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February 27, 1959 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-02-27

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To Honor Stolskys
At Chachmey Lublin
Banquet March 15

Harry Stolsky, prominent or-
thodox synagogue leader, found-
er and secretary of Yeshivath
Chachmey Lublin, since its in-
ception, will be honored on the
occasion of the annual banquet
to be given by the Yeshiva on
March 15, at Cong. Beth
Shmuel, Dexter at Buena Vista.
Stolsky, who came to Detroit
in 1920 from Keltz, Poland,
served as a Hebrew teacher
and immediately became active
in local organizational work.
He later entered the field of

Mr. and Mrs. STOLSKY

insurance, in which he contin-
uses till his day. He became
the first president of the
Merkaz, a post which he held
for 10 years. He also served as
president of Cong. Beth Yehu-
dah for 20 years, was secretary
of the Free Loan Association
of the congregation, and secre-
tary of the Chevra Kadisha.
For 38 years Stolsky served
as secretary of the European
Women's Welfare Organization,
which post he still retains. He
has also been active on behalf
of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah,
Radomer Society, Chesed shel
Emes, Agudath Israel, 'Yid-
dish Folks Verein, and several
national Torah institutions.
Stolsky resides at 18292
Washburn with his wife Grace,
who has likewise been active
in the Ladies' Auxiliary of
Cong. Beth Yehudah, Jewish
Women's European Welfare Or-
ganization, Bnai Brith and other
groups. He is the father of two
sons, Morris and Sydney, and
one daughter, Mrs. Sam (Rose)
- Meyer Freedman, chairman
of the banquet committee, and
Marvin Seligson, chairman of
special arrangements, announce
th - 3t Rabbi El Silver, of Cin-
cinnati, will come to Detroit
for the banquet to join in hon-
oring Stolsky's service to Yesh-
ivath Chachmey Lublin, now
located at 25870 Fairfax, at
10 1/2 Mile Rd.

New Multicolor Art
Haggadah Published

A new art Haggadah has been
published in multicolor, with
the Hebrew text lettered by
hand in beautiful script. The
illustrations carry out the senti-
ment expressed in the text. The
artist, Abraham Israel, made
the text come to life with 160
magnificiently painted illustra-
tions. The English translation
of the text is by Dr. Sidney
B. Hoenig, professor of Jew-
ish History, Yeshivah Univer-
The Hebrew Publishing Co.
of New York is the distributor
of the Haggadah.

Rabbi Furst to Head
Yeshiva PR Department

The establishment of an of-
fice of alumni activities at Ye-
shiva University with Rabbi
Milton Furst of the insti-
tution's Community Service Di-
vision as director, was an-
nounced by Dr. Samuel Belkin,
Yeshiva president.



