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August 28, 1959 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-08-28

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, August 28, -1959-18

Miss Sherman Wed Dr. Moss to Address Hr. and Mrs. Goodis Michigan Temple Sisterholds Hold
in Toledo Ceremony Anthropologists in
on Island Hone ,vmoon Institutes at Two State Camps

Tel Aviv and Milan


Marriage vows were ex-
changed by Miriam Sherman
and Arthur S. Clubok, in a
double-ring ceremony Aug. 16
in Bnai Jacob Synagogue, . To-
ledo, 0. Rabbi Nehemiah Katz
The bride, daughter of the
Arthur Shermans, of Monroe,
and the bridegroom, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Clubok, of
19488 Mark Twain, Detroit, were
feted at a cocktail party and
dinner in Toledo's Grossman
Hall following the ceremony.
After their honeymoon trip to
Cape Cod, Mass., the new Mrs.
Clubok will return to the Uni-
versity of Michigan where she
is a senior in sociology, and Mr.
Clubok, a graduate of U of M,
will teach social studies.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a long
gown of white silk organza
fashioned with a basque bodice
and shirred cap sleeves. Swiss
embroidery accented the neck-
line and trimmed the bouffant
carriage skirt with an intermis-
sion hemline. Her fingertip veil
of imported silk illusion was
held by a crystal pleated Ca-
lotte, embellished with iride-
scent paillettes. The bouquet
was a large white orchid with
Attendants included Sally
Sherman, maid of honor, and
bridesmaids Mrs. Aaron Cohen
and Sylvia Sherman, the bride's
sisters. Alfred Clubok was his
brother's best man, while Aaron
Cohen and Kenneth Shevin
served as ushers.



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Dr. Leonard W. Moss, assis
tant professor of sociology and
anthropology at Wayne State
University, will attend the First
World Congress of Jewish Folk-
lore in Tel-Aviv, Israel, Sept.
1 to 5.
The Congress will honor the
inauguration of the Israeli Eth-
nological Museum. In addition
to presenting two papers, co-
authored with Rabbi Emanuel
Applebaum, Dr. Moss will ex-
tend the greetings of WSU
President Clarence B. Hilberry
to the Israeli Ethnological and
Folklore Society, "Yeda Am."
On Sept. 7, Dr. Moss will
travel to Milan, Italy, for the
fourth world Congress of Sociol-
ogy which will be held in Milan
and Stresa, Sept. 8 to 15. He
will present a paper co-authored
with Dr. Stephen C. Cappannari,
associate professor of sociology
and . anthropology at Wayne
State, on "Applications of
Sociological Knowledge to Agri-
culture." The joint paper
is based on Moss' and Cappan-
nari's field work experience in
a South Italian village. Dr. Har-
old L. Sheppard, associate pro-
fessor of sociology and anthro-
pology at Wayne State, who is
currently on leave from the uni-
versity, will also participate in
the Congress.
Dr. Moss' trip has been made
possible by grants-in-aid from
the Wayne State Fund and the
American Council of Learned
Dr. Moss lives at 23060 Mar-
low, Oak Park.


• Aug. 25—To
and Mrs.
Arnold Hersh (Ann Frein), of
21851 Coolidge, Oak Park, a
son, Jeffrey • Bruce.
• * *
Aug. 21.—To Mr. and Mrs.
Stanford Rose (Reena Bieder-
man). of 29433 Fairfax, South-
field, a son, Alan Bradley.
* * *
Aug. 18—To Mr. and Mrs.
Barry H. Levine (Margery Ann
Jacobson), formerly of Detroit,
now of Hammond, Indiana, a
son, William Paul.

Aug. 15—To Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Goldfoden (Judy Gold-
smith), of 15261 Pearson, Oak
Park, a daughter, Susan Beth.
* * *
Aug. 13—To Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra K. Foner (Frona Johnson),
of 21330 Gardner, Oak Park, a
daughter, Adrienne Lee.


* *

Aug. 13—To Mr. and Mrs.

1Lawrence L. Peisner (Evelyn
L. Kahn), of 20230 Fenton,
twin sons, Bruce David and
Stuart Jay.
* * *
Aug. 7—To Mr. and Mrs. Mau-
rice Wilson (Mildred Klein), of
24285 Westhampton, Oak Park,
a daughter, Davida.
* * *
July 31 — To Mr. and Mrs.
Leeon . J. Levine (Irene Mar-
kOw, formerly of Detroit), of
1625 Moore's Mill, N.W., Atlan-
ta, Ga., a daughter, Marlene
* * *
July 28—To Mr. and Mrs.
Simon D. Gold (Inez Cohen), of
15030 Marlow, Oak Park, a
daughter, •Lynnda Renee.
* * *
July 24—To Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney H. Cohen (Betty Glad-
stone), of 4068 Tuxedo, a son,
* * *
To Rabbi and Mrs. Hayim
Donin, of 17639 George Wash-
ington, Southfield, a daughter,
Rena Gail.


