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January 24, 1958 - Image 41

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1958-01-24

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Mr. and Mrs.
the Israel Bond
!so had occasion
rael's reconstruc-*

hers, Efrem. Ilani.
onderful guide.
el Bond' Organi-

David Suliman, from Yemen, one of the pioneer workers at the three-year-old
Kharsa Ceramics Plant at Beersheba, shows how sinks, washbowls, toilets and scores
of other articles have their beginnings in this modern Israeli plant.



had a delightful visit
are: Marilyn Becker
Harold Silvers) and

At the Agricul-
tural Experiment
Station in Beer-
sheba, Gershon
Segelman, of De-
troit, shows The
Jewish News' ed-
itor one of his
products, an im-
proved grade of

The Segelmans, their children and the Detroit observers, at the Beersheba
experimental farm.

M ieskiway$4042,---,

D. Gershonowitz, plant manager at the Cotton Gin in Kiryat Gat, shows the
Detroit guests how the new Israel product is being perfected In Israel. "It is already

one of the world's best cotton products," Gershonowits said.

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