at 6 p.m., tonight, at 9 a.m.. Saturday.
CONG. SHOMREY EMUNAH: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today.
At 9 a.m., services Saturday, Rabbi Sholem Flam will speak
on "Idol Worship and Idle Worship."
ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today,
at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Edward Allen
Heiman and Michael Paul Bolton will be observed.
CONG. BETH YEHUDAH: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today and
9 a.m., Saturday.
YOUNG ISRAEL OF DETROIT: Sabbath services at 5:50 p.m.,
today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Samuel H. Prero
will speak on "Raising Our Cultural Standards."
YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREENFIELD, 15120 W. 10 Mile: Sabbath
services at 9:30 a.m., Saturday.
DOWNTOWN SYNAGOGUE, 1442 Griswold: Sabbath and daily
services at 5:15 p.m. and 8 a.m.
CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM: Sabbath !services at 5:45 p.m., today.
At 8:45 a.m.. services Saturday, Rabbi Emanuel Applebaum
will preach on "Who's on the Lord's Side?" Services will be
conducted by Rabbi Alilton Arm.
BETH ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE: Services at 5:45 p.m., today. At
8:45 a.m., Saturday, Rabbi Israel I. Halpern will speak on
"The High Cost of Right Living." The Bar Mitzvahs of Mark
David Sherbow and Arnold Israel Surowitz will be observed.
EVERGREEN JEWISH CONG.: Sabbath services at 5:50 p.m.,
today and a late service at 8:45 p.m. At 8:45 a.m. services
Saturday, Rabbi Hyman Agress will preach on "The Golden
CONG. BNAI DAVID: At 8:45 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi
Hayim Donin will speak on "Generosity — With or Without
CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Services at 6 p.m., today and at 9
a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Budman will be
TEMPLE BETH JACOB, Pontiac: At 8:30 p.m., services today,
Rabbi Nathan Hershfield will conclude his services on Com-
parative Judaism with the topic "Reconstructionism — What
Does It Seek to Reconstruct?"
CONG. BETH JOSEPH: Services at 6 p.m.. today and at 9 a.m..
Saturday. Rev. M. Neiman will speak on "The Law of the
Sabbath." •
YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK WOODS: Sabbath services at 6:10 p.m.,
today and at 9 a.m., Saturday.
CONG. BNAI DAVID: Services at 5:45 p.m., today; at 8:45 a.m..
CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Services at 5:50 p.m.. today. Late service
at 8:15 p.m., today, at 10 Mile Jewish Community Center.
TEMPLE BETH EL: At 8:30 p.m., services today, Rabbi David A.
Baylinson will preach on "The Case of the Disappearing
Deity." At 11:15 a.m.. services Saturday, Rabbi Sherwin T.
Wine will speak on "Israel Jacobson," second in a series on
the founding fathers of Reform Judaism.
CONG. BETH MOSES: Services at 5:45 p.m., today; 9 a.m., Satur-
day. Rabbi G. Frankel will speak on "Stand Up and Be
CONG. SHOMREY EMUNAH: Services at 6 p.m. today and 9:15
a.m., Saturday. Rabbi Leo Y. Goldman will preach on "Those
Who Worship Gold."
BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Services at 6 p.m., today and 8:45
a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Steven Balkan and
Michael Kromirs will be observed.
TEMPLE ISRAEL: At 8:30 p.m. services today Rabbi M. Robert
Syme will preach on "Everything for the Kids — What's
Wrong with this Philosophy?" The Bar Mitzvah of Ronald
Felsot will be observed.
TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Today's services will be conducted by the
Youth Groups of Temples Emanu-El, Israel and Beth El.

Dr. Hertz to Install DIT's New President

Dr. Richard C. Hertz, rabbi
of Temple Beth El, and a mem-
ber of the board of trustees of
Detroit Institute of Technology,
has been appointed chairman of
the inaugural committee for
its new president, Dewey F.
Barich, DIT announced this
Dr. Hertz will preside over
the formal academic convoca-
tion at the Ford Auditorium,
Saturday evening, and will offi-
cially install Barich.
Chief speaker and recipient
of an honorary doctor's degree
from DIT that night will be
Arthur S. Fleming, U. S. Secre-
tary of Health, Welfare and
"Universities and colleges
throughout America will par-
ticipate in the inaugural cere-
monies," Dr. Hertz said. "Every
university established in the
United States has been invited
to send official representatives
to the inauguration of Presi-
dent Barich, and will march in
the processional in accordance
with the date it was established.
Last in line, and newest in
time, will be Brandeis Univer-
sity, represented by Mrs. Oscar

Zemon, designated by President
A. L. Sachar for this occasion."
An inaugural dinner will pre-
cede the ceremonies at Ford
Auditorium, at which Mayor
Louis Miriani, Superintendent
of Education Samuel Brownell,
and Wayne State University
President Clarence Hilberry
will speak. The inaugural will
be broadcast and televised.

Congregations Win
Israel Bond Awards

Inscribed Israel Havdalah
'spice boxes will be presented to
several leading Orthodox syna-
gogues for outstanding achieve-
ments during the 1958 High
Holy Day Israel Bond appeal, it
was announced this week.
The presentations will be
made by Phillip Stollman, chair-
man of the Bond Holy Day ap-
peal, at the 21st anniversary
banquet of the Council of
Orthodox Rabbis and Merkaz on
Tuesday evening.
Recipients of the spice boxes
are Congregations Beth Abra-
ham, Bnai David, Young Israel
of Dexter and Young Israel
Center of Oak-Woods.