Joan Helene Weiss, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. George S.
Weiss, of Stratford Rd., became
the bride of Harold Elliot
Goodis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Goodis, of Hollywood,
Fla., in an evening ceremony
Aug. 18 at Holiday Manor.
Rabbi Minard Klein, of Park
Forest, Ill., officiated.
The bride chose a gown of
white bouquet taffeta with a
skirt sweeping into a chapel
train. Motifs and medallions of
Alencon lace, re-embroidered
with seed pearls and sequins,
outlined the scoop neck. and
were spaced along the spread-
ing skirt. A bow re-embroidered
with seed pearls and lace clasp-
ed the two-tiered circular il-
lusion veil.. She carried her
white Bible covered with white
orchids intertwined with steph-
anotis and ivy.
Attendants to the bride were
S a n d r a Goodis , the bride-
groom's sister, as maid of hon-
or, and bridesmaids Jo-Ann
Weingarden, Suzanne Alexan-
der, Judith Katzman and Helen
Stuart Goldberg was his cous-
in's best man, while ushers
included Gerald Weingarden,
Arthur Golumbia, Richard Bar-
nett and Joel Dunsky.
The couple plans to honey-
moon in Bermuda, - Nassau and
Hollywood, Fla. Upon their re-
turn to Detroit, they will re-
side on Monica Ave.


The engagement of Loretta
Gilda Klein to Sol Finkelstein
was announced Aug. 16 at a
brunch by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. David Klein.
Winter wedding plans are be-
ing made.

Dental Officer Returns;
to Resume Practice Here

Capt. Melvyn Eder, 3344 W.
Outer Drive, who has been Chief
of Walter Reed Army Hospital's
endodontic section since July,
1958, will complete his tour of
duty at Walter Reed Army Med-
ical Center, Washington, D.C.,
this month. He will open an of-
fice in Detroit early in the fall
to practice his specialty of, en-
dodontics (root canal therapy).
The captain attended Wayne
State University from 1951 to
1952, obtaining his Doctor of
Dental Surgery degree from the
University of Michigan, in 1956,
and his Master of Surgery de-
gree in endodontics from the
same university, in 1957. He
is a member of the Detroit
District Dental Society, Michi-
gan State Dental Association
and American Dental Associa-
tion. Prior to his military serv-
ice, he was employed in a• part
time capacity during 1953 and'
1956 by the Detroit Depart-
ment of Parks 'and Recreation.
Capt. Eder's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert H. Eder, reside at
the Outer Drive residence.

....The Michigan State Federa-
tion of Temple Sisterhoods will
sponsor a dual summer conclave
during the week-end of Aug. 26
to 30 at Fresh Air Camp and
Camp Nahelu, both groups coin-
ing together for dinner and the
observance of Michigan Temple
Youth's 10th anniversary on
Saturday. The host temple for
the conclaves is Temple Emanu-
El of Oak Park. These conclaves
are for the youth of Reform
congregations throughout the
entire state.
Chairmen for the conclaves
are Leon Kaatz, Anaruth Rosen-
wach, Stuart Klein, and Judy
Weiswasser. Howard Meyer is
conclave treasurer, with Bob
Hencken in charge of registra-
tion, Stuart Barnett, applica-
tions, and Ronald Harwith tak-
ing care of transportation.
Rabbi Rosenbaum of Temple
Emanu-El has been named dean
of the conclaves and Rabbis Bay-
linson of Temple Beth El and
Kaplanof Muskegon are the
state rabbinical advisors.
Working and planning to at-
tend the conclaves along with
the young people are; Mrs.
Hoke Levin and Mrs. Sidney
Katzman, co-chairmen of youth
for Michigan State Federation
of Temple Sisterhoods; Mrs.
Sanford Klein, pr esident,
MSFTS, Mrs. Maurice Weiner,
MSFTS vice-president in charge
of youth, Mrs. Theodore Birn-
krant and Mrs. Murry Sachs,
youth advisors for the Temple
Emanu-El Youth Group, and
Mrs. Joseph Maltzer and Mrs.
Bernard Meyer, president and
vice-president of Temple
Emanu-El Sisterhood.
Classroom discussions and
work-shops will be held, the
central theme of the conclave
being "Who Is a Jew?", in terms
of identity, ideas, religious prac-
tices and social actions.
At the Saturday evening fes-
tivities, the following officers

of the Michigan Federation of
Temple Youth will be installed:
President, William Cohen,
Huntington Woods; vice-presi-
dent, Merrily Goren, Flint; na-
tional board member, Les Gut-
terman, Flint; secretary, Bar-
bara Weinstein, South Bend;
treasurer, Al Lewis, Detroit,

The Jewish population of
Canada now stands at about
246,000, forming 1.6% of the
total population.

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