogue burnings, destruc-
tion of Jewish shops, pillaging and murder. That cruel "Krystalnacht" derived
its name from the mass of glass that liter ally covered Germany as a result of the
mass destruction of Jewish property.
Zindel Grynszpan described his life in Hanover from his arrival from
Poland in 1911 to October, 1938, when Polish born Jews were driven from Ger-
many. He described the sudden midnight arrests and detention add later the
evacuation through streets thickly lined with Germans shouting, "Jews to Pales-
When the transport arrived at the Polish border, the Hanover Jews
were joined by Polish born German Jews from many other_ German cities,
totaling some 12,000. persons. After being searched and- stripped of any money
over 10 marks, they walked to the Polish frontier where surprised guards
called their superiors to check the human avalanche.
When the officers found that the Jews had documents testifying to their
Polish nationality they were allowed to enter, the witness said. The 12,000 hungry
and desolate Jews overwhelmed the frontier town of 40,000 and they were herded
into barracks; stables and even latrines for lodging.
The elder Grynszpan said that it was from that town that he .wrote to his
son in Paris. telling him not to write to Hanover. Asked to which of his four sons
he wrote, the aged witness straightened his back and replied "Herschel."
As witness after witness took the stand, the judge asked each to cover his
head with a yarmulke while taking the oath over the Hebrew Bible.
One of the major witnesses, Benno Cohen, who was a Zionist official in
the early years of Nazi persecution, gave an account of his first meeting with
Eichmann. He said the Nazi, with other SS men, was standing guard over a
meeting that was being addressed by Joachim Prinz.
Cohen told of the defendant's cru elty and rough manner. He told how
Germany imposed restrictions on Jews and robbed them of all their rights and
property. Jews and half-Jews, he said, were compelled to add Jewish-sounding
names to their own; Israel being imposed on males and Sarah on females.
Cohen said he sent an urgent message in 1936 to Moshe Shertok (now
Sharett) with an SOS, which became widely known as "Save Our Souls.".
Shertok was informed that 40,000 Jews in concentration camps needed
immediate certificates to go to Palestine, but only an insignificant amount be-
came available,
Cohen paid glowing tribute to a British passport control officer named
"von Day" who, he said, "rescued thousands from the laws of death." He called
von Day one of the great men of our time who did all he could to save lives.
According to Cohen, initially the British authorities provided a "fairly
large" number of certificates for migration to Palestine, but that following the
Arab disturbances, the number of such certificates dwindled.
In describing arguments with Gestapo officials, Cohen said Eichmann used
language he was not prepared to repeat in court.
Among the most: appalling information in Cohen's testimony was that of
the notification most JeWish women received from the Gestapo after their hus-
bands had been arrested and taken to concentration camps. The messages
stated, "Yotir husband died of a heart attack. We are sending you an urn of
ashes. Pay a remittance of three-and-a-half marks."
Pursuing the case against the sin and crime of anti-Semitism, the prosecution
is incorporating into the record of the historic trial all data relevant to the de-




PROFESSOR SALO W. BARON, Professor of Jewish His-
tory, Literature and Institutions at Columbia University, New
York, appears on the witness stand during a session of the
Eichmann trial in Jerusalem. Israel's Attorney General Gideon
Hausner (top, right) and defense attorney Robert Servatius
(foreground)., listen attentively as Professor Baron summarizes
the conditions of European Jews before World War H.

(Continued on Page 32)

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