Harry M. Shulman Named President
of Local Mo'os Hitim Organization

The Mo'os Hitim Organization
of Detroit elected Harry M.
Shulman as president at a re-
cent meeting.
Serving with him are Mrs.
Paul Deutch, Mrs. Joseph Fish-
er and Morris Gould as vice-
presidents; Abe Katzman, treas-

Young Israel to Fete
Rabbi Prero on 10th
Anniversary Here

Young Israel of Detroit will
honor Rabbi Samuel H. Prero
on the 10th anniversary of his
service to Young Israel of De-
troit. A testimonial dinner for
Rabbi Prero will be given on
March 8, at the Young Israel
Rabbi Prero began his work
for Young Israel here as di-
rector of the building fund
campaign at a time when the
organization's facilities in De-
troit consisted of a small group
in rented quarters. He later be-
came spiritual leader of the
Detroit Young Israel and under
his guidance the group grew to
its present size. There are now
three separate branches under
the Young Israel Council of
Metropolitan Detroit.
Rabbi Prero has also dis-
tinguished himself in the De-
troit community and in the
ranks of Orthodoxy.
Participants in the testimon-
ial dinner will include Young
Israel National Council director
Rabbi Ephraim Sturm, and Ben-
jamin Koenigsberg, a founder
of the Young Israel national

Membership Drive Parley
Slated by Local Chabad

C h a b a d Merkos L'Inyonei
Chinuch will hold a preliminary
meeting in its membership
drive at 8:30 p.m., March 19, at
Cong. Beth Yeduah, 17556 Wy-
oming. A speaker and refresh-
ments will be featured.
Reports on the current mem-
bership campaign and plans for
the forthcoming membership
rally will be discussed.
In addition to those previous-
ly announced, David Berris and
Irving Schlussel have been nam-
ed to the membership commit-
The public is invited to at-
tend the meeting.

urer; Mrs. Maurice Garelick
and Mrs. Joseph Markel, secre-
Members of the board of di-
rectors - include Mrs. Samuel
Aaron, Mrs. Reuben Allender,
Mrs. Hyman Altman, Louis
Berry, Mt. and Mrs. Morris
Dorn, Mrs. Paul Freeman, Mrs.
Robert Friedenberg, I r v in g
Gladstone, Mrs. Samuel Gold-
man, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Jacobs, Mrs. Abe Katzman, Mrs.
Nathan Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs.
Baer Keidan, Mrs. Max Kogan,
Mrs. Sam Leve, Mrs. Walter R.
Naftaly, Mrs. Douglas Purther,
Mrs. Tubie Resnik, Mrs. Julia
Ring, Edward Robinson, Dr. and
Mrs. Joseph Rottenberg, Simon
Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer
Shugerman, Mrs. Harry Shul-
man, Lee M. Shulman, Mrs. Ben
Siegel, Harold Silver, Mrs.
Charles A. Smith, George Spoon,
Mrs. Harry Willens, David Zack
and Mrs. John Zalman.
Mo'os Hitim, chartered by the
state of Michigan, was organ-
ized many years ago to assist
needy Jewish families and pa-
tients in institutions in the De-
troit area to have the necessities
to observe Passover. All relief
agencies in Detroit have coor-
dinated their efforts toward this
one local Passover relief organ-
ization, and all cases, whether
referred by city or private agen-
cies, are screened to avoid dup-
lication. Last year over 800
families, as well as individuals
in institutions, were given Pass-
over assistance.
"Each head of a family is giv-
en a cash grant, and five pounds
of matzos or matzo products are
provided for each member of
the family. This is done with a
great regard for the feelings
of those less fortunate mem-
bers of our community so that
none need feel embarrassed
that his economic condition
makes Mo'os Hitim's aid a neces-
sity," Shulman said.
"I(he first Seder this year
is on the evening of April 22,
and it is the earnest desire of
every member of the Mo'os
Hitim board that the Jewish
community will feel it incum-
bent on them to help their fel-
low Jews observe the Passover
with dignity." Shulman con-
Contributions may be sent to
2641 Woodstock Drive. Detroit 3.


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