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October 09, 1959 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-10-09

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, October 9, 1959—

Sen. Hart to Talk
at Luncheon of
Brandeis Group

Sen. Philip A. Hart will be
guest speaker at the annual fall
luncheon of the Detroit Chap-
ter, Brandeis University Na-
tional Women's Committee, it is
announced by Mrs. Alvin Bar:
nett. chapter president.
The luncheon will take place
at 12:30 p.m., Oct. 21, at Frank-
lin Hills Country Club. Sen.
speak - o n'
"Facts, Fan-
cies and Falla-
cies of Educa-
tion."T h e
junior Senator
from Michigan
will be intro-
duced by Mrs.
Manuel Roten-
b e r g, vice-
president o f
Mrs. W i 1-
Liam Gershen-
son and Mrs.
Milton Doner, Sen. Hart
hospitality chairmen, advise
that reservations fOr the lunch-
eon should be phoned to Mrs.
James Seitner, LI 2-1539, or
Mrs. Richard Kahn, LI 2-5178,
by Oct. 19. -
Another speaker at the pro-
gram will be Morton Skolnick,
representing the local - men's
group of -Brandeis University.
For - the first tinie, the women's
chapter will join the Jrien in its
annual- dinner-dance, to be held
Nov.- 15, at the Sheraton--Cadil-
lac Hotel.
Currently being formed, ac-
cording to - Mrs. Max Klayman,
study group chairman, are
groups in world affairs, great
novels and the drania, all based
on material provided by Bran-
deis University.
All members are eligible to
participate in these study
groups. For information, call
Mrs. Klayman,. at UN 1-4647.

JWV Activities

The annual membership tea
held at 8:30 p.m-. Oct. 22 at the
JWV Memorial Home, an-
nounce president Audrey
Mogill and junior vice president
Pauline Buch. Guest speaker
for the "Harvest Time" tea will
be Mrs. Samuel Rhodes, past
department president of JWV.
Entertainment and r e f r es h-
ments will be featured. Assist-
ing Mrs. Buch with the
evening's preparations are the
following chairmen: Mesdames
Louis Dorfman, invitation; Mor-
ton Margolis, telephone and
reservations; Harry Kogan, host-
esses; William Geer, decorations
and arrangements; Samuel
Gross; hospitality; Alfred Bric-
ker, program; and Robert
Greenley, publicity. For addi-
tional information, call Mrs.
Gross, UN 4-2683.
* * *
ILIARY, to raise funds for
needy veterans and their fam-
ilies, will hold a rummage sale
Thursday and Friday at the cor-
ner of Linwood and Pasadena
Ayes. Further information may
be obtained from president Mrs.
M. Scheinker, BR 3=8133.

To. Reside in Illinois UHS Women to Mark
After WeddinglIere Education Month

activities in Society 1

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Prady, of Seneca Ave., Oak Park,
recently returned from a visit with their children. Barbara and
Steve Cohen, of Long Island, N.Y., and their new grandson,
Barry David. The Cohens have another child, one-year-old
Roberta Lynn.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Krut, of Brush St., were surprised with a
45th wedding anniversary celebration given by their children
and grandchildren at Lutzker Hall. Special guests were members
of the -Lachowitcher Aid Society.
Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Finsilver, of 20435 Picadilly, have returned
from Banff Springs, Hotel, in Banff, Alberta, Can., where they
attended the 50th anniversary sales seminar of the Business
Men's Assurance Co. of America. Mr. Finsilver, a special repre-
sentative for the firm in Detroit, is one of 340 salesmen through-
out the country who qualified to attend the meeting by outstand-
ing production of life, accident and health insurance. He was
honored at the meeting as a million-dollar life insurance
producer. The seminar featured a special observance of the
company's golden anniversary, and emphasized future progress
anticipated during BMA's second half century.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Magid, of Snowden Ave., recently enter-
tained their son, Martin, with a family buffet dinner, in honor
of his graduation from Wayne State University with a bachelor
of science degree in engineering.
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Orecklin left this week for a two-week
tour of Israel.
A welcome home party honoring Mr. Gary Berger, who
served for the last two years with the U.S. Army, will be given
at 8:30 p.m,, Saturday, in the home of Mr. Larry Edelheit,
20101 Prest. All of his friends are invited.



y2 ai

CHAPTER will meet at 8:30
p.m., Wednesday, in the Hayim
Greenberg Center, 19161 Schae-
fer, when a "This Is Your
Life" program will honor one
of the leading members. Guests
are invited. For information,
call Mrs. Ira Fisher, president,
UN 4-3946; or Mrs. Bruce Si-
mons, program chairman, LI
5-6481. _
A 'fashion show featuring
new styles in sportswear will
be presented by LOUIS MAR-
p.m.,_Tuesday, in the Hayim
Greenberg . Center, 19161 Schae-
fer. Members will model the
fashions by New York Hand-
bag Co. Mrs. Sidney Eidelman,
Council fir s t vice-president,
will be guest speaker, accord-
ing to Mrs. Harry Kaufman,
program chairman.
* * *
scheduled a luncheon meeting
at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, at
Holiday Manor. Mrs. Philip
Fealk will be the day's guest
speaker, and there will be a
men's and ladies' fashion show;
with Lodge and Chapter mem-
bers serving as models. A Hal-
lowe'en Beatnik party is
planned by Lodge and Chap-
ter for 8:30 p.m., Oct. 20, at
Sholem Aleichem Institute,
19350 Greenfield. Refreshments
will be served.

Post-Holiday Dance
Set by Evergreen Cong.

Inherits $850,000
from Wealthy Uncle

A 20-year-old coed at Con-
necticut's University of Bridge-
port learned this week that
she had inherited $850,000
from an uncle who died re-
cently in South Africa.
The girl, Miriam Etter, last
saw her uncle, Samuel Glazer,
when he came here for a visit
three years ago. The uncle's
total estate was estimated at
over $5,000,000.
Born in Johannesburg, Mir-
iam was on her way to the
United States with her mother,
in 1942, when their ship was
torpedoed. Although her mother
died, the girl.survived 13 days
in a lifeboat.
Miriam plans to complete
her senior year at Bridgeport,
where she is majoring in psy-
chology, and then work for
master's and doctor of philos-
ophy degrees at Columbia Uni-
versity. Her father is a res-
taurant owner, who lives in

at Opening Meeting


Doris- Sax; daughter of Mr.
anth-Mrs. Morris Sax, of Scotia
Ave., Oak - Park, Mich.,- and Dr.
Sidney Kaman,. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Kofman, of To-
ronto, Ont., were united in
marriage recently in a candle-
light ceremony performed by
Rabbi Yaakov I. Homnick and
Cantor Hyman J. Adler at
Young Israel Center of Oak-
Attending the bride were her
sister, Mrs. Charles Finkelstein
and her cousin, Mrs. Morrie
Gold. David Kofman, of To-
ronto, was his brother's best
Following a reception at the
synagogue, the couple left for
a wedding trip to Haiti in the
West Indies. They are now mak-
ing their home at 175 Linden,
Oak Park, Ill.

Jewish Education Month will
be marked by the Women'S
iliary of the United Hebrew
Schools at its opening meeting
at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the
Esther Berman Bldg., 18977
Mrs. Irving -Arlin. president Of
the Auxiliary, announces that
Rabbi Joseph Hirsch and Mes-
dames Leonard Handler,: Harold
GOodmati and Bert Kreichman
will be featured on the program
along with students of the
Mrs. Albert Elazar will give
the 6pening prayer, and there
will be greetings extended 'by
Mandell Berman, president of
the Hebrew Schools, according
to Mrs. Herbert Moss, prograin
chairman. -Mrs. Louis Tobin is
chairman of the -day.
A dessert luncheon will be
served by Mesdames Elbert
Diamond and Albert Spinner,
social chairmen, and their com-
mittee. Friends are invited, to

Dave Diamond


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UN 4 4346


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Ann Korson

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For consultation at your
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Add Program Aides
to Center's Staff

Call Lincoln 8-2266

Linda Axelrod and Miriam
Samet have joined the pro-
fessional staff of the Jewish
Community Center, 18100 Mey-
Miss Axelrod will be a pro-
gram aide in the children's div-
ision and Miss Samet a program
aide in the youth division.
Miss Axelrod graduated from
Mumford High School, attended
the University of Michigan
and received a BA with a major
in psychology from Wayne State
University in June. She plans
to study for a master's degree
in social work at Wayne.
Miss Samet graduated from
Waco, Tex., High School, at-
tended Baylor University and
received a BS in music educa-
tion from Texas Women's Uni-
versity in Denton, Texas, in
1957. She attended Interlochen
to do graduate work from the
University of Michigan, leading
to a master's degree in music

After the Holiday Fast


invite you to join the celebration at their


For Adults
Mon., Oct. 12th, 9 to 12 P.M.
Cong. Beth Abraham, Seven Mile at Greenlawn.
Music by SAM BARNETT and his "Smooth Rhythms"
Refreshments—Ample Parking—$1.50 Per Person

The Beautiful


A Yom Kippur Night square
dance is planned by the Sister-
hood of the Ever-green Jewish
Cong., beginning at 9:30 p.m.,
Monday, in the synagogue social
Caller for the dance will be
Jim Schulth:eis, and there will
are now sole owners of Detroit's
be refreshments and favors for
all- who attend,-
finest kosher catering establishment
Proceeds from the dance will
go into the congregation's build-
Socialites Club Dance ing fund. Tickets are available
Goldoftas to Address
to Break Holiday Fast from Mit. Norman Jacobs,•
Labor Zionist Branch 11
Mr. Gottheil has been an owner of Rainbow Terrace ,,,
Sam Barnett and his orches- 5-5426; or at the door.
Branch 11, Labor Zionist Or- N since 1951, and-will be happy to accommodate your ''.'
tra will help Detroit Socialites
ganization, will hear an address
party, whether 50 or 350 persons, in our beautifully 6 ',q
break the Yom Kippur fast Sinai Hospital Schedules
by Movsas Goldoftas, principal
remodeled chapel and garden, terrace dining room P i
with a Yom Kippur Night Dinner Dance for Oct. 17
of the United Jewish Folk -.1 and cocktail room and bar . . . or in your favorite
dance at 9 p.m. Monday at
Sinai Hospital will hold its Schools, at 9 p.m., Saturday, in
Cong. Beth Abraham, Seven sixth annual dinner dance Oct. the home of Manfred Werner, ., synagogue or at home.
Mile and Greenlawn.

17 in the Founders Room of 14421 Rosemary, Oak Park. His
Vice president Rose Altman the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel. topic will be "The Modern In-
announces that refreshments Cocktails will be served at terpretation of the High Holy
will be served by club host- 6:30 P.m., with dinner and Days."
'- w .
UN. 3-4361 ''4.
esses during the - dance inter- dancing to follow. •
Members and their children '' 18451 WYOMING N ol
t, ,4
mission. Adults of the Jewish
All Sinai medical staff mem- will gather on Oct. 18 to build
Under. Supervision of Vaad Harabonim
community are invited.
bers are invited.
a sukkah.


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